I'm giving up already



  • Thompsonic7
    Thompsonic7 Posts: 32
    Once again, thank you for all the words of support. When I say 'diet', I mean cutting out of the rubbish food I used to eat which I am dependent on- so it is a lifestyle change for me and not a true 'diet' in that sense of the word. And for those of you concerned about self esteem issues, thank you for your concern but I'm perfectly normal (I hope! ;)) . Losing 10lb will give me more confidence in the same way someone else losing 100lb could.

    You all really are so supportive and amazing. Thank you.
  • AllyV0621
    AllyV0621 Posts: 81
    I bet that whoever told you that just doesn't want you to succeed because then they'll feel like a failure. If they can tell themselves that you're both failing then they won't feel so bad.

    Imagine how fantastic it will feel to look them straight in the eye and say "Look, I DID it, even with you tearing me down every step of the way!"

    I know it's discouraging sometimes, but trust me, it's worth it. It won't be easy, but it does get less difficult as you get used to it.
  • greeneyedwitch
    Don't give up because someone doesnt believe in you. You will have success if you believe in yourself. Whoever "they" are that told you to give up doesnt have a clue about you. I bet they dont realize that for 5 days you've belonged to a really great site that has so many people willing to help and believe in each other. I bet that for 5 days you have learned to count calories, watch portion size, and were accountable to yourself. I bet that they have no clue that in 5 days you have made friends you didnt even know you would have. Just look at all the responses you've had to your post. WE ALL BELIEVE IN YOU!!!!!! Dont give up on yourself......we arent going to give up on you!!!! :smile:
  • Eyoung8
    Eyoung8 Posts: 107 Member

    Girl, you better stop...you can do that...
  • skylar1907
    skylar1907 Posts: 156
    I don't think you need to see a professional, but I would advise you to think of getting fit rather than losing x lbs. You're within the healthy range, so focus on toning rather than 'losing.' What you're really saying is you want your pre-child body back & want to feel & look healthy - that's not necessarily a change of the scale, it may just be a change of muscle tone and exercise. Hope you're feeling better going forward.

    Enjoy the journey - find a sport or activity you LOVE and do it! Challenge yourself to new levels and give your body time to make that change. Take a picture in 3 months and one in 6 - I'm sure you'll love them and enjoy showing them to mom ;)
  • norcalbowler
    norcalbowler Posts: 49 Member
    It's not a diet. It is a lifestyle change! You can do it. Don't let whoever the negative Nellie is tell you different!
  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    So I'm looking at your profile and I'm thinking you may want to seek some professional help. You have some pretty intense insecurities and you call yourself "gross" at 158 lbs. I'm fully supportive of people setting their own goals even if they seem kind of low or high to others, but you have a lot of self hatred that is fairly radiating off of you. MFP is a great place to be, its a great tool to use to help you learn and build healthy eating habits, but you need to be able to approach it from a mentally healthy perspective.

    158 at your height is not gross. In fact, it's well within a healthy weight range.
    Screw what other people tell you. If you do want to lose weight, in a healthy and positive way, there's no reason you can't.
    "Sticking to it" is a misleading concept. Everyone falls down. You won't get anywhere if you just give up now.

    My $.02 is that you find someone to talk to - start with your self image before you start messing with your body.

    Self hatred and guilt will do you no good- not on this journey and not on any meaningful journey in your life.

    Best of luck to you.

    I have to agree with this - mental attitude is crucial to success, and you seem to have some issues that will hold you back . I do wish you success in dealing with them.
  • Genie30
    Genie30 Posts: 316 Member
    Look at all the wonderful, supportive and kind posts people have left you and know that there are people who care.

    Whoever told you you couldn't do it was not telling you that because it's whats good for you. They told you that because thats what made them feel better. We all struggle sometimes, especially at the beginning but the only failure is giving up compleatly. If you fall down, get back up and try again.

    Today has been a complete write off for me food wise. I ate horribly and I shoudl have been better. However, I notice now there whereas 5 months ago, I could easily eat 3 bags of sweets, 1 now makes me feel ill. sometimes you have to slip up to truely appreciate how far you've come. I will most defiantely be having another crack at getting it right tomorrow and I hope you do too!
  • breezymom81
    breezymom81 Posts: 499 Member
    This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle change and it is ok to treat yourself to something! You can and will do it! I have tried everything out there and This works because it changes how you view loosing weight! Plus there is so much support on here!! Stick with it!
  • DustinReiner
    DustinReiner Posts: 157 Member
    Hmm, I never it was suppose to be easy? BECAUSE IT'S NOT.

