Does ~1600 sound reasonable for a 180lb woman trying to lose weight



  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    i am measuring everything!!!!!! that's why i'm asking if this is the right amount of calories for me :( i can't seem to crack the scale number to save my life.

    You're weighing your bread slices? Your bread entry is always the same. My bread is rarely the same weight 2 days in a row. Some brands I've noticed are only out a few grams but I bought a brand that listed one slice as 35gms yet I didn't get a single one weighing under 50gms. Multiple underestimations like that in a day will quickly erase your deficit.

    Use a food scale to weigh everything and save the cups/spoons for caloric liquids only.

  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    i used measuring cups for the pasta the couple times i had it, the yogurt i do by grams, i use less than the amount that i log... i go back and forth between 179 and 180.
    i don't weigh the bread, does it really make that much of a difference with 1 sandwich a day?
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    i used measuring cups for the pasta the couple times i had it, the yogurt i do by grams, i use less than the amount that i log... i go back and forth between 179 and 180.
    i don't weigh the bread, does it really make that much of a difference with 1 sandwich a day?

    The bread, the pasta not being weighed, maybe veggies or your PB2 not starts to add up. Maybe it can put you 100 calories up for the day, at the end of the week that's 700 calories more than you thought.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I personally don't weigh my bread slices (I have-so I get it, and yes they are not always what the package says), but I also have different goals and am still losing. If I really wasn't losing, I'd tighten it up.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    How often are your classes?

    You HAVE to weigh pasta.

    Regarding your diary setting, why do you have it set to 1200? Are you syncing your fitbit to MFP and logging your exercise as well?

    How consistent is your exercise?
  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    i used measuring cups for the pasta the couple times i had it, the yogurt i do by grams, i use less than the amount that i log... i go back and forth between 179 and 180.
    i don't weigh the bread, does it really make that much of a difference with 1 sandwich a day?

    I looked through your diary and most of it looks like it isn't being weighed. You're complaining the scale isn't moving. I'd say, yes, it's made that big a difference.

  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    How often are your classes?

    You HAVE to weigh pasta.

    Regarding your diary setting, why do you have it set to 1200? Are you syncing your fitbit to MFP and logging your exercise as well?

    How consistent is your exercise?

    I put it to sedentary because i work a desk job so other than exercising and walking i don't really have an active job. I do step class 3x/week, body pump (which is like lots of reps weight class) 2x/week and try to walk at least 2-3m most days per week. i sync my fitbit too

  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm eating slightly less (1584) and losing weight. I've lost 11lbs since January (with several small breaks - oops!). When I focus and eat that set amount, I lose an average of a pound a week. It's totally reasonable. Try it for a few weeks and lower it 100 calories if you see no loss. That being said, if you're not losing, you MUST weigh. Get a digital scale. $20 and it'll be a great investment in yourself.
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    oh- when i put it to sedentary it automatically put it to 1200! that's what i meant to add in there
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    edited April 2015
    How often are your classes?

    You HAVE to weigh pasta.

    Regarding your diary setting, why do you have it set to 1200? Are you syncing your fitbit to MFP and logging your exercise as well?

    How consistent is your exercise?

    I put it to sedentary because i work a desk job so other than exercising and walking i don't really have an active job. I do step class 3x/week, body pump (which is like lots of reps weight class) 2x/week and try to walk at least 2-3m most days per week. i sync my fitbit too

    So you synced your Fitbit and are logging your exercise into MFP as well? And then are eating back a good bit of your exercise calories?

    Could someone who knows how Fitbit syncing works confirm that this is what is going on?

    It also sounds like you picked 2 pounds a week for loss?

    What's your goal weight?

  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    i add in the classes, not the walking
  • Renonvme
    Renonvme Posts: 58 Member
    Is your body changing? Have you taken body measurements? I haven't lost much weight lately, but I've still lost inches. If you are adding a lot of muscle that could account for at least part of your lack of weight loss.
  • Renonvme
    Renonvme Posts: 58 Member
    If you are wearing your Fitbit when you are exercising and adding your exercise to MFP you might be doubling your exercise calories. My Fitbit syncs with Runkeeper, so it cancels out the extra steps that would have been there had they not worked together.

    How often are your classes?

    You HAVE to weigh pasta.

    Regarding your diary setting, why do you have it set to 1200? Are you syncing your fitbit to MFP and logging your exercise as well?

    How consistent is your exercise?

    I put it to sedentary because i work a desk job so other than exercising and walking i don't really have an active job. I do step class 3x/week, body pump (which is like lots of reps weight class) 2x/week and try to walk at least 2-3m most days per week. i sync my fitbit too

    So you synced your Fitbit and are logging your exercise into MFP as well? And then are eating back a good bit of your exercise calories?

    Could someone who knows how Fitbit syncing works confirm that this is what is going on?

    It also sounds like you picked 2 pounds a week for loss?

    What's your goal weight?
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    I add in the classes, not the walking... i did pick 2lbs/week i think. my goal weight is 150, a reasonable weight i think.
  • Renonvme
    Renonvme Posts: 58 Member
    But do you wear your Fitbit during the classes? If so, the steps you take during that time are getting doubled.
  • krysmuree
    krysmuree Posts: 326 Member
    oh- when i put it to sedentary it automatically put it to 1200! that's what i meant to add in there

    Your best bet is lightly active. Do you walk to your car? Go to the grocery store? Walk up flights of stairs for work? Walk to the copier at the office? Walk into daycare to pick up your child? You say you go walking, and exercise as well. You're not sedentary.
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    oh- when i put it to sedentary it automatically put it to 1200! that's what i meant to add in there

    Your best bet is lightly active. Do you walk to your car? Go to the grocery store? Walk up flights of stairs for work? Walk to the copier at the office? Walk into daycare to pick up your child? You say you go walking, and exercise as well. You're not sedentary.
    but that will just give me MORE calories to eat won't it?
  • meghanduprey
    meghanduprey Posts: 158 Member
    But do you wear your Fitbit during the classes? If so, the steps you take during that time are getting doubled.

    i didn't think about that :( some one told me to only eat half my exercise calories so i have been trying to do that
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    edited April 2015
    oh- when i put it to sedentary it automatically put it to 1200! that's what i meant to add in there

    Your best bet is lightly active. Do you walk to your car? Go to the grocery store? Walk up flights of stairs for work? Walk to the copier at the office? Walk into daycare to pick up your child? You say you go walking, and exercise as well. You're not sedentary.
    but that will just give me MORE calories to eat won't it?

    Exactly. So the first step is to log and consume accurately.

    I don't know anything about fitbits. But basically you're eating too much, either because you're not weighing everything, or you're over estimating your calories burned. Simple as that.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    I started here at 5'7" and 180 lbs, 1600 was my base calories before exercise. Once exercise calories were added in, I ate an average of 1800 per day to lose 1 lb per week. 2 lbs per week is really aggressive for as little as you have to lose.