Diamonds in the Rough 7 Week Challenge: Round 2 [Week 3]

Congratulations Ladies! Can you believe you are inching toward the halfway point in this challenge! Time sure flies. I feel like I am really getting to know you guys, and I hope that you are feeling the same way about each other. We are in this TOGETHER :-)

Without further ado... the winners are:

Biggest Loser, Blue Diamonds - Kristin (3 lbs)
Biggest Loser, Pink Diamonds - Lydt (3 lbs)
Biggest Loser, Yellow Diamonds - Nikki (nkfowler) (1 lb)

Great job ladies! You ROCK.

This week a lot of you struggled, but one team managed to HOLD ON to the championship. That's right, once again our winning team is the Blue Team with a whopping 13.8 lbs.

The Pink Diamonds lost 9.6 lbs and the Yellow Diamonds lost 3 lbs.

In all, the Diamonds lost 26.4 pounds! YES, WE ARE AWESOME!

Any loss is worth celebrating, so here are the losses for this week (in alphabetical order):

Baypathgrad - Lyns 2.8
Chasekilgannon - Chase 2.4
Countryrose7 - Molly 2
Cshine06 - Krystle 0.2
ElleJay221 - Elle 1.2
Gorgeousgunner - Laura 0.5
HungryMom - Maria 1.2
Jwill10 - Janice 1
Kaveril422 - Kristin 3
Kkmark - Kathy 1
Komplexlysimple - CJ 2
Kristinmp - Kristin 0.8
LesiaAtkinson - Lee 0.1
Lydt5880 3
Momogogo 1
MoreGutThanButt 0.1
Nkfowler74 - Nicole 1
Starsnyc21 0.6
Tramik31 - Tracee 0.5
TrimmingTracie - Tracie 0.8
Zoe9636 - Zoe 1.2

Keep it up ladies! The new trophies will be available this afternoon.

What is one of your partner's most embarrassing moments?

Diamonds in the Rough Guidelines:

- COMMUNICATE with your buddy and with each other! Answer the Question of the Day!
- Please use the link provided on the DITR profile page to weigh in on your weigh in day.
- Support, support, support! Who can’t use a home court advantage? Let’s cheer each other on!


In order to maintain some order on the forum, I will close the forum and start a new one every Monday.

DITR Final Teams


  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Congratulations DIAMONDS!!!!

    Yellow team....THIS is going to be our week!!!
  • countryrose7
    countryrose7 Posts: 107 Member
    Whoo-hoo!! Way to go Blue Diamonds! Let's make this week great--keep shining!
  • nkfowler74
    nkfowler74 Posts: 127 Member
    Great job to all of the diamonds that lost weight this week! And for those that didn't, you can do it this week!!

    Yellow Diamonds... let's drop some pounds!!!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Good job everybody!

    Monday QOTD: Embarrassing story about your partner...

    OK, so one of my teammates is Elle. She has some allergies where her skin reacts to different things. A few years ago, she decided to dye her hair with a brand of stuff she hadn't used before. Within a day her whole head swelled up (she says she looked like a cabbage patch kid!). It was bad enough that the sides of her glasses had to bend out to get around her head. Fortunately, it was just swelling and not anything life threatening. So she went into the emergency department (with her head 2 sizes too big). When the receptionist asked what was wrong she said "I have a swelled head" (and the lady had no sense of humor - not even a smile).
  • chasekilgannon
    Go partner! Whoop that scale. :D Embarrassing story comes later for her.
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Yay Blue Diamonds we have done it again

    Great job

    Congratulations to all the diamonds who lost this week

    Come ladies we cna do it good job

  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Great Job, Blues and Pinks. Yellows, we need to pick it up!!! :tongue:
  • komplexlysimple
    Great job everyone!!!!! Keep shining Blue Diamonds!!!!!
  • WomanPower79
    nice job everyone!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Congratulations to you all, especially to my partner Nicki, who topped the weight chart for the yellows!
    Sorry that my weigh in didn't count, I was an idiot and put it on week 2 instead of week, and maintained, so wouldn't have helped our team really.

