I started my 1500 calorie a week ago no results



  • Thank you guys for explaining, so I guess rather than saying I was detoxing I should have said I was adjusting to my new diet. I am going to see how things go and adjust my calories or diet as needed.
  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited April 2015
    Thank you guys for explaining, so I guess rather than saying I was detoxing I should have said I was adjusting to my new diet. I am going to see how things go and adjust my calories or diet as needed.

    That's the right attitude to have! I think the BMI chart is crazy if that photo is obese, you look amazing.

  • TheBeachgod
    TheBeachgod Posts: 825 Member
    edited April 2015
    Double posting issues, never mind!
  • OrangeVera
    OrangeVera Posts: 4 Member
    I don't know if someone has already posted this, but it is very common to gain weight when first starting to work out. I'd recommend waiting to weigh in another week.
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    If your goal is just to lose weight, then yes too soon. If you are looking to have an overall healthier lifestyle and properly track your diet, then yes you should be checking once every 1-2 weeks.

    Can you please explain?

    Sure, you have probably heard this a billion times but health and fitness is a lifestyle and not a short term goal. If you are just looking for that quick solution is cut down what you eat, drink more water and walk more and check in every month to adjust. If you really are committed to a health lifestyle that entails making sure that you pay close to your BMR and changing you calories based on that which means you do have to check your weight more frequently. Im a huge advocate of IIFYM and adjust every 3-4 days because of I am currently cutting weight (fancy term for calorie deficit to lose fat and retain as much muscle as I can). Anyone looking to lose weight the healthy way should really hit that scale once a week and make sure they are hitting calories by eatting the right foods and the proper balance of macronutrients (protein/carbohydrates/fat). If you want to know more add me and message me questions or you can take a look at my public diary for an idea of what I do.

    You adjust every 3-4 days?

    yeah....that's not...not good. Borderline disordered, dude.

    And, OP, a week is no time at all. Your weight is going to fluctuate up to 5 pounds over the course of the day, depending on your water retention and digestive timing. (In other words, what is the weight of the actual food you've eaten and where is it currently hanging out on its journey to the sewer?)

    I can't believe people have jumped to "you must be eating too much!" and "Go lower on your calories!" when OP has only been at this for a week! You look young and tall in your photo, 1500 is probably a sensible target for you, so keep on for a bit. Cutting all the way back to 1200 sends many, many people to the forums wailing that they're staaaaaarving or that they broke down and ate an entire bag of candy in rebellion. 1500 is incredibly doable and attainable, so if you came to that number through TDEE calculators or MFP's, I bet it's a fine setting for you for now. I'm on 1500 and an old hag....still a deficit, still losing. If you still don't see changes in your weight or measurements after a month, then reconsider from there.

    Hey now lets wait for their reply. Tag @upgradeddiddy‌

    Ha, again the weight itself is just a number to update my calculators to plan my meals so on any given day I can look and say "hey, maybe I can add a bowl of oatmeal here!" Or "okay let's NOT take that cookie" a little obsessive yes but my concern is meeting the proper calories and eating the right macro sources which is why I premised it by saying if you want to just "lose weight" once a month is fine. But if you are interested in a lifestyle you should know your weight on a weekly/biweekly basis and body fat on a biweekly/monthly basis.

    You just keep saying the same thing over and over. Knock it off. It's a ridiculous statement. Lose weight, weigh monthly. Be healthy weigh weekly. That's just a rule you made up that has no basis.

    Why so angry? I have my way and you have yours obviously. And yes I have my guidelines because they work for me. That's really the end of it for anyone for health and fitness is what works for them. There is no "ridiculous" ideas out there, hence why there is the community on here in the first place, share ideas and get different views.

    If they are your guidelines but you insist on promoting them to other people as the way they should do things then you should provide valid reasoning why your way is the way it should be and why doing the opposite is worse. Until then you will continue to get called out for nonsense.

    Apologies if I "insisted" anything, seems to have struck a nerve even though I don't think in any part of what I said where I said anything she was doing was wrong, I believe I said if it's just an overall weight loss goal do one thing if it's a lifestyle change do the other, but I digress... I just stated my opinion based on what has worked for me, what I have observed from others (whether athletic or non-athletic) and what I have read. You can choose to agree and apply it or you can choose to disagree and do something else ain't a thing to me what you do. But you have to be pretty weak minded to keep saying that someone's opinion is nonsense when at the end of the day it's an opinion and not one persons opinion is right or wrong because it's up to the individual to make a choice on what they choose to believe or not. But hey that's just my OPINION again smh

    Everything strikes a nerve with MrM27