Need motivation and support, comment here! Lets support each other :)

Hello everyone, I have been on here for 28 days and I love the app. I log in every day and add in the foods and drinks I have. I was just wondering if there is anyone else out there who has seemed to plateau with their weight. I would consider myself as generally quite healthy, do my best to each sufficient protein and veg and do a lot of strength training. I need to be doing more cardio though I know that, but I find it difficult to get the motivation. I have been gyming religiously for about a year now and I am starting to get frustrated with the lack of results :(


  • sannaf36
    sannaf36 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi there! It's rather simple really. You need to go harder at the gym. Strength builds but does t shed as much. And as for food, if you plateau, you either have to go lower on calories, or hike them up for a week and then go back to what it used to be. Best of luck!
  • nebulaa
    nebulaa Posts: 4 Member
    Haven't lost a single pound :( trying real hard .. I feel like giving up ;_;
  • Hellen04
    Hellen04 Posts: 12 Member
    Add me for support! I've been there trust me! You gotta change up the routine to shake things up.