Anyone else have to struggle like me?



  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    Why are there so many mean people on these threads?

    I am fairly new to mfp and this was my first thread. When I saw how negative some people were being towards the OP, I am not sure I want to continue with the "community" part of mfp.

    I'm afraid the OP started with statements that were going to get people backs up. So in reality she caused the negativity
    Im talking those who have really had to fight for it-not just someone who got lazy and gained weight later in life. I am talking about those who have ALWAYS been overweight
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    I echo everyone stepping in after the "negative nancy" jumped on.

    Just to be blunt (and I am not one of them) MFP members are sarcastic and lack tact. Just know when you post to a thread it is up for scrutiny, debate and all out meanness. It is cyber space and folks hiding behind a computer screen (like me)... LOL

    You ask why do they do it? Because they can! They will jump back and say just because you do not like what I said, does not make it un true, yadi, yadi yadi..

    OP keep your head up and just ignore those folks that do not contribute in a manner no so pleasing.. :):):)

    Arent you generalising and tarring everyone with the same brush, but exclude yourself?
    It looks like its the OP who lacks tact or has posted in such a way that it understandably ot some peoples backs up, but you choose to ignore that.

    When you post on a forum you are asking for responses, people are different so dont be suprised if people do in fact respond necayse thats what forums are there for.
  • badgerbadger1
    badgerbadger1 Posts: 954 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    I echo everyone stepping in after the "negative nancy" jumped on.

    Just to be blunt (and I am not one of them) MFP members are sarcastic and lack tact. Just know when you post to a thread it is up for scrutiny, debate and all out meanness. It is cyber space and folks hiding behind a computer screen (like me)... LOL

    You ask why do they do it? Because they can! They will jump back and say just because you do not like what I said, does not make it un true, yadi, yadi yadi..

    OP keep your head up and just ignore those folks that do not contribute in a manner no so pleasing.. :):):)

    Irony. It's what's for dinner.
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    gia07 wrote: »
    I echo everyone stepping in after the "negative nancy" jumped on.

    Just to be blunt (and I am not one of them) MFP members are sarcastic and lack tact. Just know when you post to a thread it is up for scrutiny, debate and all out meanness. It is cyber space and folks hiding behind a computer screen (like me)... LOL

    You ask why do they do it? Because they can! They will jump back and say just because you do not like what I said, does not make it un true, yadi, yadi yadi..

    OP keep your head up and just ignore those folks that do not contribute in a manner no so pleasing.. :):):)

    Thank you love.
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    There is a difference with those who ate and drank a lot as an adult and gained weight Verses children who were always fat. Medically, I have read medical research. That there is a difference. I dont know why people got upset about that.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Hangry, OP?
  • Uhfgood
    Uhfgood Posts: 128 Member
    Lol, after having reread the original post I don't think she was talking about people with actual medical issues. When she said "not just someone who got lazy and gained weight later in life" she was talking about a lot of us who do that. That is we might have worked out and you know played sports and what not when we were young but later on felt that we didn't want to do all of that, and just decided to be lazy. I'm sort of that way, I was never skinny (in fact looking over my life I wasn't actually fat those years, but never skinny + asthma means i thought I was fat, but I digress). Any way, those that are lazy know who you are (and I am one of them, later on I just sat on my computer and didn't want to be 'active' anymore).

    She was just wondering if those that don't have medical problems (which she should have stated in the original post) have to work their butts off just to be fit -- go and read the original post. Go ahead, I'll wait :-)

    And to answer OP -- yes you have to do it, you have to work your butt off -- there are some people who are naturally disposed to losing weight and staying skinny -- they have high working metabolisms -- however, MOST of us, do not, and therefore we need to work if we want that awesome beach body. So you either put in the time and effort, or be happy being at whatever weight and condition you're at. But then that's the way were supposed to be right? Anything worthwhile needs to be worked at, otherwise you have no one to blame but yourself :-) (Just to make sure, I'm not talking about those with medical conditions -- So you don't have to get mad at me for that 'you have no one to blame' comment as I'm not addressing you with that comment)
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Alexandra wrote: »
    There is a difference with those who ate and drank a lot as an adult and gained weight Verses children who were always fat. Medically, I have read medical research. That there is a difference. I dont know why people got upset about that.

    If you have the research then show us. They still put on weight the same way and will lose it the same way as anyone else. Id be interested to see how they draw the distinction from those who are special cases compared to the lazy ones. You could phrase your posts better and then they wouldnt attract what you feel is unfair treatment.
  • bulk_n_cut
    bulk_n_cut Posts: 389 Member
    woah OP calm down. perhaps a cheeseburger will help curb your anger? just a friendly suggestion, guys. working out to vent is hard, but drowning your emotions in a cheeseburger and alcohol isnt.
    but you already knew that, didnt you OP
  • goldenstone01
    goldenstone01 Posts: 25 Member
    Hun you are not the only one. A lot of people struggle with that on a daily basis. Some don't want to face it and hope and pray no one calls them out on it. I for one also struggle with this and don't care who knows. Instead of dieting I just made a life change to eat clean. Which has been helping me with my weight loss. Don't worry about any negativity. Just do what you feel is right and whats best for you. Good luck on your weight loss goal
  • williamwj2014
    williamwj2014 Posts: 750 Member
    edited April 2015
    seriously. Thanks for the laughs. My post (as well as the others after) set off a chain of reactions. Being blunt is seen as "negative" on these forums, probably the funniest part about being apart of the community. I don't say things to be "mean" maybe I should of not called OP whiney but then again I'm not going to pat her on the back, tell her good job and to keep trucking along, when she clearly puts everyone who isn't like her down. Her last posts clearly shows how whiney she really is and out of nowhere throws out how "successful" she is as that has any relevance to weight loss and fitness haha..sad. Good for you OP.
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    seriously. Thanks for the laughs. My post (as well as the others after) set off a chain of reactions. Being blunt is seen as "negative" on these forums, probably the funniest part about being apart of the community. I don't say things to be "mean" maybe I should of not called OP whiney but then again I'm not going to pat her on the back, tell her good job and to keep trucking along, when she clearly puts everyone who isn't like her down. Her last posts clearly shows how whiney she really is and out of nowhere throws out how "successful" she is as that has any relevance to weight loss and fitness haha..sad. Good for you OP.

