50lbs to lose - want someone with a sense of humour to do it with!

lesscat Posts: 11 Member
Hi, my name is Cat and I've decided that enough is enough...! I've never been huge, but over the years (I'm 34 now) the weight has crept on gradually, and I'm now 180lbs.

I've always ignored the issue, because with some good support tights and some skyscraper heels, I look okay... but I've decided that it would be nice to look okay in jeans and a t-shirt too!

I've used My Fitness Pal in the past, had some success short term (5-10lbs) but always ended up putting it back on. This time, I'd like it to be different!

I've bought a Nutribullet (so far, amazing!) and a Fitbit (!) and I'm planning on being ready to bare all (well, maybe not ALL!) by next Summer - see, this time I'm aiming for an achievable goal, rather than fast, faddy approach!

So, if anyone would like to link up on here, that would be great... we can spur eachother on, talk eachother up when we're down, and congratulate eachother along the way.



  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,047 Member

    Totally thought of 10 Things when I opened your thread. I have 50 down and 40 to go and I'm going through a rough patch with staying on track right now. I definitely have a sense of humour, however...
  • lesscat wrote: »
    Hi, my name is Cat and I've decided that enough is enough...! I've never been huge, but over the years (I'm 34 now) the weight has crept on gradually, and I'm now 180lbs.

    I've always ignored the issue, because with some good support tights and some skyscraper heels, I look okay... but I've decided that it would be nice to look okay in jeans and a t-shirt too!

    I've used My Fitness Pal in the past, had some success short term (5-10lbs) but always ended up putting it back on. This time, I'd like it to be different!

    I've bought a Nutribullet (so far, amazing!) and a Fitbit (!) and I'm planning on being ready to bare all (well, maybe not ALL!) by next Summer - see, this time I'm aiming for an achievable goal, rather than fast, faddy approach!

    So, if anyone would like to link up on here, that would be great... we can spur eachother on, talk eachother up when we're down, and congratulate eachother along the way.


  • nicolae40 wrote: »
    lesscat wrote: »
    Hi, my name is Cat and I've decided that enough is enough...! I've never been huge, but over the years (I'm 34 now) the weight has crept on gradually, and I'm now 180lbs.

    I've always ignored the issue, because with some good support tights and some skyscraper heels, I look okay... but I've decided that it would be nice to look okay in jeans and a t-shirt too!

    I've used My Fitness Pal in the past, had some success short term (5-10lbs) but always ended up putting it back on. This time, I'd like it to be different!

    I've bought a Nutribullet (so far, amazing!) and a Fitbit (!) and I'm planning on being ready to bare all (well, maybe not ALL!) by next Summer - see, this time I'm aiming for an achievable goal, rather than fast, faddy approach!

    So, if anyone would like to link up on here, that would be great... we can spur eachother on, talk eachother up when we're down, and congratulate eachother along the way.


  • nunat919
    nunat919 Posts: 122 Member
    you can add me as well. I also have a fit bit we can challenge each other!
  • Hi Cat, I have started today, would love to work with you on this hun.Hope to speak soon. Nicola
  • lesscat
    lesscat Posts: 11 Member
    Ha ha - love it!

    Wow, 50 down, well in that case you can share some tips - that's fantastic, well done! I just hope I can be as successful...!
  • prgirl39mfp
    prgirl39mfp Posts: 3,154 Member
    Hello Cat. I have 55 pounds to lose. Add me so we can do this together.
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    Can't promise 'pen pal' status but I do want to mention that it's not all about the pounds. Get a good pair of workout shoes and get out your measuring tape!
    Losing weight is not just about what the scales tell you. What's more important is your waist measurement, your neck measurement, your body numbers overall. And the weight number may be one of the least important of them all! Losing weight is not just a six month program. It's a lifetime commitment. You have to make a New Day's resolution every day to get up and respect yourself. That means you workout however it best fits into your schedule. For me, it's jogging at 4:30 a.m. and then crunches and weights every other day!

    Be aware that you can actually lose inches and GAIN weight. Don't freak out over that. It's not only okay, it's a good thing. That means that you are getting rid of fat and building muscle. Muscle pounds will not only make you trimmer and more toned, the muscle mass can help stave off cardio disease and other maladies prevalent in the potato set.

    And don't become a slave to the scale! If you weigh yourself once a week, that's problem more than you need to. And... every day????? No way! Your weight fluctuates not only throughout the day but on a monthly basis as well - (Think about the cycles of the moon. If the moon can move the oceans, what do you suppose it will do to your body?)

    One other thing... If you are thinking about your diet as a way to lose weight? Well, it is, but that's not the beginning and the end. DIET is everything you eat. The question is: Will you make a commitment to a healthy diet? Or will your 'addictions' to your fatal foods continue to get in your way and sabotage your health?

    You don't have to give up the ice cream (and thank goodness for that!) or your favorite chocolate chip soft cookies. Just don't make them an everyday (or every week!) event. And make sure you moderate the intake of those indulgence foods as well. Don't eat four or five of those six inch cookies when one will do. And a half cup of ice cream will probably satisfy your craving just as well as a cup and a half. Everything in moderation is a good rule to follow.

