Solutions for craving chocolate?



  • MKEgal
    MKEgal Posts: 3,250 Member
    Sugar-free chocolate pudding made with nonfat milk. Or to make it even thicker, use 2/3 milk and 1/3 greek yogurt.

    Have some chocolate. Good chocolate. Pay attention to it. Let the piece melt on your tongue.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I eat 99% chocolate. 220 calories for the entire bar and it helps me meet my fat macros for the day. Best with coffee, tea, or some berries.
  • wmpottsjr
    wmpottsjr Posts: 42 Member
    Unsweetened cocoa powder is the best alternative. I love it and the isoflavones in pure cocoa is very good for you. I like to blend it into fruits. A whole tablespoon of cocoa powder is only 12 calories. I put a tbsp in with 100 grams of strawberries and make a nice smoothie that is only 44 cal. You'll be surprised. The cocoa blends with the sweetness of the berries. yumm My favorite is Mandarin oranges and unsweetened cocoa powder. I blend 4 mandarins with a tablespoon and it is just delicious. Stay away from milk chocolate like the plague. It does not have much cocoa in it. It is mostly cocoa butter and sugar. That is why dogs can eat milk chocolate but not semisweet or cocoa itself. I also add a teaspoon to my coffee and green tea. It's good for you. Especially, people losing weight.
  • SweetestHoney
    SweetestHoney Posts: 95 Member
    The Trader Joe's 100 calorie chocolate bars actually work for me. The milk chocolate is so good that I feel satisfied with 1. And that never happens to me with chocolate. Also try pairing a small amount of delicious chocolate with healthy tea and savor it. Chocolate is supposed to be enjoyed and not a regret.
  • KhaleesiBlue
    KhaleesiBlue Posts: 13 Member
    I love chocolate also, but I don't eat much of it anymore once I realized how many calories it has in it. But, when I have to have some I eat a fiber one brownie (90 calories) or a skinny cow ice cream (100-160 calories) since there are more calories in the ice cream, I don't eat them every day and only at night after dinner, to make sure I don't go over. I usually have a brownie every day, and it helps.
  • BettyM1017
    BettyM1017 Posts: 616 Member
    Aemely wrote: »
    Get the really really good stuff. It's so darned expensive, you can only afford a couple pieces every week. Ha-ha!

    Also, Ovaltine + espresso + fat-free Reddiwhip = relatively low calorie mocha. :smiley:

    Yep! Get the good stuff and savor it. I love your Ovaltine suggestion, too. I'm definitely trying that! !
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I take a daily magnesium supplement and almost never crave chocolate. Except shark week. Also, I keep cocoa powder in my house for making my own lower sugar chocolaty things... And mole!
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member
    Just eat chocolate! I eat a few squares of dark chocolate every day. The total calories is usually 75, but sometimes I have a few extra for a total of 150. (It is best to stick to dark.)
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    You can pry the chocolate out of my cold, dead hands. I lost half my body weight eating chocolate pretty much every day. Don't think you have to give it up to be successful.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    You know...I actually eat way more chocolate now that I'm losing weight than before. I think it's because I tend to crave salty/savory/cheesy foods and I find chocolate and sweets at 200 calories easier to fit into my day over 600 calories worth of chips.
  • Red_Dwarf74
    Red_Dwarf74 Posts: 38 Member
    Buy some cadburys Timeout...Only 85 Kcal per bar
  • acpgee
    acpgee Posts: 7,699 Member
    A cup of hot chocolate made with cacao, skim milk and artificial sweetener.
    A pureed frozen banana with some cacao powder mixed in.
  • azure7
    azure7 Posts: 136 Member
    Like others, I go for a nice dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher). Alternatively, this chocolate sorbet recipe is divine and much lower in cals than a choc ice cream. Hint: you need to use a good cocoa powder.
  • RivenV
    RivenV Posts: 1,667 Member
    This usually satisfies me.
  • disasterman
    disasterman Posts: 746 Member
    I take a daily magnesium supplement and almost never crave chocolate. Except shark week. Also, I keep cocoa powder in my house for making my own lower sugar chocolaty things... And mole!
    I have to try magnesium. More muscle cramping than usual has made me think I might be deficient and I crave chocolate all the time like nobody's business.

  • jlbrown1985
    jlbrown1985 Posts: 136 Member
    I love Blue Diamond dark chocolate oven roasted almonds. Always satisfies my chocolate cravings.
  • williams969
    williams969 Posts: 2,528 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Eat the chocolate. Buy a bag of individual pieces, take one or two out, and close it up.

    ^^This. Of course, get whatever kind you want, but I like something dark and rich, then I need less (one or two squares). Oh, and I always budget my day to leave 200 calories for "after dinner" snacks--I ALWAYS need a treat at that time. And instead of going against my appetite (and making myself feel deprived and sad), I just leave a little room for a little something then.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    I have to try magnesium. More muscle cramping than usual has made me think I might be deficient and I crave chocolate all the time like nobody's business.

    Magnesium also helps with the uptake of potassium, which is why I take my potassium and magnesium supplements together. :)
  • mburgess458
    mburgess458 Posts: 480 Member
    I also love eating raw cacao nibs while drinking coffee. They are high in calories also (130 per oz) so you really need to weigh them, and they aren't at all sweet like chocolate, but for me it's like main-lining really dark chocolate. The taste is basically chocolate without the sugar. I love them only with coffee, but they definitely aren't for everyone.
  • brendak76
    brendak76 Posts: 241 Member
    Yes on the unsweetened cocoa powder. I dip fruit in it and totally satisfies the chocolate craving.