Have tried everything. Don't know what I'm doing wrong?



  • sosoangel
    sosoangel Posts: 20 Member
    Pu_239 wrote: »

    it needs less calories... assuming you haven't lost weight in about a month.

    I lose weight one week but then gain the next week. It's not like I'm not seeing any weight loss at all. It's just that weight comes off but then comes right back on. That's where I'm struggling.
  • sosoangel
    sosoangel Posts: 20 Member
    PAV8888 wrote: »
    Hi OP:

    Forgive me if I show ignorance; but, from what I know of Indian food there are a couple of areas worth watching out for!

    First to mind is ghee or oil used in home cooked recipes! How much oil are you using in your home cooked recipes? Have you checked to see how many calories that adds up to?

    Then look at the total amount of complete/completed protein you are eating, and especially if you're vegetarian and also cutting down on the roti or rice you're eating with your meals, are you still getting all the amino acids that you need?

    Last but not least... multiple cups of chai with a few gulab jamun and jalebis; maybe not every day : - )

    No ignorance at all. Lol. Yes I know Indian food can be very heavy but have completely cut out "ghee". Ghee doesn't exist in my vocab when it comes to food. I use minimal oil and usually cooking with chicken breast.
    As for rice and roti it's either one or the other and they are both made the healthiest way possible.
    Thank goodness I don't have much of a liking for chai and gulab jamun and jalebis... Otherwise I would be doomed!
  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 14,131 Member
    edited April 2015
    sosoangel wrote: »
    I use minimal oil and usually cooking with chicken breast.
    As for rice and roti it's either one or the other and they are both made the healthiest way possible.

    If you are going up and down a bit, but end up around the same weight for an extended period of time (I am talking in the month not day range here) AND at the same time your measurements are not changing... it does sound like you MAY be at maintenance for your given level of caloric input and output.

    I see you eat chicken so my question of whether you were combining your legumes with roti or rice to get all your amino acids goes out the window!

    However your diary is not available to see how you log your cooking oil. And a little bit of oil goes a long way in terms of the calories it adds, as I discovered when I first started with MFP!

    Yes, I know you said you use minimal! But minimal is not none.

    I was convinced I only used a "small amount of" olive oil in my food prep. Then I measured it on the scale and gasped at the calories I was adding...

    The bottle hasn't moved much since, and most of the time cooking spray is all that stops my food from sticking!

    Yes, I do still use olive oil and butter, but in extremely carefully measured quantities because yes, at the end of the day, I would rather spend my caloric budget on chocolate instead :-)

    And, of course, another potential issue for you is when you're eating at family gatherings, or going to the temple, where you may not be the one cooking the food!
  • Incy_Wincy
    Incy_Wincy Posts: 16 Member
    @Beccajayn thanks SO much - I'm new and I hadn't discovered the recipe trick, that's made me really happy!
  • Machka9
    Machka9 Posts: 25,443 Member
    sosoangel wrote: »
    Pu_239 wrote: »

    it needs less calories... assuming you haven't lost weight in about a month.

    I lose weight one week but then gain the next week. It's not like I'm not seeing any weight loss at all. It's just that weight comes off but then comes right back on. That's where I'm struggling.

    Reduce the calories you consume by maybe 100 calories per day.

  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    sosoangel wrote: »
    Hey all, I really need some advice and help.
    Since January my weight difference has only been down 4lbs. Some weeks it drops 2lbs-3lbs, while other weeks it's up 1lb-5lbs <-- Been happening a lot recently.
    I have tried everything possible.

    I am proud to say I have lost 20lbs! And all that was without excersice. But I was plateauing so I knew I had to start incorporating exercise to see the scale go down again. But even after that I am still seeing no results. In fact the weeks I work out I see weight gain. I know a lot of people say it's just muscle... But I'm not doing weight training. Also I can see clothes getting tighter as well. I'm just really scared the weight will creep back and I'll be left back at square one. Please help!

    As per the random weight gain, do you menustrate? I know at my time I will spike up 3-5lbs and pee it alllll out over the course of the next 5 days. Totally within the norm!
  • sosoangel
    sosoangel Posts: 20 Member

    As per the random weight gain, do you menustrate? I know at my time I will spike up 3-5lbs and pee it alllll out over the course of the next 5 days. Totally within the norm!

    Yes I do. But when I do, my weight goes up a few pounds. Never 5lbs, that's why I was shocked to see the scale!

    I've come to the conclusion of lowering my calories and making workouts a first priority. I did lose a pound this week :)
  • SophiaSerrao
    SophiaSerrao Posts: 234 Member
    sosoangel wrote: »

    As per the random weight gain, do you menustrate? I know at my time I will spike up 3-5lbs and pee it alllll out over the course of the next 5 days. Totally within the norm!

    Yes I do. But when I do, my weight goes up a few pounds. Never 5lbs, that's why I was shocked to see the scale!

    I've come to the conclusion of lowering my calories and making workouts a first priority. I did lose a pound this week :)

    Good for you! That's just the motivation you needed ;)

    I'll admit, weighing and measuring food sounded awfully lame to me, but I've found it's easier than it sounds... and it gives you a nice feeling of being in control of what you eat. You know exactly how many calories you consume, which makes it much easier to observe what's working and reajust as needed. It's all you need.

    If you have the time (and are interested) finding some good workouts should help the process along nicely. I've found that I see much "better" results on the scale when I sleep enough hours (7-8... 9 if I can manage), but that may be just me.

    (And don't get upset if the scale goes up a bit the days after the big whoosh! That ALWAYS happens to me >=(, but it's the overall trend that counts. It still sucks though, lol.)