    So your just going to give up like that? That's the easy way out.

    The things in life that you want take work and effort. Read the bottom of my signature.
  • John090671
    John090671 Posts: 13
    Who the hell told you that? You stick with this, you could do this....DON'T let anyone tell you that you can't!!!!!!!
  • mikesovoygirl
    Don't give up, remember you're not going to see results immediately. And for the person that told you that, they want you insecure about yourself, they don't want you happy and furthermore, this person is very negative. Surround yourself with positive people, people who will support and motivate you, not tear you down. Good luck and always remember that we are here for you. :)
  • mestupscout
    mestupscout Posts: 82 Member
    Who are "they"? I would never give anyone the satisfaction of quitting because of something they said. Forget them! Stick with us, kid! You CAN do it!
  • Gemini_at_36
    Gemini_at_36 Posts: 207
    NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO! DON'T GIVE UP. But don't diet....how many calories per day are you eating...? It is not a diet...it is a lifestyle change......Please friend me if you just need/want to chat......:smile:
  • Mommyof3texans
    People say things like that because it's a defense mechanism, if you are eating healthy then they start to feel guilty for not doing so. Don't let anyone derail you, this is your body and your health, not theirs. You CAN do this...one.day.at.a.time. And you know what else? You don't have to be perfect 24/7, if you fall down, you get back up and keep going.
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    and it's not even been a week. I just got told to "stop kidding myself that I'm ever going to stick to this diet", and y'know what? They were right. Who am I kidding? I'm a greedy pig and five days is nothing in the great scheme of things. So what if I've lasted five days? I feel stupid for ever thinking I could do this. I might as well go stuff my face with food now. I don't know why I'm posting this really. Sorry.

    So your saying you have no control over yourself or your life? What's a diet anyways? You have to make the choice to be healthier as nobody but you can do it. You won't find pity here sorry. I like looking around and saying look at all the fat people and no longer being one of them.
  • tsmith6569
    tsmith6569 Posts: 63
    we are all right here with you, feeling the same things and giving up a hundred times.....but then we get back up and start again. You should USE those comments and like you said....prove them wrong! even 4 good days out of 7 is pretty good! Dont give up, this site is one of the best things out there because its so simple and effective and the support is amazing (as I think you can see). Keep plugging along, keep posting, keep trying!

    Oh and by the way, I weighed 158 just 5 months ago and I am only 5'4"! I have lost almost 20 pounds since Jan 2 utilizing my fitness pal
  • nitarongish
    nitarongish Posts: 114 Member
    I feel so sad that you had someone tell you that! You are worth living a healthy life! The word "Diet" triggers negative emotions. You truly desire to lose weight or would not have joined us in the first place. The person who told you that is either jealous of what you are trying to accomplish or has been hurt deeply in the past to make them say such a thing. They do not live in your skin! You are the captain of your own ship, you are the one who has control of your body! I beg you to stay here On MFP with us, you need us all to keep you motivated and strong. My suggestion is that you get on this site and read all the success stories you can--that truly will help you. Please add me as your friend. I 've been here for about 27 days now and every day I add about 5 to 8 new members that I don't know anything about. It's because the more people you have on your side, the less of a chance there is to fail. Stick with us, we'll help you!!!
  • NikkiTaber
    NikkiTaber Posts: 190
    Whomever told you that should be used as your best motivation. Next time look them in the eye and say something like 'Thanks for the support! You have no idea how satisfying it will be to shove those words right back in your face when I DO stick to this." I had a handful of people tell me I won't do it, I will fail etc but guess what. Here I am 50 pounds lighter and still going strong. You are your biggest enemy. Once you realize you CAN do it, no one else matters. We here in the MFP community will always be here for you giving you the motivation and encouragement you might need.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Don't be stupid. Anyone can lose weight. No one is "good" at it. It's just about getting on and doing it. Having a healthy lifestyle is no harder or easier than having a rubbish one. It's just life. Choose to do it healthily.