Personal Trainer available for free advice

FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
Hello there I am a Personal trainer and I am offering free advice on diet and exercising.
Don't be shy ask away



  • Talan79
    Talan79 Posts: 782 Member
    Ok I'll be first, thanks in advance.

    35 yo female
    Height: 5'2
    Frame: Med
    Weight: 117

    I started the year at 122lbs which for a medium frame/height is fine according to charts. Most say 118-132. Last year at 128, I had my body fat tested with clippers and it was 18.4%. I haven't had a retest but plan on it soon.

    My goal is to have muscle definition and tone.
    I started lifting again this year, but on my own. Years ago I lifted with a trainer and bulked up.
    I currently lift 6 days a week. I do upper body 3 days and legs 3 days. It's about 30-35 min of lifting each time. On upper body days, I run 4 miles, but doing intervals. On leg days, I run 2.
    I have seen a change, but not drastic. I need to work on abs, that's the one thing I'm not consistent on.

    My concern is calorie intake. I have an Up24 band, and according to the app, my daily burn with activity is bn 1700-1800's.
    I know I can't gain muscle on a deficit, but I also want to lose fat. My calorie intake right now is about 1350. I eat a zone based diet. 3 meals, 2 snacks. Despite the deficit, I'm not losing any more weight. Possibly bc my intake is low?
    Should I be eating more like 1450-1500 calories if my total burn is in the 1700-1800 range?
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,908 Member
    tzarba wrote: »
    Ok I'll be first, thanks in advance.

    35 yo female
    Height: 5'2
    Frame: Med
    Weight: 117

    I started the year at 122lbs which for a medium frame/height is fine according to charts. Most say 118-132. Last year at 128, I had my body fat tested with clippers and it was 18.4%. I haven't had a retest but plan on it soon.

    My goal is to have muscle definition and tone.
    I started lifting again this year, but on my own. Years ago I lifted with a trainer and bulked up.
    I currently lift 6 days a week. I do upper body 3 days and legs 3 days. It's about 30-35 min of lifting each time. On upper body days, I run 4 miles, but doing intervals. On leg days, I run 2.
    I have seen a change, but not drastic. I need to work on abs, that's the one thing I'm not consistent on.

    My concern is calorie intake. I have an Up24 band, and according to the app, my daily burn with activity is bn 1700-1800's.
    I know I can't gain muscle on a deficit, but I also want to lose fat. My calorie intake right now is about 1350. I eat a zone based diet. 3 meals, 2 snacks. Despite the deficit, I'm not losing any more weight. Possibly bc my intake is low?
    Should I be eating more like 1450-1500 calories if my total burn is in the 1700-1800 range?
    May try bumping up a 100 calories a day for a week and see what happens. Again this is going off what you're saying about your TDEE. If that's incorrect, then you need to assess or recalibrate your settings.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

  • jcook0716
    jcook0716 Posts: 65 Member
    Im just starting my journey. 29 years old. 5'1 and currently 187lbs (started at 199 at the beginning of march). Ive been going to the gym but my bf says im not working out hard enough (not sweating alot or feeling shaky/exhausted). Ive been doing 20 mins on the elliptical keeping my heart rate over 140. And then approx 30 mins of misc circuit training weight lifting etc (at my gym they have a 30 min course where u do one weight machine then one stair step exercise then move on to the next machine) then i do 15 mins on the treadmill with a brisk walk/intermittent jog). Should i be working harder or doing something else? I can feel it working my muscles they burn and are sore. I want to maximize my time at the gym. On my off gym days i walk approx 2-3 miles as well.
  • claudiaxcu
    claudiaxcu Posts: 113 Member
    First of all, Thank you for offering you advice for free, that's so nice
    Soo.. I'm 28 years old, 5'3 and 154lbs.
    I'm trying to lose some weight.. i'm currently going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week (i do 45minutes cardio and after i do some weight training)
    On the other days i try to do some videos (les mills combat/T25)
    I've been doing this for the last 2 months but i havent lost much weight (2pounds in those 2 months) i've taken measurements and not losing any of those either..
    I'm eating 1200calories plus half of what the machine at the gym says, soo my question is.. What am i doing wrong?
  • angellak
    angellak Posts: 68 Member
    How much bodyfat can you lose in a month?
  • saraonly9913
    saraonly9913 Posts: 469 Member
    I work out on a treadmill. I just started jogging. (Close and small steps and close to the belt). How do I transition to running on the treadmill.? Thank you.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    tzarba wrote: »
    Ok I'll be first, thanks in advance.

    35 yo female
    Height: 5'2
    Frame: Med
    Weight: 117

    I started the year at 122lbs which for a medium frame/height is fine according to charts. Most say 118-132. Last year at 128, I had my body fat tested with clippers and it was 18.4%. I haven't had a retest but plan on it soon.

