For those on the Keto diet (or one similar)

Hey guys,

I was just wondering if I could get advice from anyone on the Keto diet or follows one that is similar to it. My question is, how long did you find it took until you notice weight loss results? Especially would love to hear from those who had 15 pounds or less to lose!

I have been doing it for one month, and actually have gained slightly (going by measurements though, have not weighed on scales). I eat 1400 cals, no processed foods, plenty of water daily, very low carb etc. I am 5 foot 10, and do not exercise (except for a little walking)

Anyone who has been on this diet and has any tips they would like to share would be great!


  • erikgoya
    erikgoya Posts: 77 Member

    might be a good idea to ask this at the actual keto group too.

    or the low carb group
  • MargaretSobers
    MargaretSobers Posts: 167 Member
    Are you currently tracing your calories and macros? If not, I'd suggest starting with doing that for a few days.
  • hannah_d1989
    hannah_d1989 Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks for the replies. When I say I have gained, that is going by several measurements in my stomach and legs. I don't think I have "no measuring scale" as I have always preferred going by measurements as apposed to scales.
    Yes I track calories, 1400 per day and use this website for it.
    3-5 months would be acceptable of course, however would have thought a very small change may have happened after one month, but perhaps by body is just taking it's time!
    Anyone else find they had to be on the diet for a while before noticing any changes?
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Open diaries usually help. Usually going into keto there's a fairly noticeable weight drop as you use up your glycogen stocks and the associated water, but you aren't weighing.

    Personally I see the difference quickly when I get down to it and fully keto, but I'm not a good comparison as I have more to lose. I am the same height as you but male, 1400 may be a shade high without exercise. How many grams of carbs and protein per day ?
  • Foamroller
    Foamroller Posts: 1,041 Member
    At 5 foot 10, you should normally lose weight on 1400. You didn't say how much you weigh...

    Are you absolutely sure you're eating 1400 ? Keto isn't a magic pill. Your body still needs to be in what it perceives as deficit.
  • canoepug56
    canoepug56 Posts: 161 Member
    Can you open your diary ?