I went from morbidly obese to 6 pack abs! Ask me Anything



  • Mismis28
    Mismis28 Posts: 36 Member
    I have one question I have not yet found answered here or on your youtube channel.
    What do you know about cellulite? Will it go like fat goes in general or is there some kind of difficulties, tricks, to lose it?
    Thank you for this amazing thread and all your advice!
  • KombuchaCat
    KombuchaCat Posts: 834 Member
    Fantastic! I will remember you when I go to my first Crossfit class this weekend in 2 years LOL!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    I have one question I have not yet found answered here or on your youtube channel.
    What do you know about cellulite? Will it go like fat goes in general or is there some kind of difficulties, tricks, to lose it?
    Thank you for this amazing thread and all your advice!
    I'm not an expert as I've never really dealt with it, but from what I understand, if you get lean enough, the cellulite should go away. Building muscle in the area can also help. There are no tricks, just tried and true weight loss and muscle building.

  • sabowman93
    sabowman93 Posts: 139 Member
    Will you ever completely be satisfied with your body
  • sabowman93
    sabowman93 Posts: 139 Member
    Will you ever completely be satisfied with your body
  • abhisheksengupta
    abhisheksengupta Posts: 28 Member
    Hello again Vismal,

    Here's a quick run through of my journey again.
    5'10 M, 21
    July' 14 - 212 lbs (Absolutely sedentary, Roughly 40% BF, little muscle - did plenty of cardio, 1400 cal diet )
    Nov'14 - 168 lbs (Roughly 25% BF, lower fat, started 1500 cal diet, quit gym for two months)
    Jan'15 - 160 lbs (Roughly 22% BF, quite skinny fat, started mini bulk by increasing up to 2500 cals)

    Jan '15 - March'14 - 167 lbs (Mini bulk for 2.5 months, started on SL 5x5 based workout, gained 7 pounds of muscle, fat reduced slightly, gained shape and definition on chest, legs and arms)
    March 15- Today - 162 lbs (Roughly 17% BF (Started cutting again, at 1800 calories, SL exercises 3x a week, HIIT 2x a week (and one session for warm-up), LISS in the form of at-least an hour of walking everyday throughout the journey.

    First of all thank you very much for answering questions previously, they have been a monumental help.
    Now for a few new ones on this stage of my journey, I'll be glad if you could help.

    1. I have been sticking to the big 3 (squats, DLs, BPs) heavily, focusing most of my energy in going progressively heavier. I started SL in Jan and have progressed to 110 lbs benchpress, 120 in squats, 155 in deadlifts, Do you reckon this is good progress? I did very little strength training while losing weight.

    2. As I was mostly skinny fat, the mini-bulk I did in a desperate attempt to get in better shape proved largely beneficial, however the growth of underlying muscle made the fat bulge out. It is literally sticking out now, isolated from the newly formed muscles underneath. I decided to to cut this off as much as possible before I bulk again. Your thoughts? Are mini-cycles pointless?

    3. I still largely have uneven fat distribution throughout the body, the abdomen and upper but is high while lower chest is terribly low (I can see my ribs). I know you can't spot reduce, but will growing more muscle in these places
    help the cause?

    4. My thighs are BIG!. I spent an hour a day on the stationary cycle for cardio while losing weight, that coupled with the squats has left me with rather large and muscular thighs. There's still some fat there, but it looks really funny. I have thin calves, waist and big thighs in between. It makes my upper body look smaller than the lower.
    Should I put brakes on leg exercises for a while? Let my cutting take away the fat from there first?

    5. I am from India, and our normal diet, as well as the general food you get outside isn't really protein rich. An average man's here gets around 30-40g a day I guess, while rest of it is carbs. I have been hovering around the 100g-120g a day mark with plenty of egg whites and chicken. To make things easier I just bought some Whey and would like to know if you make dietery adjustments for it? How can I put it to best use on a cutting diet?
  • Brendag228
    Brendag228 Posts: 31 Member
    Great job... I'm hoping to get like you soon ...congrats
  • mel128
    mel128 Posts: 81 Member
    vismal wrote: »
    Congratulations, that's an amazing transformation. What do you think are the top 5 things that led to your success?
    1. Myfitnesspal of course. It wasn't until I began tracking my intake that my success really started to take off
    2. Understanding that "eating clean" is meaningless and that in order to have true life long success I had to eat foods I enjoyed (ice cream, cookies, etc) on a regular basis but in moderation
    3. Lifting heavy weights
    4. Not listening when people say "you lost enough already" or "you are getting too skinny"
    5. Learning as much about the science behind nutrition and dieting as possible. There is more pseudoscience and myths in this field then any other on earth! So much BS to cut through to find the truth.

    bump for future read...
  • flab2fab760
    flab2fab760 Posts: 47 Member
    What an inspiration!!!!! 120lbs in 17 months!!! IMPRESSIVE!!! And congrats on your success!! You look FABULOUS!!!!

    I am on my own trek now...Started at 305 on Jan 5, 2015 and now at 274.5 as of April 3, 2015!! My goal is 85lbs lost by Oct 14th, 2015!!! That will get me to 220lbs...I would LOVE to get to 195lbs...but will adjust when I get to my goal!!

