Bikram Yoga



  • Agarland34
    Agarland34 Posts: 60 Member
    taraaaxo wrote: »
    I'm a huge yoga nut, having taught different types of yoga as well as attending plenty of classes, I find bikram the most boring lol, the one you should try is Moksha its a variation of bikram but with more motions. It has always gotten glowing reviews from people i know who have taken it! :)

    Awesome, I'll have to see if Moksha is offered in my area. Bikram is the only yoga I've taken.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    I have done both bikram and hot yoga and I LOVE hot yoga so much more than bikram. I found like others above, that bikram got boring doing the same 26 poses every class. I am lucky to have an awesome hot yoga studio nearby and go 4-5x/week and have never felt better!!!
  • lethalbanana
    lethalbanana Posts: 17 Member
    edited March 2015
    I've been doing yoga 1-3 times a week for 5 months and have been thinking of trying. Would a beginner be able to complete the class? Also do you still do Shavasana?
  • Agarland34
    Agarland34 Posts: 60 Member
    I've been doing yoga 1-3 times a week for 5 months and have been thinking of trying. Would a beginner be able to complete the class? Also do you still do Shavasana?

    That's the funny thing about Bikram, it's designed for any fitness level, including beginners. If you've been doing yoga for 5 months, you'll be fine. It's just adjusting to the heat. Make sure you are uber hydrated. Like many have said, it's the same 26 poses every single time you go. It's great seeing progress in holding the poses as you continue to go.

    I was a newbie, and Bikram is the only yoga I've ever done. I may need to venture out and try something new. Good luck!!
  • MelissaPhippsFeagins
    MelissaPhippsFeagins Posts: 8,063 Member
    I do one bikram yoga class and one restorative yoga class a week. I enjoy it, but I can see why some people would hate it.
  • mrsswisspea
    mrsswisspea Posts: 51 Member
    edited March 2015
    Wow, I was anticipating more people hating Bikram. I have done it twice (years ago) and I find it BRUTAL, but this post is motivating me to give it a go again!
  • Agarland34
    Agarland34 Posts: 60 Member
    Wow, I was anticipating more people hating Bikram. I have done it twice (years ago) and I find it BRUTAL, but this post is motivating me to give it a go again!

    Lol@brutal. Have you tried other forms of yoga?
  • kjm3579
    kjm3579 Posts: 3,974 Member
    I did Bikram for close to a year initially to rehab an injured ankle but then just because I liked the workout so much. I went from 3-6 times a week and attended 2 special courses that were over 4 hours each. No matter how well you do in each class there is room for improvement and then you get good enough to move up to the advanced classes. I only stopped because of the cost and the amount of time it was taking when I wanted to increase my time for running and add strength training into the mix.
  • juniper68
    juniper68 Posts: 93 Member
    I love Bikram which is why I do it. I like the really specific movements each time and I really like the heat. I like other kinds of of yoga too. But I am never able to stick with any exercise I hate (I'm talking to you, running), so I wouldn't go if I were you, no matter how good it's supposed to be for you.
  • LovelyIvy466
    LovelyIvy466 Posts: 387 Member
    edited April 2015
    Plain old hot yoga is way better. I took a hot yoga class that was half vinyasa and half restorative yoga, and that was one of the best classes ever. In the bikram studio I went to (once was all it took) the teacher was really rude, the advice she gave (lock your knee? Terrible idea!) was often dangerous, and I just hated how much of a pain the whole thing was. Plus I just can't give money to anyplace supporting that Bikram dude since his multiple rape allegations.

    Plus, there's just no substitution for a regular, vigorous yoga practice. Building internal heat through movement is a wonderful moving meditation. Suffering through Bikram was just... No.
  • mrsswisspea
    mrsswisspea Posts: 51 Member
    Well, thanks for this post OP!

    Because of it, I signed up for an unlimited week of Birkram at a studio I have never been to before. It was amazing! I've done a lot of yoga in the past (Ashtanga mostly) and this class was a very memorable one. Looking forward to the pain I will be in tomorrow, and going back this weekend :)
  • it_be_asin
    it_be_asin Posts: 562 Member
    I tried Bikram Yoga but the poses were really basic for me. There's not a lot you can do physically, you have no grip cause you're sweating so much and you're too dazed from the heat. And there's the same poses every time, which is dull and prevents you from progressing and learning. I made it through my class without stopping, although not everyone can.

    I'd rather generate heat from my own hard work. I've sweated a lot doing Jivamukti yoga in an unheated room, just from exertion. There's a lot more variety of poses. and stuff you can spend years working towards mastering. And there's philosophical aspects to the style that appeal too.
  • susanlouise
    susanlouise Posts: 18 Member
    Interesting to see everybody's posts! I also hated going but loved the results! I think the poses are great but I HATE the heat - was 103-105 degrees in there! Also I managed to injure my hip with one of the poses. I woukd go back but I can't face the heat!
  • lulucitron
    lulucitron Posts: 366 Member
    Don't care for Bikram or Moksha...rather go to a regular private studio that offers Ashtanga and Vinyasa flow classes. Mysore Ashtanga is killer. I don't like doing the same moves all the time and would rather classes that mix in everything, including inversions and arm balances.