Anxiety at the gym

Hi everyone, people I actually know I don't even tell this to, so this forum is actually a great relief!
I have been going to the gym for about two months..
There are lots of machines I haven't attempted to use because I've no idea how to use them.. Two months down the line I don't want to ask and I have huge anxiety problems, I convince myself that everyone there will look at me and think 'she's doing that wrong'


  • bettybing1
    bettybing1 Posts: 162 Member
    Did you have an induction? You should have taken round by a member of staff and shown how to use everything (an insurance thing i think). If you're anxious about it the only thing that will fix it is to approach a staff member and ask for assistance - it's their job. The only other way would be to go along with a gym bunny friend and get them to show you everything.

    And don't worry about what other people think! You are in that gym for you and your needs, not anyone elses. If you continue to let this anxiety grow it might stop you from going to the gym at all.

    Own that gym! You got this!
  • makemethin05
    makemethin05 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi Betty!

    Thank you so much for your repy!

    I didn't get an induction, no.. It's a really really tiny family run gym & on my first arrival they just said if you need anything, ask, I just feel embarrassed that it's now two months down the line.

    I have anxiety, depression and panic attacks, so it is a miracle that I get there anyway!

    I'd LOVE to have a gym buddy, I live in an area where I don't know anyone.. So it's a bit difficult.

    Thank you so much for your reply xxx
  • dammitjanet0161
    dammitjanet0161 Posts: 319 Member
    You could re-frame the question - say to the staff that you've been doing the same thing for the past 8 weeks and now you want to shake things up and change your routine a bit, so could they show you some new things? (I assume that you've been using the machines and doing the exercises that you ARE comfortable with for the past couple of months).

    Would that feel a bit easier? It's recommended that people regularly change things in their routine anyway, so the staff should be more than willing to help you progress.
  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    Gyms didn't work for me. I prefer to workout in my living room. It takes discipline but I love it! Feel free to add me for some motivation :)
  • Joannesmith2818
    Joannesmith2818 Posts: 438 Member
    I got to the point about 2 years ago where I couldn't even step in a gym from anxiety, so I know how it feels. I now realize that everyone in there is working towards fitness/strength goals and you will find if you just ask they will jump to help you out. I have completely gotten over my fear of simply talking to people to ask for help. Also I think more people than you would know suffer or have suffered from mental health issues. When i bring it up, you will often find that person has their own story. I know its hard at first, but my point is, people in general are nice and willing to help (always dickheads around but mostly nice!).
    :) x
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited April 2015
    OP no one at the gym cares so much to stop there workout to stare at you while you workout.

    As for asking for help. I know how hard it is sometimes but you either do ask or stay ignorant and never use these machines you want to.
  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    I know how you feel. I don't go to the gym at all because of anxiety. If I had to speak to someone to even ask about joining it would bring me out in a sweat, I'd get panicky and shaky and just wouldn't be able to do, first of all, congratulations on getting out there and getting to the gym, I know that must take a lot.

    Have you tried looking for tutorials of how to use the machines on YouTube?
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    Drink a glass of concrete and harden up. No one there cares why you are there, what you are doing, or how you are doing it. Put your headphones in and go to work. If you have a question about how to use a machine or are unsure about an exercise ask the people that are wearing the staff shirts.

    Look up exercises on youtube if you are still unsure about how to do something. Most every phone has a way to record video. Set your phone down and record yourself doing the exercises and then you can self critique your own form so you can improve.

    If all else fails, go early in the morning when the gym first opens. There are less people in there at that time.
  • Tedebearduff
    Tedebearduff Posts: 1,155 Member
    Hi everyone, people I actually know I don't even tell this to, so this forum is actually a great relief!
    I have been going to the gym for about two months..
    There are lots of machines I haven't attempted to use because I've no idea how to use them.. Two months down the line I don't want to ask and I have huge anxiety problems, I convince myself that everyone there will look at me and think 'she's doing that wrong'

    Everyone starts somewhere no one walks into a gym knowing how to use everything.

