Fat Fighters - Round 2 Fit n' Trim (Closed Group)



  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Sorry, I don't know anything about migraines - well except one thing. My boss quit having them as she got older (early 50's) but my SIL did not. (57) so guess I don't know anything. :laugh:

    Trent, good for you posting pictures and great job! I can't wait to have an 'after' picture to post. Did you ever post over in the Sucess threads? I thought I had seen the second 2009 picture before.

    Klondike makes 100 ice cream sandwiches which are great - unless you eat 2 or 3. I'm just saying...
    Skinny Cow has some awesome icecream treats too... in fairly nice size portions too I might add!
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    Migraines are awful...in bed w it right now. Tmorrow when I am on my desktop n not phone, I will fill u in on them and also explain why some people have them their entire life while some r lucky n they go away. :) so lucky to have a wonderful hubby who is taking good care of me!
  • mindy71183
    mindy71183 Posts: 74
    Aww! I hope everyones migraines went away. :(

    I had a shock this morning when I got on the scale I was a pound less then yesterday (most likely water weight). I went to my Body Burn class last night and the instructor switched things up since the last time I went. We were using steps as part of the routine. It was a GREAT workout! I never realized how much adding that step intensified your work out.
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Yay Mindy! Maybe you will make it into the 170's next weigh in. I am trying....

    Trent, DH got me a scale for Mother's Day that weighs in the .10's but it is driving me crazzy. I keep getting on to see if it's now .2 or .6 or yikes! .8. :noway: Hopefully I will get over the fascination.

    Awww, sorry about the migraines.
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    Yay Mindy! Maybe you will make it into the 170's next weigh in. I am trying....

    Trent, DH got me a scale for Mother's Day that weighs in the .10's but it is driving me crazzy. I keep getting on to see if it's now .2 or .6 or yikes! .8. :noway: Hopefully I will get over the fascination.

    Awww, sorry about the migraines.
    Don't let it stress ya out Debbie! Aside from this contest how often do you really use the decimal anyway...
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    It's not stressing me so much as "okay what do I weigh now" and 10 minutes later "what do I weigh now" :bigsmile: Can't stay away from the dang thing in the morning. Let's see if I weigh more or less after my shower. Now let's see if I weigh more after my tea...... I know, I'm an idiot. :laugh:
  • Aprilstar480
    Aprilstar480 Posts: 2,910 Member
    That's too funny Debbie!:laugh:
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I really have no idea on how long ive had migraines. Ive had the auras for ablut 10years but the headache associated with them for only a couple months. However im not sure about headaches without the auras. I suspect what I had last night was that. Oh, and I can function with mine but its not fun. My mom cannot function and gets sick. I am moving in that direction unfortunately.

    Ive been pretty active all weekend but survived kn fast food. I think it will equal out though. I am starting turbo fire today.
  • EvaiTryst
    EvaiTryst Posts: 695 Member
    This weekend is going kinda blah for me. Went a tad over calories yesterday. I've finally gotten my weight back down after Golden Corral on Thursday. Ugh! Not sure I'll have lost by the weigh in on Wednesday, but I'm trying. It's been an up and down emotionally the last few days. I can't over eat though because there's nothing to eat. Food has to last in the house till Friday. I guess it'll help with my weight loss. :tongue:
  • Mindful_Trent
    Mindful_Trent Posts: 3,954 Member
    Shannon - hope the TurboFire goes well!!

    Evai - sorry to hear you're having a rough weekend. Sounds like you've done a good job getting back on track after Golden Corral. :drinker:

    Hope everyone else is having a good weekend full of healthy choices!! I ran/walked about 4 miles yesterday, then jogged/walked 2 miles today and did 45 minutes on weights at the gym. I'm feeling great! I got new running shoes, so that makes things kind of exciting, too. :bigsmile: Tonight I have my weekly bowling league, so that'll be another 150 calories or so that I'll burn being active.

