The truth about "I still eat the foods I love"



  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    edited April 2015
    freeoscar wrote: »
    Ice Cream - I'm lucky in that I never ate big quantities, but ate reasonable amounts at high frequency. I've cut back from 1/2C 3 times a week to 1/2C once or twice a month
    Soda - Again, never been a huge quantity drinker, but now I drink just 6 oz a few days per week
    Pasta - I would eat a massive serving of mac'n'cheese (homemade) - probably 1500 calories. Now when I eat pasta I have about 3oz in a sauce full of veggies and no cheese or cream
    Chips - I've pretty much cut these out completely, b/c even a 400 calorie bag doesn't sate me at all - just leaves me wanting another bag (and a big gulp along with it)
    Cookies/Cakes - I would just mindlessly go back to the bag or box and take more without realizing how much I ate. Now I take a serving which fits in my day, put away the box, sit down at the table w/a cup of tea and actually savor it.
    Cereal - I would start a medley of adding more cereal to finish the milk, then adding more milk to finish the cereal, and probably had 4 cups + 2 cups of milk before it was through. Now I measure out my serving (usually 1.5 times 'suggested'), finish it, and that's that.

    It is funny what people struggle with portion wise. For me, I am not a big chip eater, so I just don't eat them or get a bag occasionally if I crave them. I don't drink coke and haven't for years. Pasta is something I have to eat in smaller quantities, and I don't eat the calorie loaded forms. Cookies and cakes are something I can't really have on a regular basis, maybe once every few months, because I cannot eat just one cookie. Cake is another problem food for me. I can eat half a cake at a time or even a whole one so I will not eat that except every few months. One slice would not leave me satisfied. Cereal is another thing I don't have. I have substituted oatmeal for cereal. Ice cream I like in large quantities so I don't normally eat that. I am one of those people who a small serving of a certain foods doesn't really satisfy so I tend to stay away from them. I like eating healthy, whole foods that I am not tempted to overeat and that satisfy my nutritional needs so I won't be left feeling hungry. I notice if I have certain foods I crave it a lot, like sweets or pizza, and I get on a bad track where I have them many days a week for dinner. They make me feel sick too.

    Certain foods are like crack to me, so I have to approach what I eat like an addict and get rid of those foods I can't control. I have tried and tried to control everything I eat and eat everything in moderation but I end up just gaining all the weight I lost when I do that within a few weeks or months.

  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    sevader wrote: »
    I honestly restricted and lost a lot of weight.. like I wouldn't even touch pizza it would make me sick and same with chips and all that crap

    Yeah, that's kind of....not what we're looking for.

    More like the HOWS of fitting the food you love into a sensible deficit.

    I read that as blatant trolling....

    Yeah, and I confess my bias to giving the side eye to any "I don't eat anything but light and goodness" from a profile pic of a thigh gap. My pro-ana senses start tingling.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    sevader wrote: »
    I honestly restricted and lost a lot of weight.. like I wouldn't even touch pizza it would make me sick and same with chips and all that crap

    Yeah, that's kind of....not what we're looking for.

    More like the HOWS of fitting the food you love into a sensible deficit.

    I read that as blatant trolling....

    Yeah, and I confess my bias to giving the side eye to any "I don't eat anything but light and goodness" from a profile pic of a thigh gap. My pro-ana senses start tingling.
    Mine do when I read the word 'restrict'.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    sevader wrote: »
    I honestly restricted and lost a lot of weight.. like I wouldn't even touch pizza it would make me sick and same with chips and all that crap

    Yeah, that's kind of....not what we're looking for.

    More like the HOWS of fitting the food you love into a sensible deficit.

    If she had success restricting, who's to say it's not the right thing to do? I don't really do that, but everyone has their own preferences, and the right to diet in whichever way they choose. As long as it's not in an unhealthy manner, I don't see the problem. Not everyone can effectively control their portions of problem foods.

    But then, you're right, this could be a troll too.
  • Angierae75
    Angierae75 Posts: 417 Member
    edited April 2015
    I said it before, and I'll say it again: I am eating all the same foods I ate before, I am just eating less of it and moving more.

    I hit 10k steps last night while pulling my 150 calorie ice cream bar out of the fridge. I had a chocolate donut on the way to work today because I stopped for coffee (black, with sugar-free vanilla syrup) and it sounded delicious.

    Yes, I'm eating 1600 calories a day but I'm also burning 300-400 with extra movement.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    EWJLang wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    EWJLang wrote: »
    sevader wrote: »
    I honestly restricted and lost a lot of weight.. like I wouldn't even touch pizza it would make me sick and same with chips and all that crap

    Yeah, that's kind of....not what we're looking for.