    *kitten* negative people

    There are more *kitten* at the mall then there are at the gym

    Ask someone for help? seriously I'll help anyone any day any time any age ... doesn't matter. I'm still learning myself but I'd be more than happy to show someone how to use a machine.
  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    DvlDwnInGA wrote: »
    Drink a glass of concrete and harden up. No one there cares why you are there, what you are doing, or how you are doing it. Put your headphones in and go to work. If you have a question about how to use a machine or are unsure about an exercise ask the people that are wearing the staff shirts.

    Look up exercises on youtube if you are still unsure about how to do something. Most every phone has a way to record video. Set your phone down and record yourself doing the exercises and then you can self critique your own form so you can improve.

    If all else fails, go early in the morning when the gym first opens. There are less people in there at that time.

    If only it were as simple as hardening up :-/
  • DvlDwnInGA
    DvlDwnInGA Posts: 368 Member
    DvlDwnInGA wrote: »
    Drink a glass of concrete and harden up. No one there cares why you are there, what you are doing, or how you are doing it. Put your headphones in and go to work. If you have a question about how to use a machine or are unsure about an exercise ask the people that are wearing the staff shirts.

    Look up exercises on youtube if you are still unsure about how to do something. Most every phone has a way to record video. Set your phone down and record yourself doing the exercises and then you can self critique your own form so you can improve.

    If all else fails, go early in the morning when the gym first opens. There are less people in there at that time.

    If only it were as simple as hardening up :-/

    That's why I added the rest of text.
  • jonsmithkidd
    jonsmithkidd Posts: 1,204 Member
    I know, I wasn't trying to take it out of context, but when you say about asking people in the staff shirts.....that is next to impossible for some people. I agree with the taking videos and going early morning, they could both help!
  • Of_Monsters_and_Meat
    Of_Monsters_and_Meat Posts: 1,022 Member
    I don't know how to use the machines either for the most part. Don't worry.
    Those things are for muscle isolation work.

    Really just showing up to the gym with no plan is a recipe for disaster. I spout it a lot, but it works. Just go in try out Strong lifts 5x5. Just use the bar, or even modify it with some dumbells if you need some courage booster. Really no one is going to care.

    Here is the video for the first workout

    and to convince you further, here is some radon 117lbs girl deadlifting.
  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    edited April 2015
    I've been going to the Y for 6 years. I always seek staff for an orientation prior to starting something new. Two months ago I arranged an orientation with the free weights and a workout I downloaded off the internet. I had a tough time getting a time slot with someone as they always seems to have lots of orientations scheduled. It's very common at my Y. I also enjoy seeing others getting orientations because; 1) the're taking a proactive step to improve their health, 2) it's nice to see new faces at the gym, and 3) I may learn something new if I eavesdrop on their session.

    Additionally, someone asked me how to use a machine between my sets last week. Loved passing on info, it felt great and motivated me to work harder on my next set.
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I can honestly promise you that nobody is going to stare at you and think "look at her she's totally doing it wrong". If you aren't sure, go ask - they told you to ask for help, and you need to take the step to do it. Sure it can be hard, but worrying about it constantly is more taxing. Just go up to the owners, and tell them you've been there for awhile, but kind of shy and unsure about some things. I'm sure they'd be happy to show you around :-)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    edited April 2015
    Does the machine have one of those instruction pictures on the side? I use those and follow up with a Google search on the machine. I hate asking people things, I totally understand where you are coming from.

    ETA- I also agree with above and try out Stronglifts 5X5. You can keep to yourself and you know exactly what you are doing every workout.
  • Marcia661
    Marcia661 Posts: 183 Member
    It's been my experience that if I look confused or attempt a machine incorrectly another gym member will step in and assist. We are there for the same reason right?
  • gonebeast
    gonebeast Posts: 102 Member
    I would just be honest and say exactly what u feel, if they're good people they won't laugh and they'll show u what u need to know. Its going to get rid of ur anxiety, rise above it !
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    Imagine yourself as the pro gym-goer. Some newbie comes and asks you a question - would you think less of them or would you think they were cool for trying new things?