how much weight to 'feel' thinner



  • daydreams_of_pretty
    daydreams_of_pretty Posts: 506 Member
    It depends on the person and how (s)he is feeling that day.

    I started to feel thinner on days I was feeling perky practically immediately - like 5 lbs in, even though it wasn't really noticeable. At the same time, some days I feel like I've magically ballooned back up to where I was before I lost weight. There are some days where I can look in the mirror at one time of the day and see a thinner me and then at another time of the day see a giant, bloated mess.

    It's important to have a set of alternative reminders of your loss, like changing sizes, measurements, weight tracking, fitness increases, etc. When you have a crap day, you can remind yourself of the other markers.
  • BioQueen
    BioQueen Posts: 694 Member
    I started at 181 and I am 135 now wanting to lose another 10-15. Most of the time I don't 'feel' thinner. The times I do are starting to be around this weight in the 130's because I find my stomach doesn't roll over my jeans/the jeans don't dig in. It is a little easier to walk in shorts too because my thighs don't rub as much (although those are the last things that are going to go lol). I feel like it is the more active times that I realize I'm not as uncomfortable as I used to be - which was a big reason why I chose to lose weight. My brain definitely needs to catch up though, I never thought it was a real thing, that I would look in the mirror and say "yeah I am much smaller now!". People definitely see it, I am a size 6 coming from a size 14, but I don't always notice.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    About 10
  • loizidou33
    I had to lose 10kg for my friends and family to notice, but it took a bit longer for me to realise it and actually feel the difference (14-15kg)
  • CaitlinW19
    CaitlinW19 Posts: 431 Member
    5 for me, but I only started out with 20 to go. I find limiting my weigh-ins to once a week really helps me to focus on how I feel and the differences I see in the mirror. There are lots of other benefits too, but that more positive mental state is one of the biggest.
  • TheVogonVegan
    TheVogonVegan Posts: 75 Member
    Yeah, I've lost ten pounds so far and I don't see anything, but my friends say my face looks a bit XD But yeah, when I lost about forty pounds years ago it was only noticeable to me when the pants I had been wearing successfully fell off with no pause and I had to shop for the next size down. It's an awesome feeling.
  • chelsy0587
    chelsy0587 Posts: 441 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    I feel like I'm on a roller coaster. I've lost a total of 34lbs. I started feeling 'thinner' at 30lbs. Some days I look in the mirror and I get upset because I feel like I still look fat. But then a few hours later I'll be at work and someone will come up to me and ask how I lost so much weight. I have photos of my bigger self that I look at on a daily basis 2 or 3 times a day and I have jeans that fit me really big that I like to wear as a reminder of how far I've come. I guess my brain just needs to catch up with my waist, but who knows.

    Totally get this... have lost 30lbs so far, my skin in more clear, my attitude is much better... but as far as "feeling thinner" this is day to day... sometimes I feel like I haven't made any progress and I get really discouraged thinking of how much more I have to go. Then something amazing happens and I get a compliment from my boss on the weight loss or a co-worker says I'm looking smaller...

    Emotional roller coaster... then there's "that week" and it sucks most! LOL
  • mellowkate
    mellowkate Posts: 32 Member
    I lost about 70 pounds a couple years ago. People started noticing when I hit the -40 mark. I gained all but about 30 of it back (wahhhh!) over two years, and I've been hitting it hard recently. After a month of religious logging, measuring, weighing, and exercising, I've dropped 11. My brain thinks it can see a difference around my waist (did lose an inch) but not close to fitting into my skinny pants yet. It was a little depressing trying them on last night and not being able to zip them all the way, but I'm not deterred. I'll get there, and so will you!
  • SingRunTing
    SingRunTing Posts: 2,604 Member
    I feel it every 15 to 20lbs. People seem to notice it every 20lbs.

    That being said, some days I don't feel any different at all. Some days I feel very different. It's not a straight forward type of question/answer.
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,324 Member
    <3 I feel it with my clothes...when my clothes feel looser or tighter then I know something is up that I need to pay atttention to...or celebrate YAY
  • ReeseG4350
    ReeseG4350 Posts: 146 Member
    edited April 2015
    How you feel is more about what's inside your head than what you have on the outside. For the largest percentage of overweight people, particularly the grossly overweight/morbidly obese, they/we have developed a certain sense of inadequacy which can make a person feel fat or unattractive even when that is not necessarily the case. Anorexics are the perfect example of this phenomenon. They can look at images of themselves, tens of pounds severely underweight, with their bones protruding from every quarter, and yet they will see fat and flab.

