breakfast or skip



  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    This is purely a personal preference, as it will not harm you or your weightloss to either eat or skip breakfast. Many people find it makes them crazy and hangry if they skip, others find that it makes them hungrier and they eat more later if they eat breakfast (I'm in the latter camp). I'm sure it has to do with blood sugar fluctuations and insulin sensitivity, but regardless, if you're in the latter camp, check out Intermittent Fasting, which is a way of life built around restricting all your calories to a certain time window. You can eat the same amount, but you eat it all within 6 or 8 hours (or whatever, lots of different methods) instead of grazing all day, or whatever. You can make it one meal, two, two with snacks, however you want to divide it, as long as you stay within that window. Many people have had success with it.
  • esjones12
    esjones12 Posts: 1,363 Member
    It seems to be the majority on the board, so I'll chime in and say I love eating breakfast. Sometimes it is the only reason I get out of bed in the morning. I don't consume coffee or any caffeine beverages (hate the taste) so bfast wakes me up and gives me fuel to power through my morning. Every body and schedule is different. Eat what/when works best for you.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    the only time skipping breakfast is an issue is if it causes you to be so hungry that you blow out your calories for the day, repeatedly.

    other than that, skip or eat it, makes zero difference in long run.

  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Why does everyone feel the need to berate or mock someone if they don't agree with their opinion? Calm down people, chill. Everyone's body is different. What works for you may not work for the other guy. Some people can get away with just having coffee for breakfast, while others need eggs, bacon, milk and toast.

    Because there are opinions and there are facts. The fact is that you don't need to eat 3 meals a day to lose weight or get cut or gain weight for that matter. Now, if someone else has a different way of doing it, that's fine and that's where personal preference comes in, but that doesn't negate the fact above.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    gfansher wrote: »
    I rarely eat breakfast. Eating breakfast doesn't "get your metabolism going", that is a myth. Your metabolism is always going, or else you'd be dead. If you don't want to eat breakfast, don't. It's all about personal preference. It's not going to effect your weight loss or health.

    Wow, well this news to the world of medical professionals I'm sure. Yes, you're metabolism is always firing but you can surely increase your metabolic rate a variety of ways. Everyone is different, yes. Not eating breakfast and getting started into your work day is not helping the health or weight loss effort though. I can possibly understand cardio in the morning on an empty stomach but, that's about it. Your body just went through 8 hours of no caloric consumption, you need to eat. Protein and complex carbs, fat isn't bad either depending on your activity levels. Not eating breakfast? Smh.

    That would only be "news" to a medical professional from 30 years ago who doesn't continue to expand his knowledge base.

  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    Yeah, I'm the same way. If I eat breakfast I want to eat more during the day than when I skip it. So I skip it.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    gfansher wrote: »
    I rarely eat breakfast. Eating breakfast doesn't "get your metabolism going", that is a myth. Your metabolism is always going, or else you'd be dead. If you don't want to eat breakfast, don't. It's all about personal preference. It's not going to effect your weight loss or health.

    Wow, well this news to the world of medical professionals I'm sure. Yes, you're metabolism is always firing but you can surely increase your metabolic rate a variety of ways. Everyone is different, yes. Not eating breakfast and getting started into your work day is not helping the health or weight loss effort though. I can possibly understand cardio in the morning on an empty stomach but, that's about it. Your body just went through 8 hours of no caloric consumption, you need to eat. Protein and complex carbs, fat isn't bad either depending on your activity levels. Not eating breakfast? Smh.

    That would only be "news" to a medical professional from 30 years ago who doesn't continue to expand his knowledge base.

    dr oz?
  • EricaAshley913
    EricaAshley913 Posts: 17 Member
    I have always been torn on this one. No matter what I eat for breakfast, I am hungry early for lunch-its almost like it doesnt register in my body. Even with loq carb breakfasts like eggs, veg n lentils. Funny thing is that when I just have water I am fine. I have Hashimotos, so talking abt eating breakfast to get ur metabolism going is pointless cause mine is lost in the woods somewhere. Saw a post in the forums where they said they fast 11pm to 11am daily, that sounds good to me, is that healthy?

    As long as you eat healthy options is doesn't matter of you have breakfast or not. Nutritionist say it's best to eat breakfast so you are not over eating by time it's dinner time then you fall asleep on a full stomach. You should throw in some small healthy snacks in between meals to help with your appetite. If you feel breakfast doesn't work for like some others do then listen to your body and achieve your healthy lifestyle from there. I'm the same way, but found that the small snacks help me a little more. I found if I don't eat breakfast now I binge eat and it's usually with fast food items I think will kill that appetite I thought healthy food was suppose to do ☺
  • CherokeeBabe
    CherokeeBabe Posts: 1,704 Member
    I can never eat early, it makes me sick to my stomach and I've often "lost" my breakfast within a short time afterwards. I skip breakfast, eat lunch, eat a late dinner and usually fit in a snack or two throughout the day. Works for me.
  • moishepipik
    moishepipik Posts: 6 Member
    Stop blaming all your problems on your "Hashimotos." Just eat under your base metabolism calories a day and you'll lose weight. So what if you feel hungry. It won't kill you. Feel hungry.
  • languageSteph
    languageSteph Posts: 25 Member
    Yet another rude response. I am off this board. If anyone wants to communicate with me directly pls do so elsewhere on MFP, this thread has reached a state.of ridiculousness. Thank you to those that played nice.
  • iowachapman
    iowachapman Posts: 38 Member
    If you are not hungry at breakfast dont eat, wait until you are. I typically am not hungry at all for breakfast, so I skip it, and even after workout I still am not hungry so I only take a protein shake for the protein upload, my main meal is dinner where I eat my bulk of calories and then a protein shake before bed. I have a hard time feeling full so if I were to break my calories into 3 500 calorie meals I would not feel full and want to snack eat more, so if I hold off and eat that main big meal at dinner I feel FULL and then by bed time I start to feel a hunger pain and take my protein shake.
  • HowlinAl
    HowlinAl Posts: 277 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Noelv1976 wrote: »
    Why does everyone feel the need to berate or mock someone if they don't agree with their opinion? Calm down people, chill. Everyone's body is different. What works for you may not work for the other guy. Some people can get away with just having coffee for breakfast, while others need eggs, bacon, milk and toast.
    Maybe those people will think to themselves next time "Does what I'm about to post make sense? I know I heard it somewhere but let me fact check it first". That would be smart.

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