    Successful in my world is relevant . Modeling requires measurements and weight. Thank you. You take care. Blessings to you
  • Jg04811
    Jg04811 Posts: 102 Member
    Felt like I just read my life story. We grew up very similiar. I have to cut everything out to lose. Friend me! We can help each other out and get over this hump =)
  • Belle8312
    Belle8312 Posts: 2,151 Member
    So I have a question.....I read the first post, and I don't think the OP is whiney or anything. However, the OP stated she was on the Biggest Loser.....why not reach out to your fellow Biggest Losers (from however many seasons there are now)? Or your trainer? Or the person who you are engaged (or married, not sure) to that was also on the Biggest Loser? I'm sure some of them are dealing with the same issues you are and might be able to help you more than us "negative *****" (OP posters words, not mine).
    Just sayin.....
  • reachingforarainbow
    reachingforarainbow Posts: 224 Member
    I haven't been where you are but I can tell you that I did drastically lose weight a few times. More than likely, you wasted away your muscles. For one, you should add a 100 calories a week till your back to eating maintenance and start lifting. You aren't going to keep weight off through cardio alone. Cardio is great but you only should do around 2 - 1 hour sessions a week and about 4 strength training sessions a week.
    Your body needs for calories might also not fit the typical equation for calorie needs. But it shouldn't be extremely low either.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,734 Member
    Belle8312 wrote: »
    So I have a question.....I read the first post, and I don't think the OP is whiney or anything. However, the OP stated she was on the Biggest Loser.....why not reach out to your fellow Biggest Losers (from however many seasons there are now)? Or your trainer? Or the person who you are engaged (or married, not sure) to that was also on the Biggest Loser? I'm sure some of them are dealing with the same issues you are and might be able to help you more than us "negative *****" (OP posters words, not mine).
    Just sayin.....

    I was curious about this as well. Honestly, I'm surprised it took 2 pages for someone to even mention this part of the OP. I thought it was a key part of her original post. Thanks for asking the questions. Hopefully she will answer.
  • alexandrazzzz
    alexandrazzzz Posts: 49 Member
    I haven't been where you are but I can tell you that I did drastically lose weight a few times. More than likely, you wasted away your muscles. For one, you should add a 100 calories a week till your back to eating maintenance and start lifting. You aren't going to keep weight off through cardio alone. Cardio is great but you only should do around 2 - 1 hour sessions a week and about 4 strength training sessions a week.
    Your body needs for calories might also not fit the typical equation for calorie needs. But it shouldn't be extremely low either.

    agree 100%!!!! <3 Thank you. Strength really is where it is at and I think I have been a bad cardio junkie lately! :neutral: so thanks!
  • skinnyinnotime
    skinnyinnotime Posts: 4,078 Member
    I don't think anyone finds it easy, we all struggle to a degree
  • elle_bear_11
    elle_bear_11 Posts: 246 Member
    I think i understand, I'm only 22 but since i was 11 years old I've struggled with weight gain a lot. I kept myself on a strict diet and exercised like crazy as a child, watching my friends eat away and not gaining a pound. The day i ate to much was thw day i allready gained a pound or two..and there was no way down. So i struggle with anorexia for a very long time. Now I'm just trying to eat healthy and exercise an hour or hour and a half a day. Somehow its so hard to find the necessary balance..
  • blankiefinder
    blankiefinder Posts: 3,599 Member
    I haven't been where you are but I can tell you that I did drastically lose weight a few times. More than likely, you wasted away your muscles. For one, you should add a 100 calories a week till your back to eating maintenance and start lifting. You aren't going to keep weight off through cardio alone. Cardio is great but you only should do around 2 - 1 hour sessions a week and about 4 strength training sessions a week.
    Your body needs for calories might also not fit the typical equation for calorie needs. But it shouldn't be extremely low either.

    Why just 2 cardio sessions per week? It comes down to Calories in Calories out. Do strength training to help retain muscle mass while you are losing, but you need the calorie deficit to lose. Weights does not equal quick weight loss. What I am trying to say is that if you are doing cardio now and not losing, if you cut out the cardio, you will either have to cut your calories to match, or you could end up in a surplus.

    If you're happy with your current weight then you could try a recomposition but that is a slow, slow process.

    Anyway, I couldn't find if you mentioned your height, but I can tell you that I maintain at around 1600 calories at 5'7. But that is with extremely accurate logging, and not eating out (where the calories in food are very unpredictable). I also don't drink more than once a month.