What did you do to lose 100 lbs?

So I've been overweight my whole life. I've tried every diet. Meals, shakes, pills, programs, soups, detoxes. Sure most of them worked temporarily. I've had 4 kids and that didn't help.
Woke up one day and said enough is enough. So since March 1st I've been counting calories with MFP. I'm enjoying it and not fining it hard at all. I've lowered my calories to 1200. And try to stay at that amount. But there are days that I just can't do it and go over. But I'm ok with that. I know every day will be different and I need to give a little here and there so I'm no depriving myself and totally derail myself. If I treat myself once a week I look forward to that day and push through the rest of the week without indulging.
So getting to the point of my discussion. I have 100 lbs to lose. How did you lose your 100 lbs? Are you maintaining/ losing/ gaining? Are you happy with how you lost it? How long did it take you to lose it?
I could always use the motivation and if you need the same add me as a friend and we can motivate you along the way.


  • pineapple_peach10
    pineapple_peach10 Posts: 239 Member
    I have lost 75lbs and am aiming to lose another 10. I honestly just stuck to a deficit and tried to get in as much exercise as possible. I didn't cut anything out, just modified portion sizes. I still treat myself and eat the things I like.

    Why did you lower your calorie goal to 1200? If you just stick to what MFP gives you, you will still lose. You need to lose weight in a way that is doable for the long term and staying at 1200cals would be very difficult.

    You are more than welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like :)
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    So I've been overweight my whole life. I've tried every diet. Meals, shakes, pills, programs, soups, detoxes. Sure most of them worked temporarily. I've had 4 kids and that didn't help.
    Woke up one day and said enough is enough. So since March 1st I've been counting calories with MFP. I'm enjoying it and not fining it hard at all. I've lowered my calories to 1200. And try to stay at that amount. But there are days that I just can't do it and go over. But I'm ok with that. I know every day will be different and I need to give a little here and there so I'm no depriving myself and totally derail myself. If I treat myself once a week I look forward to that day and push through the rest of the week without indulging.
    So getting to the point of my discussion. I have 100 lbs to lose. How did you lose your 100 lbs? Are you maintaining/ losing/ gaining? Are you happy with how you lost it? How long did it take you to lose it?
    I could always use the motivation and if you need the same add me as a friend and we can motivate you along the way.

    I've just started, only 20 into 100 lbs, but I'll throw ideas out there anyway.

    I'm keeping my kcal at 1400 (suggested for 2lb/wk) I can go lower ( and occasionally do, but I don't because I need enough energy to live. I've only one little one and I want to be awake and active!! I also find the higher kcal count keeps me from being Hungary and focusing on food. I'll lower it as I get lighter but for now I'm good.

    This one took awhile to warm up to, but it's the grim truth. I'm "addicted" to sugar/carbs. Pasta, bread, cake, I could eat it all in one sitting! Once I let myself realize this was addiction (or at least addiction-like, we still need food!) I knew I had to treat it as one. So I plan to log for life.

    Yep, I'm 35 and I'm resolved to logging through 40-50 years of maintenance! Crazy yes but it's the only way I can see dealing with an addiction that I cannot quit cold turkey. Yeah it'll be inconvenient, but worth it I think.

    Good luck! I hope that we meet again slimmer in a year or two!
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,562 Member
    My goal is 103-113. Lost 60 so far without eating less than 1500 (except on a rare occasion like yesterday when I was sick).
  • dalem48
    dalem48 Posts: 86 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    This!!! I've lost 145 pounds in the last 14 months that way. It works!!

  • ElvenToad
    ElvenToad Posts: 644 Member
    I've lost 90lbs in a tad over 13 months here on mfp. I started out very similar to you, obese my whole life, kids, tried multiple diets, nothing ever worked. I bought myself a Fitbit zip, and a food scale. I log my intake as accurately as I can. I usually have a cheat day once per week where I eat maintenance calories. I try to get my 20-30 minutes of exercise every day, no matter how lazy I feel. I committed to it 100% and I still have another 45 or so pounds to lose so I just keep on truckin.

    It's a lifestyle change and not a diet, that is the biggest thing. I can never go back to my old ways of eating if I want to keep the weight off. Those days of endlessly and mindlessly shoveling food into my mouth are over. I found mfp, learned about nutrition, and I plan on staying here and tracking for the rest of my life. I am worth the 5 minutes a day it takes me to weigh my food and log my intake.

    1200 cals might be too low for you. I would start with the basics by following the goal mfp gives you when you put in your stats and eat back 50% of your workout cals. You can then figure out if you are losing too fast or too slow after 6 weeks and adjust from there.
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Ate less, exercised more.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    All you need to know for a life time of succesfull weight managment is in this write up

    read it, learn it , do it. CICO for life
  • Zedeff
    Zedeff Posts: 651 Member
    Forget about 100. Just lose 1. Did you do it? Good. Repeat that effort 100 times with no time limit.