    Thanks for being such a motivator!!!
  • Breadbar
    Breadbar Posts: 334 Member
    Amazing read - many thanks & congrats to op!
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    sabowman93 wrote: »
    Will you ever completely be satisfied with your body
    No. I've been happy with my body for a long time now, but satisfied, never.
    Hello again Vismal,

    Here's a quick run through of my journey again.
    5'10 M, 21
    July' 14 - 212 lbs (Absolutely sedentary, Roughly 40% BF, little muscle - did plenty of cardio, 1400 cal diet )
    Nov'14 - 168 lbs (Roughly 25% BF, lower fat, started 1500 cal diet, quit gym for two months)
    Jan'15 - 160 lbs (Roughly 22% BF, quite skinny fat, started mini bulk by increasing up to 2500 cals)

    Jan '15 - March'14 - 167 lbs (Mini bulk for 2.5 months, started on SL 5x5 based workout, gained 7 pounds of muscle, fat reduced slightly, gained shape and definition on chest, legs and arms)
    March 15- Today - 162 lbs (Roughly 17% BF (Started cutting again, at 1800 calories, SL exercises 3x a week, HIIT 2x a week (and one session for warm-up), LISS in the form of at-least an hour of walking everyday throughout the journey.

    First of all thank you very much for answering questions previously, they have been a monumental help.
    Now for a few new ones on this stage of my journey, I'll be glad if you could help.

    1. I have been sticking to the big 3 (squats, DLs, BPs) heavily, focusing most of my energy in going progressively heavier. I started SL in Jan and have progressed to 110 lbs benchpress, 120 in squats, 155 in deadlifts, Do you reckon this is good progress? I did very little strength training while losing weight. As long as the lifts are moving up, the progress is good! Strength is very relative so the numbers themselves mean very little. It's the numbers compared to what they used to be that matter. So if you've gone up on everything, then I'd say progress is good.

    2. As I was mostly skinny fat, the mini-bulk I did in a desperate attempt to get in better shape proved largely beneficial, however the growth of underlying muscle made the fat bulge out. It is literally sticking out now, isolated from the newly formed muscles underneath. I decided to to cut this off as much as possible before I bulk again. Your thoughts? Are mini-cycles pointless?Mini cuts have there uses but I am not a fan of a mini bulk. You can jump right into a cut and if it's short enough of a cut, you can resume bulking after maybe a week or two of eating maintenance. You should not jump directly from a cut to a bulk though. You should eat maintenance for a few weeks, then slowly up calories each week until the bulking calories are established. For this reason, I never bulk less then 3 months at a time. This year it was close to 9 months.

    3. I still largely have uneven fat distribution throughout the body, the abdomen and upper but is high while lower chest is terribly low (I can see my ribs). I know you can't spot reduce, but will growing more muscle in these places
    help the cause?This is largely genetic and there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. Over time, gaining muscle and losing fat systemically will help your overall symmetry but again, genetics will ultimately determine fat storage.

    4. My thighs are BIG!. I spent an hour a day on the stationary cycle for cardio while losing weight, that coupled with the squats has left me with rather large and muscular thighs. There's still some fat there, but it looks really funny. I have thin calves, waist and big thighs in between. It makes my upper body look smaller than the lower.
    Should I put brakes on leg exercises for a while? Let my cutting take away the fat from there first?Again genetics. I have giant calves and smaller arms relative to my overall body. I still lift calves on leg days but I don't put an extreme emphasis on them. I do a few extra arm exercises to try and "bring those up". As a beginner you should still just focus on doing your program. Once you enter the intermediate phase you can focus a little less on your genetic strong points, and a little more on your genetic weak points, but you never stop working all your body parts.

    5. I am from India, and our normal diet, as well as the general food you get outside isn't really protein rich. An average man's here gets around 30-40g a day I guess, while rest of it is carbs. I have been hovering around the 100g-120g a day mark with plenty of egg whites and chicken. To make things easier I just bought some Whey and would like to know if you make dietery adjustments for it? How can I put it to best use on a cutting diet?Think of whey as food, not a supplement. Just work it into your diet as a way to meet your overall protein goal.
    Answers in bold
  • giannigreco83
    giannigreco83 Posts: 282 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hello Vismal,

    I've been following you for a while now both here and on youtube...I have a question though..

    I started at 280 on Jan 22, now I am 242. I have only measured everything and done cardio the first 2 1/2 months. However, I have started stronglifts 3 weeks ago and towards the end of the second week my weight loss totally stalled..did not move up or down.....I did not change anything in my calorie intake, still eating around 1700ish doing stronglifts, and adding cardio after the lifting for about 20-25 mins max. Is it really because of the water retained by muscles since I started lifting...? I mean i don't think I hit a plateau at 242 pounds suddenly after losing very steadily.... Should I change something or just keep going like this? Thanks
  • dawnsandusky1
    dawnsandusky1 Posts: 14 Member
    B) amazing job!!!!!!!!!! did you ever use b12 injections? and how do i really determine how many calories i should intake in order to not put my body in starvation mode
  • SiegfriedXXL
    SiegfriedXXL Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Vismal!

