

  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    I will be weighing in on Wed which is my weekly weighin. I will also take my measurements tonight, first time since April 17th and see if there is any difference.

    On my breaks at work I take a walk and do a mile on each break in 20 mins. I have been busy doing the C25K program on Mon, Wed, and Fri. I am on week three right now! I also am doing yoga on Mon and Wed currently. On Sat I meet my cousin at the gym and did the fat burn workout on the treadmill (also on Fri after my c25K) and then did some strength.

    I really need to incorporate strength into my routine. I have been doing cardio since I joined on Jan 26th and lost 19 pounds that way. Now to lose the next 20 pounds I am going to focus on strength. I will be starting (re-starting) Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and doing that Tue, Thurs, Sat, and Sun when I am not doing my C25K. I also am going to get up early to take a 6am class with my cousin at the YMCA called cardio muscle and my mini goal is to make it 6 classes straight!!!
  • Melly1606
    Melly1606 Posts: 79 Member
    I ready to do this!! I have 2 weddings in July, but most importantly I am ready to feel good about myself!!

    Username: Melly1606
    First name: Melanie
    Height: 5'3"
    Starting Weight: 137
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 127

    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? I am going to be running, Turbo fire, and jillian combination-6 days a week

    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! No but i am ready to buy a new one!!!!
    Good Luck Everyone!!
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    carriebear- that's really great work! I wish I had the time at lunch to get some sort of calorie burn in. I'll have to get creative and figure something out. Strength training slowed my weight loss down a little but it rocked when it comes to taking off the inches. Make sure you are taking measurements- I think that's more motivating anyway. Keep up the good work!

    bkthomas- I'll be weighing in with you on Wednesday. Good luck and great job only having a bite of that cupcake. I caved and ate two pieces of wedding cake this weekend! I tried to plan ahead and leave some calories for it. I may have overdone it though! Oh well- back to the gym tonight.

    This past week I really concentrated on 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I really like these dvd's and will definitely keep incorporating them into my routine. Hopefully the weather is nicer and I can get outside to walk/run this week. The fresh air is a great motivator.

    Keep up the great work and dedication everyone. Bikini time will be here before we know it!
  • getsveltEagain
    getsveltEagain Posts: 1,063 Member
    carriebear- that's really great work! I wish I had the time at lunch to get some sort of calorie burn in. I'll have to get creative and figure something out. Strength training slowed my weight loss down a little but it rocked when it comes to taking off the inches. Make sure you are taking measurements- I think that's more motivating anyway. Keep up the good work!

    bkthomas- I'll be weighing in with you on Wednesday.

    Thanks for the encouragement!! I heard of a "work Challenge" that is for every hour you sit at your desk take a mini exercise break that consists of 20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 jumping jacks, and 20 lunges (each leg). In an eight hour day you will do 160 of each.... break a sweat and refocus :laugh:

    I know that the scale will slow or hopefully stay at 1 pound a week, but inches and fat burn are the most important to me right now. I am hoping to lose my tummy and build muscle so my metabolism will sky rocket :bigsmile:

    I am weighing in on Wednesday too.... see everyones accomplishments in BIKINI BY JULY 4TH 8WK CHALLENGE -- WEEK 2!!!
  • bkthomas2004
    bkthomas2004 Posts: 130 Member
    carrrieebear - that work challenge sounds awesome! I may try that out because it is so gloomy today and my desk just so happens to be surrounded by windows and I need a good pick me up to carry me throughout my day.

    Beckyjill7 - Looking forward to that weigh in on Wednesday! Don't feel too bad about that wedding cake, if you hadn't ate any you may have splurged on something worse later. Like you said, back to the gym, no worries, you've got this!

    Bikini time is upon us!
  • jpkenned
    jpkenned Posts: 16 Member
    What is the chaLean challenge that you did??
  • mlconway
    mlconway Posts: 23
    Update: I gained 1.4 lbs =( I expected it though. I didn't do as well on my diet and it's that "time of the month" so I always weigh more then. Oh, and I eat chocolate. That'll do it. But, this next week I plan to do much better since the cravings won't be so bad. Today is going to be a very good diet day =) What you gain in one week you can lose in another, right? That's what I always say =)
  • jocelynrinear
    I am so upset. I have my monthly visitor and gained 3 lbs. I hate being a woman! I have been working out too. I am very disgruntled. I also have not been eating my 1200 calories. I have been eating less. Oh well. Sorry!
  • carolewoodall
    carolewoodall Posts: 3 Member
    This week's check-in:
    Current weight: 157.4
    Pounds lost since last week: -1.4 lb :happy:
    Question of the week: Are you tracking inches too? no

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • kschoono
    kschoono Posts: 344 Member
    Hello everyone

    This week's check-in 5/17/11
    Current weight: 144 I hope to lose a pound next week. :)

    Pounds lost since last week: 0
  • Happyoceangirl
    Happyoceangirl Posts: 1,993 Member
    carriebear- that's really great work! I wish I had the time at lunch to get some sort of calorie burn in. I'll have to get creative and figure something out. Strength training slowed my weight loss down a little but it rocked when it comes to taking off the inches. Make sure you are taking measurements- I think that's more motivating anyway. Keep up the good work!

    bkthomas- I'll be weighing in with you on Wednesday. Good luck and great job only having a bite of that cupcake. I caved and ate two pieces of wedding cake this weekend! I tried to plan ahead and leave some calories for it. I may have overdone it though! Oh well- back to the gym tonight.

