March 2015 Weight Loss Challenge



  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    Name: Megan
    Height: 5'8
    Starting Weight (3/3):247.2
    Goal Weight (3/31):239.2 (8lbs)

    3/3: 247.2lbs
    3/10: 245
    3/17: 243.4
    3/24: 242.6
    3/31: 243.8

    Loss/gain for the week: +1.2lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -3.4lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week:

    Successes: I've finished day 8 of the 30 day shred, and still going strong. Nervous for level 2 though!

    Struggles: I think if I didnt have such a bad week with eating, I probably could have made my goal. It was one of those weeks where I've eaten pretty much everything in sight. And soooo much sodium! Ugh!
  • xbluehorusx
    xbluehorusx Posts: 57 Member
    Name: Mel
    Height: 6ft
    Starting Weight (3/1): 235
    Goal Weight (3/31): 220

    3/1: 235
    3/6: 228.6
    3/13: 231.4
    3/20: 226
    3/27: 226
    3/31: 224.4

    Loss/gain for the week: -1.6
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -10.6

    Struggles or successes of your week: I'm less than 5 pounds above where I want to be, but I'll take it! 15 pounds in a month was probably a little too ambitious.
  • kawaii_spn
    kawaii_spn Posts: 116 Member
    Name: Kawaii
    Height: 5'5"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 138.4
    Goal Weight (3/31): 135.0

    3/1: 138.4 lbs
    3/8: 137.0 lbs
    3/15:139.4 lbs
    3/22:138.0 lbs
    3/29: 134.4 lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: -3.6 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -4 lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week: Woohoo! I'm surprised I made it seeing as I was all over the map this month. The weather has finally gotten nice enough to spend some time outside. Hopefully I can keep this up and really start training for the 10K I signed up for this summer.
  • Mech9
    Mech9 Posts: 252 Member
    Height: 5'10"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 227.6
    Goal Weight (3/31): 218 (-9.6 lbs)

    3/1: 227.6
    3/8: 226
    3/15: 221
    3/22: 224
    3/29: 216.6
    3/31: 217

    Final loss/gain for the month: -10.6 lbs

    Struggles/successes: Bounced up and down all month.
  • egorre
    egorre Posts: 72 Member
    Name: kevin
    Height: 5'6
    Starting Weight (3/1): 180.6 lbs
    Goal Weight (3/31): 175.6 lbs

    3/1: 180.6 lbs
    3/8: 178.4 lbs
    3/15: 177.2 lbs
    3/22: 175.4 lbs
    3/29: 172.6 lbs
    3/31: 172.6 lbs

    Loss/gain for the week: -2.8 lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -8 lbs

    no change since sunday.

    final weight lost march of 2015: 8 lbs
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    edited March 2015
    astrotam wrote: »
    Name: Tammy
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 168
    Goal Weight (3/31): 160

    3/1: 168
    3/8: 165.8
    3/15: 164.6
    3/22: 163.8
    -> 3/24: 162!!!
    3/31: 161.4

    Loss/gain for the week: -0.6
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -6.6!!!

    Struggles or successes of your week. Struggles: Twisted my ankle on Sunday. Didn't make it to 160...sigh.
    Successes: I still managed to lose more than I did last month, so that's a plus! Looking forward to April!!!
  • astrotam
    astrotam Posts: 153 Member
    Name: Tammy
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 168
    Goal Weight (3/31): 160

    3/1: 168
    3/8: 165.8
    3/15: 164.6
    3/22: 163.8
    -> 3/24: 162
    3/31: 161.4

    Loss/gain for the week: -0.6
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -6.6

    Struggles or successes of your week. Struggles: Twisted my ankle on Sunday. Didn't make it to 160...sigh.
    Successes: I still managed to lose more than I did last month, so that's a plus! Looking forward to April!!!
  • qthomas
    qthomas Posts: 30 Member
    Name: Quinita
    Height: 5'2
    Starting Weight (3/1): 193
    Goal Weight (3/31): 188

    3/1: 193
    3/6: 192
    3/13: 189
    3/20: 190

    Loss/gain for the week: -1
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -5

    Struggles or successes of your week:  struggles: the last 2 -3 weeks have been hard my scale just seemed like it didn't want me to lose last 2 pounds.
    Success: lost that last pound today to reach my goal for the month. Super excited. Yaaaay!!! Time to get ready for the April challenge. I love these they really do help me to stay motivated to reach my goal.

    Great job to everyone this month.
  • SpnkyBns
    SpnkyBns Posts: 27 Member
    Name: Sandy
    Height: 5'6"
    Starting Weight (3/1):
    Goal Weight (3/31):

    3/27: 192.6
    3/31: 190.6

    Loss/gain for the week: 2.0
    Loss/gain for the month so far:

    Struggles or successes of your week: I followed this in January and liked it...couldnt find it for February, just found it again for March so I am joining now! I hope it keeps going and I will be able to find it again...

    Only lost a half pound this week....been very stressful week...So I will take that half pound and be happy with it. Will do better this week...

