Three fast food meals in one day...?? *SCREAM*



  • achojnacki
    achojnacki Posts: 66 Member
    Bring breakfast, prep some egg sandwiches the night before and nuke them in the morning, portable and easily customized.

    Also bring snacks, sliced fruit, raw veggies, granola bars can all go without a cooler.

    For lunch go to the cafeteria. The cafeteria at Temple Hospital is super cheap and has options that include everything from pizza to sushi. It is actually pretty good.

    You do not have to do fast food!
  • Lpfeifer419
    Lpfeifer419 Posts: 82
    OP-I can't even imagine what you are going through, but I won't try to make you feel worse by telling you not to eat out. Some times it's just out of our control.

    I couldn't find a ton of info on McDonald's, but Hardee's and Wendy's both have some good looking choices. (Click on Alt Options) (Right side has some healthier choices)

    One day isn't going to kill you, and given your situation is acceptable IMHO. :flowerforyou:
  • melsinct
    melsinct Posts: 3,512 Member
    NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO...................

    You are making an excuse!!!!! It is totally unnecessary for anyone to have to go to those places.

    All you have to do is prepare in advance. Pack your cooler--have a picnic--eat in the car, whatever. Take it up to the waiting room---but DO NOT GO TO THOSE NASTY PLACES.

    I used to think the way you are ......but no longer!!! I have finally broke through and realized that my health is more important. My kids nor I have been near a fast food joint in 8 months and we don't plan to.

    You can do this---do it for your daughter---she does not need to be fed that stuff either!

    I was going to make a similar suggestion. I agree wtih this!!!

    Sometimes you have to roll with what life throws at you, and that will involve eating fast food from time to time. Perhaps you two are lucky enough to plan life out, home cook every meal, and be able to take coolers full of fresh food everywhere you go. The rest of us have to learn how to live in the real world. Just last week I was trapped in an airport for 8 hours with one food choice, which was fast food. When you are equipped for such dilemmas that life throws you, you can make decent choices when you are armed with knowledge.

    I am sorry that your child is (or was) sick enough to make this journey. My heart goes out to you! What I would do is comb over the nutritional information for a few fast food restaurants and have a few different meal choices in my pocket for various restaurants. The good news is so many of those places now serve salads (though watch the calories in the add ons!) or other options that are not fried and not burgers.
  • pines2palms
    pines2palms Posts: 51
    Again, I thank all of you who have replied so far. I have some great information that I will arm myself with going into that day, and should be able to make some decent choices. By the way, I love the hospital whomever suggested that...but my daughter's appointment time is AFTER cafeteria closes for I really don't have the option of the hospital cafeteria. Thanks anyway though!
  • eamconnor
    eamconnor Posts: 130 Member
    Please reconsider oatmeal. Old-fashioned oats steeped in a cup of hot water -- that you can get at McD's! -- is about as low-tech as you can get. It carries well in a plastic bag. And it's so good for you. Just a thought.
  • redrustdobe
    redrustdobe Posts: 43
    Wendy's half-size Pecan Chicken Salad or BLT Cobb salad aren't too bad on calories and I find them filling.
    How about Subway?

    I agree with other posters, bring some snacks... nuts, string cheese, fruit. Good luck!
  • stinastudios
    stinastudios Posts: 117 Member
    For breakfast, what about Jamba Juice/Juice It Up? Get an all-fruit smoothie, tasty and good for you! Jamba also has wraps available, and the calories aren't too bad. I also second McDonalds grilled chicken snack wrap, salads (Watch the dressing), and Wendy's chili. Subway is another good option.

    Best idea would be to think about the restaurants that are on the way to and from the hospital, and plan out what you're going to get in advance. It's totally possible to eat healthy at these places, it just takes some planning. Best of luck!
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    Can you do Subway? That is my first choice if i have to eat out.
    Taco Bell has the "fresco" style options, the steak taco fresco style is 160 calories.

    There are options if you can't take your own lunch. I hope everything is ok with your baby girl.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    One day of eating like this isn't going to kill you OR throw you off the wagon. (I'm sure someone will look at me, my picture, my profile and think well, she's fat so obviously she thinks fast food won't kill her and who is she to give advice anyway?).

    If anyone *does* happen to think that, well; I work in fast food. I'm just under nine stone, about 123lbs. Bring it on.

    It is possible to make decent choices for one day, choosing only fast food (longer time periods would get boring and repetitive, and, yeah, too much salt).

    The UK offers different choices, even when we have the same restaurants, so I'm not sure how much I can help. I will say, avoid soft drinks, stick to water (probably obvious). Lots of water, to flush out the sodium. Carry a big bottle around with you. It's the soft drinks that'll get you. If possible, get fruit or salad instead of fries. Bring fruit to snack on. You could try not eating the buns too, if that won't leave you hungry.
  • Barelmy
    Barelmy Posts: 590 Member
    Please reconsider oatmeal. Old-fashioned oats steeped in a cup of hot water -- that you can get at McD's! -- is about as low-tech as you can get. It carries well in a plastic bag. And it's so good for you. Just a thought.

    In the UK, that's exactly how McDonalds makes their oatmeal.
  • kristinlbrammer
    kristinlbrammer Posts: 20 Member
    Subway's breakfast really is good if you have one on the way. As for lunch and dinner, grilled chicken is a good choice or a small kid's size hamburger. I keep 3 simple rules when eating out that will keep your calorie intake at a resonable level..... 1. absolutely NO french fries 2. don't add cheese 3. drink water, not coke

    Good Luck!
  • OBXGal
    OBXGal Posts: 113 Member
    When I was on Weight Watchers years ago I discovered th Southwest Chicken Salad at McDonalds. With grilled chicken the salad is 320 calories with Grilled Chicken, 140 without chicken. I would get no croutons, etc and use the low fat Low Fat Balsamic Vin for 40 calories. I'm not a huge McD's fan, but I loved this salad! (the sodium isn't great, but nothing is going to be at a fast food place.

    Also, I saw that Hardee's offers a turkey burger under 500 calories now, and they look pretty tasty! Maybe you could order it and eat half with a salad?

    Chik Fil A is another fav of mine..the grilled chicken sandwich with no sauce or butter on the bread, and a largge fruit cup. The sandwich is 290 in calories, that's with the sauce, butter on bread, etc, the fruit cup is 70 calories, but I think that may be for the small fruit cup..I always went with the large.

    I also found this link.

    Maybe figure out what you would get from each place and keep the list with you so you won't want to veer away from it :)

    Good luck to you! xoxo
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    The only things I ever eat at mcdonalds are the fruit and yogurt parfait and the sausage breakfast burrito (idk the calories on that one, but who can resists sausage egg and cheese that don't taste like sausage egg or cheese? ah, it reminds me of home...) They should have salads, so that'll do to.
    Hardee's is great for lunch and dinner if you get the turkey burger and skip the fries and soda, or get a soda, or get a salad, those are great. Try and avoid it for breakfast, the foods amazing, but you'll blow your calories for the day.
    Wendy's of course, salad and chili.
    Burger king, all you can really do is salad for dinner and lunch, but for breakfast, you can do cini-minis or mini muffin tops and control you portion by just not eating all 4 pieces.

    If all else fails, no matter where you end up, lower calorie choices are usually:
    1. salad
    2. dollar menu, hold the mayo
    3. stuff they developed to be low cal, but those are hit or miss chain to chain

    PS. One of my friends grew up going to Shriner's in Houston twice a year, I'm glad your daughter is able to get the help she needs.