    More like the HOWS of fitting the food you love into a sensible deficit.

    I read that as blatant trolling....

    Yeah, and I confess my bias to giving the side eye to any "I don't eat anything but light and goodness" from a profile pic of a thigh gap. My pro-ana senses start tingling.

    the "pizza makes me sick...and I don't eat that other crap" were kind of a tip off....
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    I kind of agree with the beginning of your first post, there are sacrifices/ changes that have to be made and are sometimes brushed aside, whih irks me. The stronger and more importnat message fo me has to do with new dieters and the way they regard food, restriction can often be a recipe for disaster , so the eating a bit of what you like in moeration may be a bit robotic, but its also true.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    So...basically OP, you still eat the foods you love.
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I eat the same foods I was eating before, I just control my portions. What was 4oz of spaghetti is now 2. What was 1.5 servings of chips is now 1.

    On the flip side, I actually eat more ice cream now than I did before. I used to feel so guilty when I ate ice cream that I rarely would. Now, I have 1 serving just about every day and I don't feel guilty. I know that I can eat it because I know what the rest of my day was like. I know that it fits in my calories and I will still lose weight.

    So, yeah, it can work in reverse too.
  • callsitlikeiseeit
    callsitlikeiseeit Posts: 8,627 Member
    The truth is that if you fit the calories into your allotment for the day, you can have the full fat mac and cheese or Ice Cream everyday.....

    With anything its in moderation. So yes, you can still eat the foods you love (the full versions) and still lose weight. I don't think anyone is saying "eat what you want, in the quantities you want and still lose weight" (or if they are I am sure sarcasm plays a major role). Maybe you are taking what people say to literally.

    Besides the fact that if anyone believes that they can eat what they want, in mass quantity and still lose weight, they need more help than these message boards provide.


    i do eat what i want, just a whole lot LESS of it ;) today is a bad example as i didn't go to the gym so don't have the calories I normally do, but *if* I behave myself the rest of the day I could still get away at or under calorie goals.
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    edited April 2015
    I guess I'm just not seeing how the OP, or anybody, could think people are hinting at some sort of magical eating free-for-all by saying they "eat what they love", when you can't swing a dead cat around MFP without hitting a CICO or "are you weighing and measuring EVERYTHING?" reference...? :)
  • shamcd
    shamcd Posts: 178 Member
    freeoscar wrote: »
    It gives off the vibe of a Slimfast commercial and implies that there is something magical where you make no sacrifices but still lose weight. Of course we all know that isn't true, and you do have to moderate your intake of certain foods.

    The word "sacrifice" is a subjective term. What you may consider to be a sarifice may not be what someone else considers to be the same. Due to my personal experiences starving and dieting miserably in the past, I consider it to be darn near amazing that I can eat a moderate amount of the foods I love and lose weight. I don't consider it a sacrifice in the least.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    Peanut butter was my downfall. Eating it out of the jar every day. (500+ calories/day!!!). I've started measuring it and having 1 tbsp on toast or a rice cake every day. It was hard to get used to such a small amount but now I'm fine with it.

    Same with ice cream. Used to eat it out of the carton but I'm having 1/4 cup (half a serving) every night. Again, a very small amount but now I'm used to it.

    I quit eating nuts, didn't love them enough for the calories. Same with chips and dark chocolate. I don't eat much cheese either. I had some on a taco last night and couldn't even taste it and decided that wasn't worth the calories to not taste it!

    I think it all depends on what you're personal preferences are and figuring out how to fit them in even if it means very small portion sizes.

    I'm making darn sure I save 150 or so calorie left each night so I can have a yummy treat before bed.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2015
    I am confused why the OP cares about what every body else is doing...

    The fact is, you just learn to adjust how you prepare, cook, choose food to consume in order to make wiser, healthier, moderate choices.. All this is not rocket science and if you consume 2000 calories of ice cream every day, you lose weight by cutting that in half...

    ???????? about this thread...
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    freeoscar wrote: »
    Confused. Are you asking specifically how we do it?
    Yes. What changes have you made in the quantity/frequency of certain foods that allow you to still include them while still losing weight.
    I stopped baking. I really love it, but I noticed that my kids would have a small slice of cake/couple of cookies, whatever, and my husband and I would eat the rest, and neither of us needed it. That helped. We used to have dessert regularly. Now we never do. If my boys want something, they make a smoothie.