    This past week I really concentrated on 30 Day Shred and Ripped in 30. I really like these dvd's and will definitely keep incorporating them into my routine. Hopefully the weather is nicer and I can get outside to walk/run this week. The fresh air is a great motivator.

    Keep up the great work and dedication everyone. Bikini time will be here before we know it!

    Question about measurements... do you have any tips for consistency ? I always wonder if I'm "cheating" - as in, measuring looser the first time and tighter the second time to get better results - of course - unconsciously! :laugh: I'm doing P90X and know I need to take measurements but when I did for 30 day shred, my measurements didn't change much, nor did my weight even though I felt better and swore I looked better. It was really disappointing to see such little "proof" so now I'm avoiding the measure tape for a baseline. Oh the trauma. :grumble:

    I completed my first week of P90X and felt like a BAD-*kitten*. However, the scale jumped which irked me. Are we seeing a pattern? Numbers (scale, measurements) are not my friend. But how I feel is a different story. I guess that's the one that matters.
  • jpkenned
    jpkenned Posts: 16 Member
    So do we check in on Tuesdays?

    if's check in was 156.4.
  • stariera
    stariera Posts: 224
    Hi all I'd love to start this challenge. I so want to be in my two piece by July 4th.
    Username: stariera
    First name: Stella
    Height: 5'6
    Starting Weight: 190
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 160
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? I am exercising 2 out of 3 days... lots of cardio activities and some resistance band exercises inspired by 6 week makeover by Michael Thurmond. My Goal is to makeover my body while I am working at eating right.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! I sure do It's my favorite black two piece that I haven't been able to fit in for a while.
  • kellyyjean
    kellyyjean Posts: 499 Member
  • luckyduck768
    luckyduck768 Posts: 40 Member
    Username: lucky_duck768
    First name: Cheryl
    Height: 5'4"
    Starting Weight: 160 lb
    Goal Weight by 7/4/11: 130 lb
    What are you doing to get bikini-ready? I am walking 4 miles per day with an added 50 lb backpack. Will also be doing training 3X per week with a Medicine Ball. I will also try to eat healthier and eat less junk food.
    Do you have your bikini picked out yet?! YES! A cute black two-piece I want to look fantastic in!

    I haven't yet joined any groups on here, and I have a feeling that may be why my motivation has been lacking recently. So I am looking forward to this!
  • designerdiscounts
    designerdiscounts Posts: 517 Member
    Hey all! Just want to remind you that there is a new thread for posting week 2 info. It's title is:

  • Celeste79
    Celeste79 Posts: 21
    Got way-sided by a back injury a couple weeks ago and am getting back into the swing of things this week. Managed to spin twice and run once—repeating Week 3 of the C25K program since that is where I left off—frustrating though knowing I **should've** been on Week 5 now; but just have to remind myself that I'm getting back on track now and that's the important thing. Debating on doing a 30DS work-out tonight but not sure if my shoulders are up to the challenge as they've been acting tweaky as well and still are.
  • RENEA72
    RENEA72 Posts: 3 Member
    Start wt:123.8
    Goal wt:117
    Gained .5this week but TOM was here so expected it! I'm going for a 1.5 lose this week wish me luck(:
  • aylankilee
    aylankilee Posts: 2
    Start weight - 136.4
    CW - 136.0

    Pretty unhappy that I barely lost anything. My eating was mostly good this week except for Monday night where we didn't leave the track meet until after 9pm. Everyone was starving and cold, so I just picked up some pizza on the way home.

    Worked out a ton, so hopefully it is just from putting on a bunch of muscle that I didn't really lose anything.

    Leaving tomorrow morning for a business trip. Not sure how much exercise or healthy eating I'm going to get in. Hopefully my post next week will have better results. :frown:
  • mochamom3
    mochamom3 Posts: 6
    Username: Mochamom3
    First name: Stephanie
    SW: 176
    CW: 171
    Height: 5.6
    July 4th Goal weight: 155
    Goal Weight: 135
    To get bikini ready, I am following The 17 Day Diet, and working out 3-4 days a week, as well as keeping a positive attitude!
    I have already bought my bikini, and I am hoping it will be too small by July 4th!