30 Day Shred?



  • rabbiaa
    rabbiaa Posts: 30 Member
    julez4774 wrote: »
    im day 2 done it before so doing it again

    how much u lost last time u did????
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Finished day 2.
  • californiajuls
    californiajuls Posts: 201 Member
    Good Morning. Yesterday was my second day and wow I was out of breath. I hope in time it gets better. On the plus side my 10 year old did it with me.
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    edited March 2015
    Day 4 of level 2 complete. I burned more calories today which is a bonus!
  • Terpnista84
    Terpnista84 Posts: 517 Member
    Can I just say that I HATE level 2? I'm going to try to finish it in 10 days because I don't want to prolong the torture!
  • deesfitnow
    I am on level 2 and I like all of it except for those one lunges...or whatever static lunges? My left knee doesn't seem to like them, so I replace them with squats. I love that she is trying to keep us motivated but after a while I hit mute. :wink:
  • pinksky91
    pinksky91 Posts: 23 Member
    Oh wow. Day 3 of level 1 and my legs r swore!
  • malbala
    malbala Posts: 5 Member
    I just started today...lvl 1 day 1. You guys,are all so motivational. ..I am wondering how much weight you have lost while doing this. She says upto 20lbs un 30days, but I am a realist. I am looking for 10 lbs. What have your results been?
  • crybaby2384
    crybaby2384 Posts: 67 Member
    So far I am 7 days into level one. I am going to be taking measurements tomorrow. I think my boobs have shrank but my pants are tighter. I am hoping I will have shrank my belly some. I can handle my pants being a little tighter if it's cause my butt grew cuz I had a small butt to start with. When getting dressed I have been feeling discouraged because nothing fits right. Hopefully my numbers tomorrow will help me feel better again.
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Finished day 3 of level 1. Just curious what size weights everyone has been using. I alternate between 7lbs and 10lbs.
  • lookgreatfast
    lookgreatfast Posts: 106 Member
    Today was d4 L1. It was the most difficult today. Got through it somehow. I am using 3lbs and 5 lbs.
    I was also doing 2 circuits of banish fat boost metabolism for last 3 days. I'm thinking of skipping that today. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • crybaby2384
    crybaby2384 Posts: 67 Member
    megannxx wrote: »
    Finished day 3 of level 1. Just curious what size weights everyone has been using. I alternate between 7lbs and 10lbs.

    I am using 3lb 5lb and 10 lb. Some exercises have more trouble with so those I do with the 3s.
  • lisyg3737
    lisyg3737 Posts: 43 Member
    Day 7 level 1 complete. Yesterday was my rest day and it was so hard to actually get up and do the workout today, but I did it. I'm using 5 lb weights, but I might get 3 lb weight for the parts I have the most trouble doing.
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've completed 17 days now, I can't believe only 3 mores days if level 2 left, I do actually like level 2 it gets me way more sweaty than level 1 did, I'm not measuring until I finish it but my body is looking really tight and less jiggly, the last 2 days I've noticed on the cardio I go at their pace on day 1 I had to stop every time especially during jumping Jack's so to be going in time with Jillian and the girls is huge for me, never thought that would happen.
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    day 5 level 2 finished today. I must say I like level 2 much better than level 1. Maybe because I realized I could put my music on and just watch Jillian rather than exercise without music. Who knew? (everyone except me!)
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    Day 6 level 2 done!!
    How is everyone doing?
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Can someone explain. Is it level 1 for 10 days, then level 2 for 10 days then level 3?
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    Yes, thats exactly how it's suppose to work. You can have rest days in there but the plan is to stick to each level for 10 days before moving on to the next :)
  • misszania1982
    misszania1982 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everyone I'm just about to do day one of level 2 can't wait to start it. I definitely noticed a difference in my fitness after day 5 of level one I noticed I was sweating less and my legs started too ache less I lost 3.5lb after 7 days aswell. I probably won't be able to walk after this one lol.... Good luck everyone :)
  • Tracey_B_72
    Tracey_B_72 Posts: 1,021 Member
    Hi everyone I'm just about to do day one of level 2 can't wait to start it. I definitely noticed a difference in my fitness after day 5 of level one I noticed I was sweating less and my legs started too ache less I lost 3.5lb after 7 days aswell. I probably won't be able to walk after this one lol.... Good luck everyone :)

    I've just done day 9 on level 2 and I'm still sweating after I'm done, the pic below was me after yesterdays shred.


    I'm going to miss level 2 and I have no idea what 3 has in store for me!