    Now, specifically, give yourself a time frame - a REASONABLE time frame - in which to lose this fifty pounds. A pound and a half a week? Two pounds? One? Bear in mind that, the faster you take off the pounds, the more likely you are to have a lot of unwanted flab 'hanging around'. The slower you lose, the easier it is for your body to rebuild the elasticity lost with the 'flesh stretch'. And you know you did not gain that excess fifty in a day or a week or a month so don't expect to lose it all that quickly either.

    And remember... You're Worth It!

    Good Luck!
  • I'm on the same boat so I'll be glad to assist
  • lesscat
    lesscat Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for your comments Reese...! Yes, you're right. Pounds are an indicator, and quite a satisfying one, but of course it's more than that. Since I read your post, I have gone upstairs and found a pair of old jeans which I love, and I haven't been able to fit in for about 6 years... I have dug them out of the bottom of the cupboard and put them where I can see them. THAT will be my goal, more than the weight. When I can do them up, I'll be happy (at the moment, the don't get past my thighs...!).

    As for 'diet' - I have never eaten badly, but never very healthily either. I have ditched take aways and am cooking absolutely EVERYTHING from scratch now, which is a real lesson. I'm also looking to up my fruit and veg intake, which hasn't been the best (fruit and veg box deliveries are guilting me into eating much more of that sort of stuff!).

    On a positive note, I don't like ice cream - hurrah!

  • krysym1
    krysym1 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'm going to lose 50 too! Im considering buying a fitbit- not sure what one to buy. Im looking for mfp friends for motivation and tips!
  • tchybowski
    tchybowski Posts: 4 Member
    Include me
  • Include me
  • ebethnoel
    ebethnoel Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Cat!

    I just restarting today and would love some one with a sense of humor to work with. Please add me! :#

  • courtney_jayyy
    courtney_jayyy Posts: 2 Member
    I'd like to get in on this if I could!
  • BlueSkyShoal
    BlueSkyShoal Posts: 325 Member
    Oh hey, I'm nearly the same weight, two years older, and am also trying to lose 50 pounds! Are you my twin?

    Feel free to add me! We can do it!
  • skinnybride48
    skinnybride48 Posts: 13 Member
    ReeseG4350 wrote: »
    Can't promise 'pen pal' status but I do want to mention that it's not all about the pounds. Get a good pair of workout shoes and get out your measuring tape!
    Losing weight is not just about what the scales tell you. What's more important is your waist measurement, your neck measurement, your body numbers overall. And the weight number may be one of the least important of them all! Losing weight is not just a six month program. It's a lifetime commitment. You have to make a New Day's resolution every day to get up and respect yourself. That means you workout however it best fits into your schedule. For me, it's jogging at 4:30 a.m. and then crunches and weights every other day!

    Be aware that you can actually lose inches and GAIN weight. Don't freak out over that. It's not only okay, it's a good thing. That means that you are getting rid of fat and building muscle. Muscle pounds will not only make you trimmer and more toned, the muscle mass can help stave off cardio disease and other maladies prevalent in the potato set.

    And don't become a slave to the scale! If you weigh yourself once a week, that's problem more than you need to. And... every day????? No way! Your weight fluctuates not only throughout the day but on a monthly basis as well - (Think about the cycles of the moon. If the moon can move the oceans, what do you suppose it will do to your body?)

    One other thing... If you are thinking about your diet as a way to lose weight? Well, it is, but that's not the beginning and the end. DIET is everything you eat. The question is: Will you make a commitment to a healthy diet? Or will your 'addictions' to your fatal foods continue to get in your way and sabotage your health?

    You don't have to give up the ice cream (and thank goodness for that!) or your favorite chocolate chip soft cookies. Just don't make them an everyday (or every week!) event. And make sure you moderate the intake of those indulgence foods as well. Don't eat four or five of those six inch cookies when one will do. And a half cup of ice cream will probably satisfy your craving just as well as a cup and a half. Everything in moderation is a good rule to follow.

    Now, specifically, give yourself a time frame - a REASONABLE time frame - in which to lose this fifty pounds. A pound and a half a week? Two pounds? One? Bear in mind that, the faster you take off the pounds, the more likely you are to have a lot of unwanted flab 'hanging around'. The slower you lose, the easier it is for your body to rebuild the elasticity lost with the 'flesh stretch'. And you know you did not gain that excess fifty in a day or a week or a month so don't expect to lose it all that quickly either.

    And remember... You're Worth It!

    Good Luck!

    Well said Cat! You can add me if you want. I am getting married in Sept. At Christmas I Weighed 185 to 187. Today I weighed 167! I havent done anything special, just portion control and light exercise. Thanks for the reminder it's not only about the numbers on the scale!
  • NicoleMartinelli8
    NicoleMartinelli8 Posts: 51 Member
    Hello cat! I'm Nicole! I will be 34 soon. I still have about 50 pounds to lose but im still in denial. I have lost 18 pounds. I think I'm funny and a lil inappropriate. But I wish you the best!

  • Hey Cat--- I just started and trying to do this right this time. It's about commitment and no matter how many times I stumble I just have to keep going. I would love to help encourage others as well as get a little cheering on for myself. Let's do this together!

    Anyone else want to join me your welcome to add me as a friend
  • Joaniecan2014
    Joaniecan2014 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm in!! I'd love to lose 50,but would settle for 40,30, 20, 10 !! Something to give me boost!! Started this just after the holidays and I'm up! I'm in denial and will not even put my correct weight on FP !!