    Losing 100 or losing 5 requires the same technique with a longer application period.
  • dalem48 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    This!!! I've lost 145 pounds in the last 14 months that way. It works!!
    dalem48 wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »

    This!!! I've lost 145 pounds in the last 14 months that way. It works!!
    did you worry about calories, fats or proteins or was your main concern the calories intake?

  • Hi I need to lose 100 pounds.with counting calories did you worry about fats, proteins or was the end of the line calories?
  • DeguelloTex
    DeguelloTex Posts: 6,652 Member
    Calories above all, but you still want a reasonable macro allocation.
  • Camo_xxx
    Camo_xxx Posts: 1,082 Member
    Hi I need to lose 100 pounds.with counting calories did you worry about fats, proteins or was the end of the line calories?

    I take it you didn't read the link i posted that has the answers.
  • spideywebb77
    spideywebb77 Posts: 126 Member
    I started at 297 lbs in Feb of 2014. By Nov I had lost 100 lbs. I did this through calorie deficit, portion control and exercise. I looked at my calorie intake as a bank statement. Every day I balanced the statement. If I didn't want to put in the work then I wouldn't have the treat.

    Since Nov I have lost about another 14 lbs. I am still 20ish away from my goal. Best advice I can give is to forget about how far you want to go. Worry about today and forget about the rest. If you fail today then get back up and do it right tomorrow.
  • ElPasoMark
    ElPasoMark Posts: 47 Member
    Greetings. I've not dropped 100 pounds yet, only 83. Diet & exercise. Reduce calories. Increase exercise. I've done the Atkins induction diet off and on for 2 years, really watch my carb intake, and continue to increase the exercise. Good luck, you can do it.
  • radiosilents
    radiosilents Posts: 223 Member
    I've lost just over 80 pounds in 10 months, with another 150 to go. What everyone has said already I'd echo... I've mainly been focused on trying to eat more veggies and fruits and whole foods, less junk... but I still pretty much eat what I want as long as it fits into the day. Some days I'm not as successful, but it always balances out.

    For me, finding exercise that I enjoy doing has been a big thing. I'm in a 5k training group and I love yoga and strength training (though I need to do more of that). I have built up a regimen of 5-6 days of at least 30 minutes of exercise, usually 45 minutes to an hour, and I love it. It allows me to eat a little more, and it makes me feel powerful.

    I watch my macros but I don't stress about it too much. Calories is what I pay closest attention to.

    Another thing that makes a big difference is my outlook: there is no deadline I am trying to beat, and I'm doing this for the rest of my life, so I am searching for what is sustainable. I try different things and make adjustments along the way. :)
  • kamakazeekim
    kamakazeekim Posts: 1,183 Member
    I've lost almost 140 pounds. I take metformin twice a day for my PCOS, I exercise 6 or 7 days a week...40 to 60 minutes per workout. When I started at first I just focused on my calories and not exercise...if you have 100 pounds to lose 1200 calories is going to be too aggressive to start off with. Eat what MFP tells you. Make sure you are getting your protein in otherwise you will lose muscle mass...I've lost so so much muscle :(

    Don't let a few bad days here and there get you down! Tomorrow is always a new day to start fresh! If you have to, focus hour by hour...drink lots of water when you feel hungry...many people confuse hunger and thirst. Stick as close to your calorie goal as you can...there is absolutely no reason to cut out foods like carbs, fats, sugar, gluten, dairy etc unless you have a legit medical condition.

    You CAN do this!!!! Good luck!
  • flowerchic2323
    flowerchic2323 Posts: 16 Member
    Sorry forgot to post stats
    I have lost 75lbs and am aiming to lose another 10. I honestly just stuck to a deficit and tried to get in as much exercise as possible. I didn't cut anything out, just modified portion sizes. I still treat myself and eat the things I like.

    Why did you lower your calorie goal to 1200? If you just stick to what MFP gives you, you will still lose. You need to lose weight in a way that is doable for the long term and staying at 1200cals would be very difficult.

    You are more than welcome to add me as a friend if you'd like :)

  • flowerchic2323
    flowerchic2323 Posts: 16 Member
    I lowered it because I wasn't losing Any weight. Once I lowered it my weight started to go down finally. I am slowly increasing my calories to find a comfortable rate of loss. Aiming for 2 lbs a week.
    Thank you for your reply
  • flowerchic2323
    flowerchic2323 Posts: 16 Member
    Excellent point!! Take it one day at at time. Ok I'll up my calories and see what happens.