Post here if you want more friends!



  • rchavez1990
    rchavez1990 Posts: 32 Member
    Stay motivated, positive, and determined. Be the amazing person you are, both on the inside and the outside.

    Fell free to add me as a friend.
  • Add me :)
  • BiggyFuzz
    BiggyFuzz Posts: 511 Member
    I'm trying to grow a beard while attaining more mfp buddies :)
  • greenjdbn
    greenjdbn Posts: 7 Member
    Looking to gain more friends to help loose 15 more lbs.
  • MinxyNZ
    MinxyNZ Posts: 57 Member
    I love MFP friends, feel free to add me!
  • Train4Foodz
    Train4Foodz Posts: 4,298 Member
    A huge welcome to each new person here(and existing members just getting into the community)!
    Give it your all and you'll get the very same back.. 110% dedication for 110% results!

    Wishing you all a FANTASTIC Easter, welcome to the MFP community!

    Adam, MyFitnessPal Moderator
  • prettyface55
    prettyface55 Posts: 508 Member
    add me :*
  • I have no idea how this works, literally just signed up to MFP. But add me and ill figure out how to add people.

    Weight lifting and kickboxing enthusiast...however we all need motivation and mine is lacking! Plus im a Sports Scientist so maybe I can share knowledge with you.
  • DeannaCoersCarter
    DeannaCoersCarter Posts: 62 Member
    I'd like to motivate and be kept motivated. :smile:
  • queer_mermaid
    queer_mermaid Posts: 37 Member
    yes please! need more friends to keep me motivated!
  • Please add me I need friends....I need motivation!!
  • katie2013p
    katie2013p Posts: 33 Member
    Add me if youre looking for support and motivation on your weight loss journey
  • amalei
    amalei Posts: 4 Member
    Add me! I've just gotten back into the swing of things and I'd love to have more friends! Let's motivate and support each other.
  • FloridaMG75
    FloridaMG75 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm game
  • HappyHealthyLoved
    HappyHealthyLoved Posts: 10 Member
    Hi everyone! Just hit my 60 day check in streak, always looking for more people to keep me motivated :)
  • fatnomore201220132014
    fatnomore201220132014 Posts: 130 Member
    Looking to drop around 50 pounds while training to complete my second half marathon and a few obstacle course races. Feel free to add me. :)
  • gibbysmith1
    gibbysmith1 Posts: 37 Member
    Need some kick *kitten* motivation!
  • Juan_Cervantes
    Juan_Cervantes Posts: 6 Member
    Count me in. Just started this a couple days ago and would love some motivation to keep me going to my goal.
  • tata2g3
    tata2g3 Posts: 90 Member
    Add me, I've been going strong for a month now
  • KechiiCoo
    KechiiCoo Posts: 72 Member
    Starting out on healthy living. Would be nice to know people who are in the same level as I am, just starting out. But of course, it'd be good to have some experienced and accomplished friends, too, to bring motivation.