Slow metabolisim



  • nicfitnesszone
    nicfitnesszone Posts: 115 Member

    METABOLISM— The main types of "fuel" used by muscle for energy metabolism are glycogen, glucose, and free fatty acids. The particular energy sources used by working muscle for aerobic metabolism depend upon a number of factors including the intensity, type, and duration of exercise, physical conditioning, and diet.

    It took me couple of months to learn my body and finally get it! You'll get there!

    Having great resources is great too! :-)

  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    all them nos to what?

    I though the context was pretty clear ...

    No you don't. (Have a slow metabolism)

    No it (chili) isn't.(a "superfood", whatever the Hades *that* is...)

    No there aren't. (any so-called "superfoods")

  • Lois_1989
    Lois_1989 Posts: 6,410 Member
    LBuehrle8 wrote: »
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    Hey thanks, yeh it just feels slower, any ideas on how I can build upper body strength as I have absolute zero.

    Really? Anyway, I went to the doctors about this, had blood tests done, turns out mine is slower (but not by much). BUT you cannot change your metabolism. No amount of Green Tea/ Gogi berry/ cows blood/ essence of hummingbird or any other type of rubbish they want to sell you will work. All you can do is increase your muscle mass therefore increasing the amount of work your body has to do to move. Fat just sits there, muscles need energy to repair and keep healthy = more calories needed/burned depending on what you want

    Excuse me, as a certified* Essence of Hummingbird(tm) Dealer, I can certify* that this is all you need to quadruple your BMR.

    It's possible I mean BMI, though. The diet is just your body weight in sugar water each day...

    wow this is a blatant "let me sell you some crap" post if I have ever seen one.

    It is against the TOS to do this in the forums.

    Oh my goodness gracious. Didn't think it was even POSSIBLE that that joke would be taken seriously.

    Sigh. The Internet is hard.
    I'm really very funny in real life.

    Don't worry I read the first sentence and knew it was sarcasm :)

    I thought it was the asterisk that gave it away... and I liked the Trade Mark, I should really edit my post to accommodate...
  • DemoraFairy
    DemoraFairy Posts: 1,806 Member
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    Hey thanks, yeh it just feels slower, any ideas on how I can build upper body strength as I have absolute zero.

    Really? Anyway, I went to the doctors about this, had blood tests done, turns out mine is slower (but not by much). BUT you cannot change your metabolism. No amount of Green Tea/ Gogi berry/ cows blood/ essence of hummingbird or any other type of rubbish they want to sell you will work. All you can do is increase your muscle mass therefore increasing the amount of work your body has to do to move. Fat just sits there, muscles need energy to repair and keep healthy = more calories needed/burned depending on what you want

    Excuse me, as a certified* Essence of Hummingbird(tm) Dealer, I can certify* that this is all you need to quadruple your BMR.

    It's possible I mean BMI, though. The diet is just your body weight in sugar water each day...

    wow this is a blatant "let me sell you some crap" post if I have ever seen one.

    It is against the TOS to do this in the forums.

    Oh my goodness gracious. Didn't think it was even POSSIBLE that that joke would be taken seriously.

    Same, it was possibly the most sarcastic post I've ever seen on here, and there are plenty of sarcastic posts on MFP.
  • SergeantSausage
    SergeantSausage Posts: 1,673 Member
    SezxyStef wrote: »
    SBRRepeat wrote: »
    Lois_1989 wrote: »
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    Hey thanks, yeh it just feels slower, any ideas on how I can build upper body strength as I have absolute zero.

    Really? Anyway, I went to the doctors about this, had blood tests done, turns out mine is slower (but not by much). BUT you cannot change your metabolism. No amount of Green Tea/ Gogi berry/ cows blood/ essence of hummingbird or any other type of rubbish they want to sell you will work. All you can do is increase your muscle mass therefore increasing the amount of work your body has to do to move. Fat just sits there, muscles need energy to repair and keep healthy = more calories needed/burned depending on what you want

    Excuse me, as a certified* Essence of Hummingbird(tm) Dealer, I can certify* that this is all you need to quadruple your BMR.

    It's possible I mean BMI, though. The diet is just your body weight in sugar water each day...

    wow this is a blatant "let me sell you some crap" post if I have ever seen one.