    Go yellows!! x x
  • jacks90
    jacks90 Posts: 14
    Congrats to all the losers! Keep it up Diamonds!!!!

    Monday QOTD: One of my partner's most embarrassing moments was she went out to a party and got very drunk. She ended up on a train going the opposite direction of where she needed to be. She feel asleep on the train with another girl who was also wasted lol. When she woke up the train had stopped so she had to take a taxi back home and Oh she also peed in the middle of the street :) hehe
  • lydt5880
    lydt5880 Posts: 90 Member
    Wow Diamonds we are really big losers this week! Embarrassing story's about Chase come l8r...
  • kkmark
    kkmark Posts: 558 Member
    Here you go

    My partner's most embarassing moment

    One day I was running down the hallway at my job, working hard, when my chest popped up and hit me in the chin. It was incredibly embarrassing and awkward. Ha!

  • miss_jamaica
    miss_jamaica Posts: 376 Member
    Hello to all my losing ladies! Okay, here is Jackie's embarrassing story...

    When she was in high school I was president of this organization called HOSA ( health occupants students of america). She had a performance to do and she got a cute outfit and heels to wear... she was excited about this hot guy who was going to watch her. She thought she was so cute until she was coming off stage and fell coming down the stairs!

    Her friends laughed but the guy was surprisingly nice about it.

    GO PINK!
  • chasekilgannon
    My embarrassing story of Lydt comes with music!

    It adds to the ambiance.

    Anyone, my loverly partner here was having a good night out drinking with some buddies, with some full on booze goggles. She woke up the next morning, completely on top of the world, that is until her friend came by to check on her. Here's what happened when he got there:

    "He then proceeded to get out his iPhone and play a video of everyone signing to Kylie Minogue and Robbie Williams 'KIDS". Everyone was having fun and i couldn't see myself though. Until 2 minutes in where there is me sprawled out on the table lifting my head up just in time to slurrrrr 'annnn the skidsssss salrightttttt' to which everyone burst in to fits of hysterics. I then lifted my head up again and was sick in a glass and then on the floor, in the toilet and in my boyfriends father's car all the way home."

    Aaaaand cue the hangover. :P
  • jwill10
    jwill10 Posts: 30
    Great job Diamonds <> Congrats Blue team :)
  • tramik31
    tramik31 Posts: 17
    Monday's QOTD

    My husband received a phone call from a very aggressive bill collector who became very irrate with his inability to remember to pay a bill that he accumulated months ago. My husband was adamant that he did not owe any money to this company. The bill collector began to yell and degrade him for not paying his bill. My husband got very upset and began using profanity... In the end he was so embarrassed because it was my mom playing a joke on him. She thought he was so mild manner and always kept his cool. TOO FUNNY!
  • nikkiws
    nikkiws Posts: 164
    Hello Diamonds, am waiting on my partner's story, she is poorly and laid up, sending love to nkfowler74 x

    P.S I LOVE the trophy this week, gutted it doesn't belong to the yellows!!
  • chasekilgannon
    Monday's QOTD

    My husband received a phone call from a very aggressive bill collector who became very irrate with his inability to remember to pay a bill that he accumulated months ago. My husband was adamant that he did not owe any money to this company. The bill collector began to yell and degrade him for not paying his bill. My husband got very upset and began using profanity... In the end he was so embarrassed because it was my mom playing a joke on him. She thought he was so mild manner and always kept his cool. TOO FUNNY!

    I think Jamaica meant an embarrassing story about your DITR partner, not spouse.
  • dab52776
    dab52776 Posts: 536 Member
    Monday's QOTD

    My husband received a phone call from a very aggressive bill collector who became very irrate with his inability to remember to pay a bill that he accumulated months ago. My husband was adamant that he did not owe any money to this company. The bill collector began to yell and degrade him for not paying his bill. My husband got very upset and began using profanity... In the end he was so embarrassed because it was my mom playing a joke on him. She thought he was so mild manner and always kept his cool. TOO FUNNY!

    I think Jamaica meant an embarrassing story about your DITR partner, not spouse. would be soooo much easier to tell an embarassing story about my spouse ;)