    I also stopped eating much bread/pasta/rice/potatoes. I have them sometimes, but realised I didn't miss them - I'm happy having my bolognese sauce topping a big bowl of salad so I take advantage of that.

    I used to have a chocolate bar of some kind every day - sometimes a big one. I still need to have some kind of chocolate every day. I've tried the 'square of dark chocolate' thing but that doesn't work for me. I like junky milk chocolate, so I buy bags of fun-sized Smarties, Aeros, Kitkats and have one or two a day when I have a cup of tea.

    You put your bolognese sauce on your salad?
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I don't understand why "I still eat the foods I love, just less of them" is such a hard concept to grasp....

  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    I don't think it's always couched with "In moderation" or "just less of them" or "and then I adjust my activity level or other meals" or "in the same amount but less frequently". Those are all very important qualifiers.

    "Don't give up your favorite foods! Just eat them in moderation, pay attention to your serving sizes, move more, and also treat yourself to a donut after you pulled 400 lbs. on a deadlift" is misleading. It's not as easy as all that; that's what most people seem to struggle with. So if it's easier to bail on ice cream than it is to figure out how to work it into your macros... then bail on ice cream!
  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    shamcd wrote: »
    freeoscar wrote: »
    It gives off the vibe of a Slimfast commercial and implies that there is something magical where you make no sacrifices but still lose weight. Of course we all know that isn't true, and you do have to moderate your intake of certain foods.

    The word "sacrifice" is a subjective term. What you may consider to be a sarifice may not be what someone else considers to be the same. Due to my personal experiences starving and dieting miserably in the past, I consider it to be darn near amazing that I can eat a moderate amount of the foods I love and lose weight. I don't consider it a sacrifice in the least.

    I agree. When I first buckled down and went back to CICO after just over a decade of trying "eat all you can of X and completely exclude Y and Z" "diets," I thought not stuffing myself past what I actually needed was a sacrifice. Not feeling bloated, loggy and pretty much unable to move after eating was a sacrifice. Come on...that's really not the definition of sacrifice.

  • LAWoman72
    LAWoman72 Posts: 2,846 Member
    mccindy72 wrote: »
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    freeoscar wrote: »
    Confused. Are you asking specifically how we do it?
    Yes. What changes have you made in the quantity/frequency of certain foods that allow you to still include them while still losing weight.
    I stopped baking. I really love it, but I noticed that my kids would have a small slice of cake/couple of cookies, whatever, and my husband and I would eat the rest, and neither of us needed it. That helped. We used to have dessert regularly. Now we never do. If my boys want something, they make a smoothie.

    I also stopped eating much bread/pasta/rice/potatoes. I have them sometimes, but realised I didn't miss them - I'm happy having my bolognese sauce topping a big bowl of salad so I take advantage of that.

    I used to have a chocolate bar of some kind every day - sometimes a big one. I still need to have some kind of chocolate every day. I've tried the 'square of dark chocolate' thing but that doesn't work for me. I like junky milk chocolate, so I buy bags of fun-sized Smarties, Aeros, Kitkats and have one or two a day when I have a cup of tea.

    You put your bolognese sauce on your salad?

    How funny, I do that all the time. I LOVE ground beef on top of salad, in various "recipes" - bolognese, Mexican-style and so on.

    My husband thinks I'm insane.

  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    edited April 2015
    Things like ice cream, soda, cookies, cake and such, I have not changed my habits and quantities one bit because they were not a big part of my diet to start with. Yes I would still eat a whole sleeve of Oreos or a 1000 calorie slice of mousse cake, but because it does not come across often to make a difference in the grand scheme of things. My chips consumption varied back then from 1/2 a serving to a whole bag, and it still varies the same.

    Same for pizza, I still eat 3 slices like I always have, but we don't eat pizza nearly enough to make a difference.

    What I had to heavily moderate is things I eat on a daily basis:
    Olive oil: I now measure not to exceed about a tablespoon per meal. In the past everything was drowning in olive oil.
    Bread: I switched it for a lower calorie version which has half the calories and heavily reduced the amount.
    Fruits: I now eat 1-4 pieces of fruit a day instead of the 10+ I used to eat.
    Greek Yogurt: I don't exceed half a cup a day or it would cut heavily into my calories.
    Steamed Rice: 1 cup instead of 3.
    Milk: switched from full fat to 1.5% or skim.
    Nuts and Seeds (pumpkin, watermelon, sunflower..etc): from 1000 calorie bags every day to a handful every now and then.
    Random things that lie on the counter and I grab just because they're there even though I don't like them: reduced to 0.