    Much better week! Going to think positive about next week....I want to be back in the 180's :):):)
  • davidcliff
    davidcliff Posts: 144 Member

    Starting Weight (3/4):185
    Goal Weight (3/31):177


    Loss/gain for the week: Down .45 from last week!
    Loss/gain for the month so far:7.2

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    Struggles- F only down .45? I thought I did real good last week, I was hoping for another 2# drop.
  • Slytherclawz
    Slytherclawz Posts: 80 Member
    Name: Joy
    Height: 5'4
    Starting Weight (3/3): 234.4
    Goal Weight (3/31): 226.4

    3/3: 234.4
    3/10: 232.8
    3/17: 232.4
    3/24: 229.0
    3/31: 229.0

    Loss/gain for the week: 0lbs
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -5.4lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week:
    This week had been pretty good but it is my TOM so I'm just happy to see no water weight gain! Hopefully that means I've actually lost fat! We will see...

    Anyone start a new April thread yet? :)
  • debrakgoogins
    debrakgoogins Posts: 2,033 Member
    Name: Debra
    Height: 5'9"
    Starting Weight (3/1): 197
    Goal Weight (3/31): 191

    3/1: 197
    3/8: 196
    3/15: 194.4
    3/22: 192.8
    3/31: 191.8

    Loss/gain for the week: 1 pound
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -5.2

    Successes of our week: I didn't quite make my goal but I still lost 5.2 pounds overall! At my check in with my trainer I had lost 4% BMI for the month and was down 1.5 cm in my waist and hips. I'll call this month a success!!!

    Thank you everyone for the accountability this month!
  • mgtownsend71
    mgtownsend71 Posts: 49 Member

    Name: Monica
    Height: 5'7"
    Starting Weight (3/3): 214
    Goal Weight (3/31): 204

    3/1: 214
    3/8: 214.5 well that went the wrong direction
    3/15: 213.5 that's better down 1lb
    3/22: 212.5 down 1lb
    3/31: 210.5 down 1.5lbs

    Loss/gain for the month so far: in total lost 3.5 pounds, not the 10 I would have liked byt still happy with the loss

    Struggles or successes of your month: had a bad pms week, a few other small struggles but still after only 2 months I have lost a total of 17 pounds and 17 inches so I am still trucking away. Let's see what I can do in April :-)
  • csproule2010
    csproule2010 Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2015
    Duplicate post! Sorry!
  • csproule2010
    csproule2010 Posts: 6 Member
    Name: Cassandra
    Height: I actually don't know...5'5"ish?
    Starting Weight (3/1): ~159
    Goal Weight (3/31): 154

    My weigh in days are Sundays :)

    3/1: 159.4
    3/8: n/a (I normally keep track every week but knew I ate horribly so was too scared to weigh myself)
    3/15: 161.4 (a result of the above mentioned horrible eating)
    3/22: 159.6
    3/29: 158

    Loss/gain for the week:
    Loss/gain for the month so far: -1.4lbs

    Struggles or successes of your week: Kinda bummed that I didn't lose the 5lbs I wanted to, but I really have to commit more to going to the gym. I constantly make excuses, mostly because I often can't go until 7-7:30pm and by then I just want to relax on the couch, going to the gym is the last thing on my mind. And stop buying food at the cafeteria at work, I just can't resist the temptation! I really have horrible self control.
  • literique
    literique Posts: 85 Member
    Name: Mary
    Height: 5"6
    Starting Weight (3/2): 219.8
    Goal Weight (3/30): 210

    *Monday Weigh-Ins*

    3/2: 219.8
    3/9: 216.8
    3/16: 215.6
    3/23: 210.8
    3/30: 208.2

    Loss/gain for the week: - 2.6 lbs

    Loss/gain for the month so far: -11.6 lbs

    I did it!!! I even surpassed my goal!!! Way to go everyone!!!!
  • SpnkyBns
    SpnkyBns Posts: 27 Member
  • mumblemagic
    mumblemagic Posts: 1,090 Member
    Height 171 cm = 5’7”
    SW: 86.0 kg = 189.6 lbs (Aug 2013)
    March GW: 72.3 kg = 159.4 lbs

    Start of the month(03/01 Sunday): 74.8 kg = 164.9 lbs
    03/07 Sat: 74.2 kg = 163.6 lbs
    03/14 Sat: 74.2 kg = 163.6 lbs
    03/21 Sat: 73.5 kg = 162.0 lbs
    03/28 Sat: 73.3 kg = 161.6 lbs
    End of the month(03/31 Tuesday): 72.8 = 160.5

    Weight lost this month: 2.0 kg = 4.4 lbs
    Total weight lost: 13.2 kg = 29.1 lbs
  • megannxx
    megannxx Posts: 679 Member
    JZygmunt72 wrote: »

    yall were looking for one next month, well i created a group to make it easier to find all the challenges!

    This is the group for April, if people cant find it!
  • dswope85
    dswope85 Posts: 9 Member
    Starting Weight (3/3):255.1
    Goal Weight (3/31):244