    My goal is to have muscle definition and tone.
    I started lifting again this year, but on my own. Years ago I lifted with a trainer and bulked up.
    I currently lift 6 days a week. I do upper body 3 days and legs 3 days. It's about 30-35 min of lifting each time. On upper body days, I run 4 miles, but doing intervals. On leg days, I run 2.
    I have seen a change, but not drastic. I need to work on abs, that's the one thing I'm not consistent on.

    My concern is calorie intake. I have an Up24 band, and according to the app, my daily burn with activity is bn 1700-1800's.
    I know I can't gain muscle on a deficit, but I also want to lose fat. My calorie intake right now is about 1350. I eat a zone based diet. 3 meals, 2 snacks. Despite the deficit, I'm not losing any more weight. Possibly bc my intake is low?
    Should I be eating more like 1450-1500 calories if my total burn is in the 1700-1800 range?

    Hi there. According to your calorie intake and exercise you should be losing weight. I would not recommencement to cut your calories any lower. But definitely check your bodyfat levels again, if there are lower than before then that means that the reintroduction of resistance training in your lifestyle has allowed you for a short period of time to build muscle and burn bodyfat. So I think get that tested first and do not rely so much on the scale but more on how you look , so taking pictures every 3-4 weeks would be a good idea.

    I hope this helps

  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    jcook0716 wrote: »
    Im just starting my journey. 29 years old. 5'1 and currently 187lbs (started at 199 at the beginning of march). Ive been going to the gym but my bf says im not working out hard enough (not sweating alot or feeling shaky/exhausted). Ive been doing 20 mins on the elliptical keeping my heart rate over 140. And then approx 30 mins of misc circuit training weight lifting etc (at my gym they have a 30 min course where u do one weight machine then one stair step exercise then move on to the next machine) then i do 15 mins on the treadmill with a brisk walk/intermittent jog). Should i be working harder or doing something else? I can feel it working my muscles they burn and are sore. I want to maximize my time at the gym. On my off gym days i walk approx 2-3 miles as well.

    First of all well done on your weight loss, you are obviously doing something right. What you are doing at the gym right now is a good balanced routine of resistance and cardiovascular training. How much you want to push your self is really up to you, for example if you can do 3 sets of 10 reps with a specific weight on a machine and the last 2 reps don't feel as hard then I would recommend to increase the weight until you can perform 3x10 with the new weight. This is a good a simple way to introduce progressive overload into your training that will challenge you. You do not need to be feeling destroyed after a gym session but definitely try to push your self a little bit further each time. Introduce sprints into your cardio or even superset opposing muscles such us back and shoulders, quads and hams etc. What you are doing right now is absolutely fine and if you are losing weight and feel good keep doing it.

    I hope this helps

  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    claudiaxcu wrote: »
    First of all, Thank you for offering you advice for free, that's so nice
    Soo.. I'm 28 years old, 5'3 and 154lbs.
    I'm trying to lose some weight.. i'm currently going to the gym 3 or 4 times a week (i do 45minutes cardio and after i do some weight training)
    On the other days i try to do some videos (les mills combat/T25)
    I've been doing this for the last 2 months but i havent lost much weight (2pounds in those 2 months) i've taken measurements and not losing any of those either..
    I'm eating 1200calories plus half of what the machine at the gym says, soo my question is.. What am i doing wrong?

    Hi at your activity level and caloric intake you should be losing some weight. I am a bit confused about you eating half of the calories that the machine says? do you mean you eat half of the calories you burn on a cardio machine?

    I would say decrease your cardio and add a bit more resistance training or at least balance them a bit.

    For example: If you are working out 4 times a week

    Mon Wed Fri 20-30 mins Low intensity cardio and then 30 mins full body workout
    1 exercise per muscle group 3 sets of 10-12

    And on the 4th day do some High intensity cardio like interval training

    This is just an example of a balanced approach, I am not saying you should change your workout just balance it out a bit.

    Another reason why you haven't lost weight is because your body is still at a newbie type of phase if exercising was something you haven't done in a while. During this phase your body burns fat while building muscle at the same time. This does not last long only a couple of months. I am sure you got stronger through theses 2 months and your endurance and ability to perform those less mills workouts improved.

    I understand it can be frustrating if the scale is not showing you what you want to see but keep exercising, eat clean and and track your calories as well as using the mirror and compare picture to see how you are looking.

    I hope this helps

  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    I work out on a treadmill. I just started jogging. (Close and small steps and close to the belt). How do I transition to running on the treadmill.? Thank you.

    Progressively and when you feel a bit more confident. Even Increasing your speed by the slightest every time you get on it will help you gain more confidence and endurance.