    So, it's more of a perception issue than a reality issue. And the other aspect of the "Why do I still feel fat?" syndrome is like the person who may be wearing a size eight or six - down from a sixteen or twenty-two - but is woefully out of condition and un-toned. The person may have a lot of flab and be in need of a muscle toning program to get them in shape so they can lose some of the flab. (This, of course, means they are likely to GAIN weight and they will freak out over that while ignoring the fact that their clothing size may well drop another size or two.)

    So, how long before one 'feels' thin? There is no way of knowing. How do you feel in your skin? How do you feel in your head? Once you can reconcile those issues and realize, not only that you are worthy and you deserve love and you love yourself, that's the key. Respect yourself, love yourself, and you will actually begin to appreciate the person you see in the mirror.

    Now, one last question: Only one answer. Why are you making the efforts to lose weight now? To look better?
    To feel better?
    To be better?

    (Gosh darn! Who knew life could be so confusing and difficult?)

    Just remember this whenever you feel tired or frustrated or just start feeling emotional cravings for something you know you really don't want. You deserve better and you are worth it. No. Really. You are!
  • Ready2Rock206
    Ready2Rock206 Posts: 9,488 Member
    Totally depends on you. Some people feel thinner immediately. I am just starting to notice that maybe I am getting very very very slightly thinner. (50 lbs lost) - still no where near needing smaller clothes.
  • minties82
    minties82 Posts: 907 Member
    edited April 2015
    I started at 115kg and I feel a tiny bit smaller now at 93.2kg. I think I lost about 47lbs? Not sure, I'm a metric person.

    What helps me is when I look at my kids. My 2 year old is about 14kg and my 4 year old is 18.5kg. I've lost more than that entire 4 year old person off my body! I surely must look better.
  • lizzocat
    lizzocat Posts: 356 Member
    I didn't "feel" like I lost anything till I lost 30 pounds because clothes started to fit different and my face thinned out
  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    I hit18 lbs this week and I'm still waiting. My backside is getting flatter and my legs are thinning out, but my knees still hurt and my pants waist is still tight. I know it'll come eventually. I've been living heavy for long enough that I really shouldn't complain.
  • justcat206
    justcat206 Posts: 716 Member
    For me it's always had more to do with whether or not I'm bloated and how tight my clothes are. I can feel super skinny on a day that I'm dehydrated and wearing looser pants, even if I weigh more than I did last week when I was retaining water and wearing something tight.
  • simplydelish2
    simplydelish2 Posts: 726 Member
    It all depends. I've lost over 120 lbs and yet when I look in the mirror I see the same person. I don't "feel" any thinner. My best guess is it will take at least 20-30 lbs before you start noticing a difference and another 20-30 for others to start noticing. Regardless, of when you notice the loss or when you start to feel it - stick to your plan. You can do this!
  • cosmichvoyager
    cosmichvoyager Posts: 237 Member
    I have read a variety of discussions on this site that boil down to the contrast between objective and subjective reality when it comes to body image/self-perception.

    It's confusing! Sometimes I will look at a random part of my body and notice it is smaller but I don't exactly conceptualize myself as "thinner" and I can fit places I didn't before, like squeezing in a narrow booth at a restaurant. The thing I notice most is how much less my feet and knees hurt, tbh. I'm excited to keep losing weight for that reason!

    I started at 253 and am at 226 now. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    A friend of mine, after losing 20 lbs., changed her hairstyle and I thought that's what made her look like she had lost weight. A couple of weeks later, I realized, yes, she had lost weight and she said now that she's lost 25 lbs., people are starting to notice. She's short but was about 60 lbs. overweight. People know I've lost weight because the shirts I was outgrowing years ago while gaining the weight are starting to fit me again.
  • astrose00
    astrose00 Posts: 754 Member
    I started at 240lbs and felt "thinner" (not my choice of words) after about 25lbs lost. I'm now at 62lbs lost but still don't recognize the loss the way I should. It's totally mental. I went from a tight size 16 and am wearing size 10s (and some 8s) but still feel fat most of the time. My friends and coworkers think I'm crazy.