    It is against the TOS to do this in the forums.

    OP to build upper body strength start with body weight exercise such as wall pushups, move to on the knee push ups and graduate to full on push ups...same with dips do some curls with ever increasing dumb bells, lat push downs, tricep push downs and tricep extentions along with reverse chin ups where you get on the chin up bar using a stool and hold yourself up as long as you can

    ETA and yes stop with the slimfast just eat real food and if you want to lose eat at a deficit.

    As for the weight you gained over the last year and feeling lethargic the weight gain is probably due to less movement due to injuries...the lethargy is due to lack of food for energy. Don't teach your kids that the way out is to's not.

    Sarcasm Detector on the fritz today, then, is it?

    Better take that in and have it checked.

    A full Level-3 diagnostic, right?
  • TristanMacNessaCampbell
    @Boolost1 I hope this helps you.
    miso, spicy peppers, green tea, and tamarind just to name the first that come to mind,
    also work out for 20-30min first thing in the morning then have green tea or miso soup and you'll have your metabolism up in no time.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    edited April 2015
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    Also gia yes I am a 37year old mum of two children, whats the problem? as i stated yesterday never had problems with squats through training but after being out for a year seem to be bloating. so if you haven't got any advice then keep your comments to yourself ***** fuming*****

    You should listen to her. She could have answers, so try not to burn bridges.

    The bridge is way burnt... Just so you know I spent a lot of time with OP yesterday nothing worked so, based on information given to me, if have no clue... :D:D
  • Boolost1
    Boolost1 Posts: 44 Member
    If you had spent time and listened love then you would have known better than to question my authenticity.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    If you had spent time and listened love then you would have known better than to question my authenticity.
    She often doesn't listen, she reframes issues to the way she wants them to be and then tries to respond to her own misinterpretation. Been there, done that.
  • ElizabethKalmbach
    ElizabethKalmbach Posts: 1,416 Member
    If your doctor told you your metabolism is fine, it probably is (assuming it was actually tested). I HAVE actually tested slow (repeatedly, via oxygen exchange analysis) for a slow metabolism, and that was how I found out that I had PA and as a result, megaloblastic anemia. It is POSSIBLE to have a slow metabolism, but not terribly common. If you have a slow metabolism, your doctor will likely be much more proactive about helping you fix the problem, because it's typically a very bad sign.

    That being said, my metabolism was not treated with "super foods." It was treated with shots for the rest of my life... So really... You don't want the excuse I have for a slow metabolism. Eat better, work out, and having more muscles will increase your daily calorie burn. :)
  • GlassRocks
    GlassRocks Posts: 18 Member
    Request for information: Weight / Height
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    Boolost1 wrote: »
    If you had spent time and listened love then you would have known better than to question my authenticity.


    the truth hurts and some people need sugar coating... :):):)
  • jms14letgo
    jms14letgo Posts: 138 Member
    edited April 2015
    OP if you are truly concerned about your metabolism then diet and exercise are what you need to focus on. There isn't any "super food" out there that will miraculously speed up your metabolism. Just good wholesome food in general, will support your metabolism and body.

    I agree with previous posters that Slim Fast isn't the best option for you. You need more nutrients then what that stuff offers. You need to focus on getting the amount of calories you need to fuel yourself.

    As far as getting back to training. Start off slowly and work back up to it. You will just continue to injure/re-injure yourself if you push too hard to fast.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    So how exactly was your metabolism tested to determine how slow it is?

    Doctor said her metabolism is fine...
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    edited April 2015
    Boolost1 wrote: »

    thanks for the advice all, anyone have any ideas as to what to replace the shake with ? and yes i thought there was so much sugar in them.
    With real food...meat, fruit, vegetables, diary, good fats, the good stuff...
    As for having been really fit and doing MMX, that is in the past....You are in the present, so start all over - if you had been thet involved in MMX, you would know the basics...bodyweight exercises are always a good starting point.
    And as others said, exercise will help with metabolism, nothing else.....I smell a load of excuses, maybe put on your big girl panties and just do it?
  • DaniCanadian
    DaniCanadian Posts: 261 Member
    For the training/injury part: have you tried going swimming to start back up? Swimming is fantastic for getting a workout and being gentle on injuries. Start with some gentle lane swimming and increase from there as you heal