    I'm looking forward to Wednesday's weigh-in... I've recovered from the breakdown that I had last Wed & Thurs. :smile:
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    I've had a bad weekend, was down a pound yesterday morning but did not make very good food choices last night and today. DH pulled out the chips we had stuck away for weeks now and of course I had to have some. I couldn't just say no. One good thing is that I felt yuck after them. Shrimp taco's tonight and fish tomorrow night. Not sure about lunches but I have tons of tuna and vegtables.
    Tommorw will mark two weeks since I have stopped taking coke to work! 140 calories a day 5 days a week for years...
  • mindy71183
    mindy71183 Posts: 74
    I had a bad weekend too. My weekend away got cut short, my MIL took a turn for the worse. It looks as if she will be passing sometime within the next week, we'll know for sure today. I'm at work trying to keep my mind off of things. I stopped by and saw her this morning on my way to work, it was hard.

    It will be hard to see her go, but it has been a long three year battle with cancer and she will be in a better place..

    As far as eating, I really didn't track what I ate. My water intake was sooo bad... I need to get back on track this week so I won't bring our team down. :(
  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    I got on the scale this morning and was at 143...but I'll wait til Wednesday and see what I am at. I do much better on the weekends. I am waaaay more active and mindlessly eat much less. This weekend was killer, so it does make sense that I'd be there. Wednesday will likely be a different story, but I'll try to make good choices still. I think the mid-week weigh in will help keep me on track better - at least lets hope so.

    Turbo fire was great. Its definately a calorie burner!! I have a lot more dvds and workouts to get through, but so far so good. I am a bit sore now, I feel it mostly in my back muscles and my core...I didn't even think I was working those muscles hard. Love it!! It kinda reminds me of zumba, but more punching and less dancing, still enjoyable, fun, and a great workout.
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    I had a great weekend - ran a race with my little girl and ate really well (minus Saturday afternoon when I made no-bake fudge cookies - oooofff).

    So sorry I suck at communicating on here!! Wish I had a laptop again. :sad:

    Migraines - I only get 2 a month usually, right before TOM - they are hormonal. Therefore, when I hit menopause someday, I will never have one again. Thank....GOD. My mom was the same way. As for auras, I have never ever had one. I end up getting so sick from them I throw up - but that's pretty rare. If I track everything on a calendar, I will know when I will be getting one so I will take an excedrin the night before I should have one before bed, wake up, and usually I won't have one then or it's very minimal and I keep taking 1 excedrin with 1 can of coke as they start coming (up to 3 a day) for 2 days and then I won't suffer. However, this sucks for weight loss...so either I exercise like crazy if I'm feeling up to it, or I don't eat as much (usually I dont' want to anyhow since the excedrin kills my stomach). Back in college, when I was eating a lot of processed food and MSG filled things (and up a lot partying ,etc), I had them sporatically all the time - they were awful. I once went almost 2 weeks straight with one. Then I started journaling and realized I couldn't eat anything 3 hours before going to bed, no orange cheese later at night, for sure no MSG (like ramon noodles, doretos, hotdogs) late at night and stay away from wine. Now I don't get them unless they are hormonal (or if I have screwed up and eating late at night). Buffets for dinner also give me migraines so I stay away from them and maybe eat buffet food 1 or 2 times a year. (Chinese buffet is fine however). Crazy, I know!! But this is what has worked for me and has made me almost migraine free, so I go with it! LOL

    So I am in the final 3 for the first competition and it looks like I will for sure be in the final 2 next week. Not sure who will be in it with me, but regardless, I'm excited. I weighed at 172 this morning...I am so clsoe to the 160's I'm actually emotional about it. I'm working my *kitten* off this week to break them once and for all!!

    Love to all!!

  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    One of the things I did this weekend...I'm the one in the front begging for warmth...that was COLD muddy water!!

