


  • ♥Lexi♥
    ♥Lexi♥ Posts: 126
    green+ detox/clense
  • JD92
    JD92 Posts: 253 Member
    ive been having this eh.. problem, myself for a week or two. i eat a bowl of bran flakes with semi-skimmed milk everyday and this usually has me regular - daily atleast once, often more. this one night last week i was feeling particularly bloated, but nothing terrible. i was doing so mild exercise in my room, a few minutes of vigourous jumping jacks. a bit TMI, but i could actually feel my intestines jiggling about. not half an hour later, i was coming out of the bathroom, feeling quite relieved :laugh: i think it was the movement that ah... 'shook it loose'. gross LOL

    but ive been doing not so hot this past week, been painful. keeping to my bran flakes and water to try and help. would the acid in grapes and pure orange juice help at all? i have them in my fridge. :tongue:
    rubbed vasaline on my pooper

    ..:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: that just made my night!
  • last_time11
    last_time11 Posts: 68
    Any one had a sim issue??

    I suffer terribly from constipation and last year I went through 3 weeks of not going... I thought I was going to die, was eating correctly, drinking correctly, took every laxative under the sun, a home enema kit......

    This summer I went in for a colonic, and I have to say my colon or intestine muscles work so much better, it was like a mini work out for them, I'm hoping to have one done every few months, if I can bare the embarrassment!

    I'm now taking 2 capsules of probiotic, the stuff you get in the yoghurts, and that has made an improvement, really give that a try, hot water in the morning too with maybe a hot water bottle on your stomach just below your navel and to the left, thats what the therapist suggested.
  • milaxx
    milaxx Posts: 1,122 Member
    I follow Marcus Samuelson's blog. (he's a chef for the non foodie peeps). Today's post was all about that.

    He also advocates eating clean, something I have been doing with great success. Not just in weight loss, but my skin is better, my hair is healthier. This time last summer I had a horrible problem with swollen ankles and feet. thing is I don't like salt and never add it to my food. However processed food has loads of it. I wear a size 9 and ended up having to buy size 12 mules because it was all that I could fit. I stopped eating processed foods and my feet returned to normal in 3 weeks time. the other thing I did was really cut back on the amount of gluten in my diet. even for those who don't have a gluten issue, wheat gluten has been shown to cause digestion problem. When the doctor advices me to cut back on gluten I was skeptical. But now I use brown rice pasta and don't even miss it. I'm not saying my way of eating is better than others, but this worked for me. Between those 2 changes and quitting sodas I'm so regular I "go" 2 3 times a day.
  • PhoenixRising11
    PhoenixRising11 Posts: 245 Member
    When I called NHS helpline they told me it's a common problem with pregnant women because of the lack of movement which would also explain my problem. (I'm not pregnant, I just can't move a lot :laugh:) So exercise is good for your bowel movements!
  • wildon883r
    wildon883r Posts: 429 Member
    The mag citrate will per say blow you out lol ;).. On a low calorie diet i believe your body is more restrictive on what it let's go. We increase our protein, fiber and cut out as much fat as possible. Yesterday i ate per say heavy and had a big bowel movement this morning. Now on days i eat less i move less or not every day. Water and fiber help. I think Miralax as doctors auto recommend is not good advice unless nothing else works. Eat beans, prunes, flax seed, psyillium. I've even purged my system by doing a salt water flush which like the mag citrate blows you out lol (best way of putting it). Change of diet has a major impact on your bowel movement. Most people don't eat enough healthy fats and that too plays a part.
  • alexia_faith
    alexia_faith Posts: 32 Member
    And I'm alive. Turns out laxatives had overdehydrated me hence water works issue but bm happened3 x in a day. Dr thinks it was combo of 24 hours of sugar water and low fibre that got me going. They think I might have ibs (stress related) which triggered the cease fire. Just gotta be mindfulnow

    Cheers for all your awesome adv and support :) x
  • hatesexercise
    I am having the opposite problem today. Fiber One bar yesterday and today - plus spinach and navy bean soup. The combination really has me going!
  • JunkFoodJane
    JunkFoodJane Posts: 150 Member
    An unconventional suggestion: sweeten black tea (or whatever) with 2tbsp xylitol. I drink small amounts of xylitol each day, but I did this once and it was a shock to my system. No pain, but way effective.