    I've been reading this thread since I started 30 days ago and I wanted to thank you for the great information and encouragement found on here.

    Now to my question. I've lost 28 pounds in my first 30 days and I've had a ton of people in my life screaming that it's too fast and I must be doing a fad diet. I tell them over and over again that I just reduced my calorie count and started walking more. Hell, I've even had Sea Salt Caramel Gelato during the 30 days with no ill effects. Not to mention that, being over 400 pounds, I have quite a ways to go and SHOULD lose faster anyway. Did you have anyone question the rate of your weight loss and what did you tell them to make them shut up about it.

    Again, thanks for this awesome thread.
  • BuccaneersFan
    BuccaneersFan Posts: 36 Member
    In your opinion/experience does it make a difference if each meal has the same macro ratio as the whole day. To clarify, if my macro breakdown is 30% carbs/40% protein/30% fat, should each meal be broken down that way?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    Hello Vismal,

    I've been following you for a while now both here and on youtube...I have a question though..

    I started at 280 on Jan 22, now I am 242. I have only measured everything and done cardio the first 2 1/2 months. However, I have started stronglifts 3 weeks ago and towards the end of the second week my weight loss totally stalled..did not move up or down.....I did not change anything in my calorie intake, still eating around 1700ish doing stronglifts, and adding cardio after the lifting for about 20-25 mins max. Is it really because of the water retained by muscles since I started lifting...? I mean i don't think I hit a plateau at 242 pounds suddenly after losing very steadily.... Should I change something or just keep going like this? Thanks
    At your weight you should be easily losing at 1700 calories. I mean EASILY. Water retention is a thing but after 3 weeks, it is likely not the cause. I'd reexamine how closely you are counting your calories. I'd venture a bet you are eating quite a bit more then you think. Normally Someone 242 lbs should be able to lose weight eating 2000+ calories a day. You have to take everything into consideration. Cheat days, forgetting to log, inaccurate entries in the MFP database, eating out or eating food you did not prepare/weigh yourself. weighing something cooked and using nutritional information for it in the raw form. All these things can have you actually eating quite a bit more then you think,
    Hi Vismal!

    I've been reading this thread since I started 30 days ago and I wanted to thank you for the great information and encouragement found on here.

    Now to my question. I've lost 28 pounds in my first 30 days and I've had a ton of people in my life screaming that it's too fast and I must be doing a fad diet. I tell them over and over again that I just reduced my calorie count and started walking more. Hell, I've even had Sea Salt Caramel Gelato during the 30 days with no ill effects. Not to mention that, being over 400 pounds, I have quite a ways to go and SHOULD lose faster anyway. Did you have anyone question the rate of your weight loss and what did you tell them to make them shut up about it.

    Again, thanks for this awesome thread.
    Yes, people questioned my weight loss all the time. 28 lbs is a lot in 30 days but they are failing to take many things into consideration. First, you have to look at it in relationship to your total size. Someone 400 lbs losing 28 is about the same as someone 200 lbs losing 14 lbs in a month. Still fast but doesn't sound as dramatic. Second you must consider water weight losses. Whenever you first begin eating in a deficit you will lose water weight rapidly. Again, if you are a bigger person, you will have more of a water weight drop. I wouldn't see anything wrong with losing at the rate you are for just starting out. It will slow down over time so be prepared but I'd just politely tell people you appreciate their concern and will "take it into consideration" ;)
    B) amazing job!!!!!!!!!! did you ever use b12 injections? and how do i really determine how many calories i should intake in order to not put my body in starvation mode
    No b12 injections as I am not deficient in b12. Starvation mode is mostly a myth. You can starve if you eat to little, and you will die from it, but you will not stop losing weight. People who starve to death aren't fat. There does not exist a magic calorie cutoff point where your body stops using stored fuel for energy. If it did that, it wouldn't have any fuel to run on at all. The whole notion of starvation mode makes no sense when you think about it. If the body stops using fat for energy, what will it use?
  • vismal
    vismal Posts: 2,463 Member
    In your opinion/experience does it make a difference if each meal has the same macro ratio as the whole day. To clarify, if my macro breakdown is 30% carbs/40% protein/30% fat, should each meal be broken down that way?
    Meal timing and composition is of very little importance for most people. Focus on hitting your totals for the day. That is far, far more important then timing or composition of the individual meals.
  • GreenGoddess22
    GreenGoddess22 Posts: 3,818 Member
    Congrats to you!
  • megganjeninngs69
    megganjeninngs69 Posts: 51 Member
    I have a question iv read nd read trying to decide .iv been doing 5x5 iv finally lost some pounds and iv lost inches. I can really see the difference .But when i read other womens post they are not taking off days and doing tons of cardio . I thout that was exactly what you werent supposed to do! I might walk at my sons baseball practice or ride my bike after i lift somtimes but thats it these people are like i eat rabbit food and yogurt and lift 3x a.week and do cardio 7x a week ???? Are they right ?or are they kinda wasting there time??
  • megcorey
    megcorey Posts: 49 Member
    Hi i messed somthing up on my account had to make new one but still same as megganjennings if u get to my question
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