  • nehtaeh
    nehtaeh Posts: 2,977 Member
    Maria, while cold, that looks like a lot of fun! Thanks for the info on migraines. I don't really know what my triggers are. My mom's are hormonal, but not totally. She has cut out chocolate as they think that is one...I don't often eat a lot of chocolate but I did have quite a bit around when I had my two migraines last month. I suspect I had a migraine this weekend (without aura) but no idea really. I do get hormone headaches, but just thought 'headache' and never called them migraine, but I guess they could be. I should have tried my medication this past week but didn't. It's pretty cheap, I just am worried about it making me sick as a lot of meds do. Maybe next time.

    Mindy - sorry about your MIL. At least you know she will no longer be suffering, if that makes it any better. Hugs to you!
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    I had a bad weekend too. My weekend away got cut short, my MIL took a turn for the worse. It looks as if she will be passing sometime within the next week, we'll know for sure today. I'm at work trying to keep my mind off of things. I stopped by and saw her this morning on my way to work, it was hard.

    It will be hard to see her go, but it has been a long three year battle with cancer and she will be in a better place..

    As far as eating, I really didn't track what I ate. My water intake was sooo bad... I need to get back on track this week so I won't bring our team down. :(

    Sorry about your MIL. I hope when she goes, she goes peacefully. [Hug] Just a little reminder, the doctors and nurses can't always accurately estimate how quick/slow someone will go. (It has been 2 weeks, since the hospice center called me in the middle of the night and told me to rush in because my dad wasn't going to make it through the night - and he is still going). I know what you're going through and I'm here if you need me.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    One of the things I did this weekend...I'm the one in the front begging for warmth...that was COLD muddy water!!

    That is so cool! (no pun intended) Was that a warrior dash?
  • irishgal44
    irishgal44 Posts: 1,181 Member
    No, it wasn't a Warrior Dash, but I want to do the one in Wisconsin in Sept since we will be doing the Country Jam thing in July and can't do MN. It was a small town of 600 people...15 obstacles...it was awesome. Black Squirrel Mud Run. You can google it if you want -there will be one in November again - however, that would be way to cold. Went down a 75 ft slide, up 75 ft hill, tons of obstacles...was awesome.
  • HeatherShrinking
    HeatherShrinking Posts: 805 Member
    Grr... I had a big long update, but somehow I hit something and the page refreshed and I lost the whole thing!
    **Now I just rewrote it and it came out longer, with lots of venting**

    Here is the quick version then… I’m up 3 pounds, will drink tons of water between now and the weigh in. Tried to make it to the gym for the first time since my dad’s health took a huge turn, but they were closed.

    Spent the weekend working, and with my dad. My dad is a fighter, holding out longer than anyone estimated he could. I just hope when he goes it is peaceful. His hair has started to grow back really thick (he lost it during radiation) and his color was better, but he looks so thin – it is like looking at a holocaust victim. He actually woke up and was lucid for about 45 minutes this weekend. I fed him some mashed potatoes and ice cream that he was able to keep down. His voice is so week it is hard to hear/understand him, but he asked me about work and the drive to see him. It was sweet. At one point he reached out and petted me on the head like a dog.

    My first job has been great. Letting me take all the time off I need and having me fill out the Family Medical Leave paperwork (unpaid leave, keeps your job safe). My part-time job had been great about it until my manager, who was trying to be supportive I think, told me I should start to move on with my life and that he probably doesn’t know I’m even there when I’m asleep… I think she just meant take care of myself first, but it kind of sounded like, you should get back to work… (I missed 2 days, but gave her 2 days of notice before so she could find someone to cover it). It is really frustrating.

    Also, for my first job I have been planning our partner conference in Vegas. It is June 5-8. I have no idea if I can go or not. If my dad keeps holding on I will stay home, but if he goes first I’m planning on going to the conference. It is just super stressful, because if I don’t go I need to find people to cover for me in Vegas. I just don’t know what to do.

    AAAAAHHHHHH!!! I’m stressed. Sorry for the long vent – just needed to vent to someone that hadn’t heard it all already. Thanks you guys