breakfast or skip



  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    :) late breakfast yum
  • gfansher
    gfansher Posts: 7 Member
    I rarely eat breakfast. Eating breakfast doesn't "get your metabolism going", that is a myth. Your metabolism is always going, or else you'd be dead. If you don't want to eat breakfast, don't. It's all about personal preference. It's not going to effect your weight loss or health.

    Wow, well this news to the world of medical professionals I'm sure. Yes, you're metabolism is always firing but you can surely increase your metabolic rate a variety of ways. Everyone is different, yes. Not eating breakfast and getting started into your work day is not helping the health or weight loss effort though. I can possibly understand cardio in the morning on an empty stomach but, that's about it. Your body just went through 8 hours of no caloric consumption, you need to eat. Protein and complex carbs, fat isn't bad either depending on your activity levels. Not eating breakfast? Smh.

  • gfansher
    gfansher Posts: 7 Member
    For those of you that don't eat breakfast because it makes you so hungry within 1-3 hours or so, why do you think that is? Do you think that's a bad thing? Or does it just not fit your schedule?
  • texasbrit83
    texasbrit83 Posts: 4 Member
    No breaky here, cup of tea then I'll have lunch around noon 1ish
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    I wish I could skip break fast and have more calories for the day and not feel as hungry but I wake up so hungry! I have to eat within the first 2 hours I wake up at least!
  • msullivan1979
    msullivan1979 Posts: 13 Member
    edited April 2015
    gfansher wrote: »
    For those of you that don't eat breakfast because it makes you so hungry within 1-3 hours or so, why do you think that is? Do you think that's a bad thing? Or does it just not fit your schedule?

    I don't eat breakfast because I'm not hungry until very late morning or until lunch time. When I'm hungry in the morning I eat breakfast. Typically I am hungry for lunch within a few hours then I do a lot more snacking throughout the day. I'm not sure why but it seems to go hand and hand for me. I don't think it's bad. I'm healthy, losing weight at a healthy pace, and I save all those calories for some great dinners. Maybe my heavy meals and late snacking gives me enough to last me that long? who knows..

  • gfansher
    gfansher Posts: 7 Member

    A lot of bro science in your post. It's sad.

    Is that what you kids call it these days? You'll probably quote Herschel Walker's "one meal a day" plan next. There's always the conspiracy theorists out there.
  • gfansher
    gfansher Posts: 7 Member
    gfansher wrote: »
    For those of you that don't eat breakfast because it makes you so hungry within 1-3 hours or so, why do you think that is? Do you think that's a bad thing? Or does it just not fit your schedule?

    I don't eat breakfast because I'm not hungry until very late morning or until lunch time. When I'm hungry in the morning I eat breakfast. Typically I am hungry for lunch within a few hours then I do a lot more snacking throughout the day. I'm not sure why but it seems to go hand and hand for me. I don't think it's bad. I'm healthy, losing weight at a healthy pace, and I save all those calories for some great dinners. Maybe my heavy meals and late snacking gives me enough to last me that long? who knows..

    Have you had your body composition checked? I would be curious to see if bf% is going up or down as people lose weight with these variety of diets/eating patterns. Even using a home unit, if done at similar times, should give an idea of direction whether it's accurate or not.

  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    gfansher wrote: »
    I rarely eat breakfast. Eating breakfast doesn't "get your metabolism going", that is a myth. Your metabolism is always going, or else you'd be dead. If you don't want to eat breakfast, don't. It's all about personal preference. It's not going to effect your weight loss or health.

    Wow, well this news to the world of medical professionals I'm sure. Yes, you're metabolism is always firing but you can surely increase your metabolic rate a variety of ways. Everyone is different, yes. Not eating breakfast and getting started into your work day is not helping the health or weight loss effort though. I can possibly understand cardio in the morning on an empty stomach but, that's about it. Your body just went through 8 hours of no caloric consumption, you need to eat. Protein and complex carbs, fat isn't bad either depending on your activity levels. Not eating breakfast? Smh.

    NEED to eat? Really?

    As I stated earlier, having your protein feedings spread out during the day is likely to maintain LBM on a cut better than a single feeding but unless the person is very lean it is actually unlikely to make a substantial difference. For myself, I skipped breakfast during bb comp prep last year all the way down to 7% BF. I then did an experiment and added a protein bar (to get sufficient leucine) and dexa scans appeared to show better maintenance of LBM.

    Unless you are that lean, your body will still have plenty of fat stores to use for energy.

    I've fasted for 36hrs once. Didn't die...muscles didn't fall off.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    I am a night owl. For a million dollars you could not get me to eat until noon. I have recently adjusted to to having something to drink in the a.m. -- Plain black tea.
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    when for some odd reason I missed breakfast then I have a hard time having all my caloric and macros intake for the day. Its like playing catch up. U end up eating until really late like 12 am just to finish ur macros
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    I am starving when I wake up in the morning 95% of the time, so breakfast is a must. I generally don't eat anything after 7-8pm at night (don't often feel like it), so there is that.
  • HowlinAl
    HowlinAl Posts: 277 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    gfansher wrote: »
    I rarely eat breakfast. Eating breakfast doesn't "get your metabolism going", that is a myth. Your metabolism is always going, or else you'd be dead. If you don't want to eat breakfast, don't. It's all about personal preference. It's not going to effect your weight loss or health.

    Wow, well this news to the world of medical professionals I'm sure. Yes, you're metabolism is always firing but you can surely increase your metabolic rate a variety of ways. Everyone is different, yes. Not eating breakfast and getting started into your work day is not helping the health or weight loss effort though. I can possibly understand cardio in the morning on an empty stomach but, that's about it. Your body just went through 8 hours of no caloric consumption, you need to eat. Protein and complex carbs, fat isn't bad either depending on your activity levels. Not eating breakfast? Smh.
    A lot of bro science in your post. It's sad.

    I'm sort of new here too, and it IS sad. So many posts like this perpetuating myths and pseudo-science, along with 'advice' from people who are decades behind current research. MFP forums are both a great source and a terrible source of info. I am full of appreciation to the MFP members who consistently call out and correct these people. As a guy trying to turn his life around it's a real struggle to get educated.
  • fitcurves6693
    fitcurves6693 Posts: 3,401 Member
    For me it is important to eat breakfast or I will end up snacking mid-morning.
  • Noelv1976
    Noelv1976 Posts: 18,948 Member
    Why does everyone feel the need to berate or mock someone if they don't agree with their opinion? Calm down people, chill. Everyone's body is different. What works for you may not work for the other guy. Some people can get away with just having coffee for breakfast, while others need eggs, bacon, milk and toast.
  • moesis
    moesis Posts: 874 Member
    Funny thing is that when I just have water I am fine.

    This leads me to believe that you are dehydrated, not hungry.

    "When you do not drink enough water, your body receives mixed signals on hunger. Dehydration causes you to believe you need to eat when you really need liquid intake (Tomlinson, 2011)."