    Hope this helps


  • paradi3s
    paradi3s Posts: 343 Member
    I'm 18, 5'4 and 108 lbs. Currently maintaining at 1,750 (sedentary lifestyle). Been a long time since I worked out but want to do so again to tone my body. What I want to do is to start lifting 3x a week (45mins), along with bodyweight training & cardio 3x a week (45 mins each). During the times I work out, I plan to eat 2,250 cals a day and 1,800 during rest days, which is almost 14k cals a week. My question is if this is okay to do and if I'll gain weight from it? I just aim to maintain, and basically "recomp". Thank you! :-)
  • DyDy1987
    DyDy1987 Posts: 6
    I could use some advice as well. I had my son two years ago and I finally decided to lose some fat around my stomach. I just started my healthy lifestyle 2 weeks ago and lost 10 lbs. I want to maintain my weight at 135 but now since I only eat organic foods, fruits, fish, salads and carbs I find that I'm losing more weight instead of maintaining it. I don't eat processed foods and once a week I'll eat chicken or beef. I love the way I feel but I'm losing too much weight. I also started doing kick boxing along with ab, legs and arm work outs. If I want to keep eating healthy and exercising how can I maintain my weight and not lose weight.
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    angellak wrote: »
    How much bodyfat can you lose in a month?

    That will depend on your workout, diet and current body fat levels. For example it is easier for someone to lose bodyfat if they are a bit over weight compared to an already very lean person.
    The safe weight-loss guideline is 1 to 2 pounds per week. While there is no guideline on body-fat loss, the American Council on Exercise recommend 1 percent loss per month.

    I hope this helps
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    paradi3s wrote: »
    I'm 18, 5'4 and 108 lbs. Currently maintaining at 1,750 (sedentary lifestyle). Been a long time since I worked out but want to do so again to tone my body. What I want to do is to start lifting 3x a week (45mins), along with bodyweight training & cardio 3x a week (45 mins each). During the times I work out, I plan to eat 2,250 cals a day and 1,800 during rest days, which is almost 14k cals a week. My question is if this is okay to do and if I'll gain weight from it? I just aim to maintain, and basically "recomp". Thank you! :-)

    Hi, so are you planning to start working out 6 times a week?

    If yes my advice is to slowly work up to 6 times i.e first two weeks 3 times , the next two 4 and slowly build up to 6 to avoid injury. Also try to increase your calories only by 300 to begin with and see how your body is changing. Do not be in a rush to up the calories too fast to avoid any fat gain. We all respond to exercise and diet differently so by taking a slow progressive approach you will get a better idea of what works and what does not for your body type. good luck on your fitness journey.

    I hope this helps

  • mugser1
    mugser1 Posts: 1 Member
    Hello there I am a Personal trainer and I am offering free advice on diet and exercising.
    Don't be shy ask away

    Hi im in decent shape, but finding it hard to difficult to get my stomach shredded to get that 6 pac. I do lead a busy life.. And try train as much as I can.. Any tips??? Thanks
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    Another reason why you haven't lost weight is because your body is still at a newbie type of phase if exercising was something you haven't done in a while. During this phase your body burns fat while building muscle at the same time. This does not last long only a couple of months. I am sure you got stronger through theses 2 months and your endurance and ability to perform those less mills workouts improved.

    Hey, thanks for doing this.

    I think the same thing you said to a previous user might e happening to me (I hope I quoted your text correctly). Can you elaborate a bit on this, please? Because I too am eating at a deficit (aimed for fat loss), but am strength training and doing some hiit (aimed for muscle build... or at least maintaining my current musculature). So when the body has to both.... what happens?

    Thanks again for your time and input!!

  • katie5524
    katie5524 Posts: 85 Member
    Be my new best friend lol I'm so lost
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    DyDy1987 wrote: »
    I could use some advice as well. I had my son two years ago and I finally decided to lose some fat around my stomach. I just started my healthy lifestyle 2 weeks ago and lost 10 lbs. I want to maintain my weight at 135 but now since I only eat organic foods, fruits, fish, salads and carbs I find that I'm losing more weight instead of maintaining it. I don't eat processed foods and once a week I'll eat chicken or beef. I love the way I feel but I'm losing too much weight. I also started doing kick boxing along with ab, legs and arm work outs. If I want to keep eating healthy and exercising how can I maintain my weight and not lose weight.

    hello there and well done on your fat loss and healthy diet. I myself have been in your situation, healthy clean food does not have many calories so in order to maintain your weight you just simply need to eat a bit more. Consume lean protein everyday to up your calories and track your caloric intake to make sure you are at least hitting your maintenance calories. This website has a good calculator. So the simple answer is to eat more of that healthy good food :)

    Hope this helps
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Hi @alexiscy323‌

    My forearms are really fatigued and feel like I am carrying extra 15 pounds on each arm. Light soreness and it could be doms but I changed the order I do arms and wondering if this can be culprit. Only been lifting for 2 1/2 months and I upped the weight 3 weeks ago. Now having some soreness that seems odd.

    Any advice of what it could be and should I rest for not just 1 day but maybe longer?
  • FMPT1
    FMPT1 Posts: 42 Member
    Hi @gia07 if your soreness is unusually painful , then yes do rest for a couple of days. Also check if you do arms after a back or chest day then that could be a reason why you are feeling like these. the arms get an indirect workout on chest and back days