p90x - Round 1 beginners



  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    I did Kenpo last night and I really felt bored with it. I like the workout a lot but at this point I don't feel even challenged by it. I don't think I hit my max zone heart rate even once. My calorie burn came in at 613 which is till good (don't get me wrong, I was still moving and grooving and sweating a bit), but consider the week before was 672 and my first few weeks was around 730. I probably shouldn't be complaining like I do with Plyo which kicks my butt, but at this point Kenpo just seems a bit tame. I thought about doing it twice and probably would have if it wasn't after 10pm when I finished. What do others think? Kenpo X Plus? Or just stick with this and consider it a winddown for the end of the week?

    Definitely getting easier. Still like the workout but I tend to have to modify it and go at a faster pace then what is on the DVD. When their doing 30, I'm doing 40+.

    I felt that way last week too. I'm doing it today (had to take my rest day yesterday) and I think I am going to try doing what I can with some small hand weights to get my HR up a bit. I really pushed last week and had a lower burn and wasn't feeling challenged.
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    Has anyone else noticed their Restin HR getting lower? Mine is MUCH lower and I am very excited about it! I've had tachycardia since I was in middle school, it was not unusual for my resting HR to be 90+ Worse when I was pregnant. Anyway I was very pleasantly surprised to find it is at 62 now!!!!!! That is HUGE for me!!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    I did Kenpo last night and I really felt bored with it. I like the workout a lot but at this point I don't feel even challenged by it. I don't think I hit my max zone heart rate even once. My calorie burn came in at 613 which is till good (don't get me wrong, I was still moving and grooving and sweating a bit), but consider the week before was 672 and my first few weeks was around 730. I probably shouldn't be complaining like I do with Plyo which kicks my butt, but at this point Kenpo just seems a bit tame. I thought about doing it twice and probably would have if it wasn't after 10pm when I finished. What do others think? Kenpo X Plus? Or just stick with this and consider it a winddown for the end of the week?
    I switched for kenpo x + and much prefer it, slightly harder exercises, all the breaks are gone and its nearly 15 minutes shorter.

    I'm saving insanity for when I've finished p90x, otherwise what do I do then? :p
  • mbeach1977
    mbeach1977 Posts: 275 Member
    YAY!! Week 6 in the books!! Week 7 starts tomorrow! Hope everyone is having a great weekend!!
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    Tanker: when you finsih both you do them together I found great "hybrid programs: :smile:
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    mBeach1977 great that is a fantastic healthy change in heart rate
  • carderrn
    carderrn Posts: 3
    I just started yesterday too! I am doing the Lean program. Need to workout today yet. I hope to finish then do a Turbo Fire hybrid.
  • ginakelley
    ginakelley Posts: 33
    I guess I am not really a beginner, bc I have completed the program before, but I took several months off and just now started back, on week 3 now... Kenpo does get easier, so I actually use wrist and ankle weights to increase intensity!! I like kenpo X plus, it is a nice change of pace as well! That, to me, is the beauty of p90x... it can be adapted to each person's level of fitness. Good Luck and if anyone has any questions, feel free to ask! I lost all my "baby weight" after my second child with the program, and now I am working on the last few stubborn pounds and trying to develop some muscle... Lifting a bit heavier this time around and love it!
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    Tanker: when you finsih both you do them together I found great "hybrid programs: :smile:
    Hybrid sounds good, I'd like to step up to doubles as well, nothing too heavy just some of the one to one yoga DVDS as they are much shorter than Yoga X.

    Turbo fire is a lot of fun, fast paced but really dance orientated.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    What do others think? Kenpo X Plus? Or just stick with this and consider it a winddown for the end of the week?

    Definitely move on to Kenpo X Plus. I did it today and I loved it.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Tanker: when you finsih both you do them together I found great "hybrid programs: :smile:
    Hybrid sounds good, I'd like to step up to doubles as well, nothing too heavy just some of the one to one yoga DVDS as they are much shorter than Yoga X.

    Turbo fire is a lot of fun, fast paced but really dance orientated.

    Hybrid here too. Even though I have a bad knee pain that makes me modify some of the exercises on the plyo workout, I don't know how I'll be able to do Insanity, but it's here waiting for me.
  • Tankplanker
    Tankplanker Posts: 365 Member
    had a long look at the insanity calender today and decided there isn't enough ab out weight work for me, I guess I'm too fussy. I'm thinking on a P90x and insanity doubles hybrid once I've reached 60 days, I'm currently at day 40 so not that long to wait. I know I should complete the ninety first but I've that new workout buzz.

    Need to workout a schedule that has a yoga on the morning after weights, and cardio on the morning of a weights session, going to be complicated to fit in with work.
  • amfaery
    amfaery Posts: 267 Member
    Hybrid: Insanity just take it a little slower they go at insane pace! maybe a knee brace to keep alignment
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    Hybrid: Insanity just take it a little slower they go at insane pace! maybe a knee brace to keep alignment

    Yes I'm gonna look into a knee brace. I did the insanity fit test a few weeks ago and it was hard. I'm gonna wait to finish these 90 days to go on to insanity /p90x hybrid.
  • j3nic3
    j3nic3 Posts: 220 Member
    had a long look at the insanity calender today and decided there isn't enough ab out weight work for me, I guess I'm too fussy. I'm thinking on a P90x and insanity doubles hybrid once I've reached 60 days, I'm currently at day 40 so not that long to wait. I know I should complete the ninety first but I've that new workout buzz.

    Need to workout a schedule that has a yoga on the morning after weights, and cardio on the morning of a weights session, going to be complicated to fit in with work.

    I also have that new workout buzz lol, that's why I'm doing doubles. And yes, its very hard to fit in 2 workouts a day with a full time job, and my 8 month ol daughter. I'm currently sleeping like 5-6hrs a day on the doubles days! Zzzz
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Good burn on Legs & Back today. Hard to believe almost at half way point.
  • carderrn
    carderrn Posts: 3
    Does anyone have a suggestion for a heart rate monitor? I have no idea how many calories I am burning doing P90X. Also, if I want to do a Turbo Fire/P90X hybrid where would I find a schedule?
  • chelios7
    chelios7 Posts: 194 Member
    Finally a nice day! Been rainy and cold the past few days. Got out to the Zoo, walked around for a couple hours. Came home, knocked out Chest, Shoulders, Triceps and Ab Ripper. Went out and mowed the lawn for an hour. I have no idea where all this energy came from but even after all that, I still feel good to go. Figure I burned at least 1300 calories today from all that. Good way to start week 7! Hope I have this much energy for Plyo tomorrow, sick of dragging *kitten* during that workout. Almost half way. WOW!
  • wsheaf82
    wsheaf82 Posts: 248 Member
    Does anyone have a suggestion for a heart rate monitor? I have no idea how many calories I am burning doing P90X. Also, if I want to do a Turbo Fire/P90X hybrid where would I find a schedule?

    I have a Polar FT7. Seems to be working ok. Heard good things about it. Really don't have anything to compare the readings from but I go by it anyways.
  • kaylah_x
    kaylah_x Posts: 194 Member
    Hey guys have a question...Had P90x sitting around for a while and today was the first time i decided to try it. Decided on the Lean Version but...Whats with the different things where it tells you what to do for lean to what the actual disks says?

    Monday it says Total Body Plus - There isnt a total body plus disk? Same with /interval X plus & Abs/core plus - theres the Core synergistics or Ab Ripper X is that it?...Upper plus? Is that Chest & Back or Shoulders & Arms or something?

    Yeah im confused lol
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