When or why did you say enough is enough!?!



  • taso42_DELETED
    taso42_DELETED Posts: 3,394 Member
    I was sitting around late at night aimlessly surfing the internet, bored, fat, and unhealthy. Something snapped and I decided it was time to change. I still sit around late at night aimlessly surfing the internet, but now I'm all fit and stuff. One problem at a time...
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    Some of these stories wowza! Thank you for having the courage and sharing...
  • cmyrick75
    cmyrick75 Posts: 187 Member
    It was January of this year and it was a pair of elastic top pants.

    I have always kind of yo-yo'd my weight and I had a wide variety of pant sizes in my closet ranging from 12 to 16's. Well, the 16's had all become too tight and I even busted a few seams but I refused to buy the next size up, so , I bought a few pairs of elastic top pants. Well, I made some comment at work about having to break down and buy elastic pants and not long after that, I hit up the cookie plate. One of the woman made a snide remark about me and my elastic pants and then I realized she was right.

    I rejoined MFP that day (after I put down the cookie) and since then lost 33 pounds and now I am looking for new pants becasue the ones I own are all too big. :) It was the best decsion I have ever made and I have not been this happy about myself in a very long time.

    Some days I want to thank the lady that made the remark
  • deeharley
    deeharley Posts: 1,208 Member
    I'm still not sure I've had "that moment." There are so many that I COULD point to and say - when I hit size 20, when I reached 220 pounds, when I wore my mother-in-law's dress, when I saw my butt in a mirror, when blah, blah, blah. But I've lost and gained several times, so I'm still not sure this is "it." But I hope so.
  • LittleBuddy13
    LittleBuddy13 Posts: 137 Member
    Mine was when I went to Santa Cruz for a family day at the boardwalk about a year after I had my son, I love rollercoasters and rides and havent been on one since before I had my son so I was super excited to get on this crazy spin ride with my little sis, so anyways when I went to buckle myself in the strap wouldnt fit over me, they had some seats that were made with bigger starps on them and it was so imbarrising having the guy that runs the ride have to tell this other guy if me and him can switch seats, everyone was just waiting on me at this time and just starring, uugggh the most embarrising thing ever to be soo young and huge I was like 21 at the time, then i started thinking how I wouldnt even be able to fit in the kid rides with my son like all the other moms can if I dont change something, right away I started weight watchers and exercising and Im so happy I can fit in the kid rides with my 4 year old now, we have a blast on the rides:)
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    After Christmas I overheard my mother-in-law talking to my husband about my being overweight and it being a risk to my health. I was :explode: My first response was to think, "I'll show her. If she thinks I'm fat now, just you wait, I'll be downing the Pringles like there's no tomorrow!" Thankfully, a week later a friend mentioned she was signing up to do the Moonwalk, and I decided that was a much better idea. And the minute I started losing weight, I knew I'd made the right choice. But why is it that my MIL was the only one who's been willing to dish the harsh and honest truth? :frown:
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    I was visiting my mom before she was going to go on a trip so she had her scale in the living room to weight her luggage so i thought "hmm i haven't weighed myself in a while lets see how much i weight" I stepped on and it said 300lbs at first i thought wow i don't look like i weight 300lbs and my mom said "wow you are to big and i am worried about your health" I was 23 years old and 300lbs and just a few years ago at age 18 i was very active high school athlete (wrestling, football, and track and field) weighing only 205. I have always seen myself as just a big guy and the brutal honesty of my mom calling me fat in so many words made me realize it was time to change.

    when i got back home i knew it was time for me to get back in high school shape. I loved wrestling so i tried to find an adult wrestling gym but had no luck. i wondered into a gym and started to train BJJ (closes thing to wrestling i could find) and boxing i haven't looked back since, and now i am even in better shape then i was in high school I weight 195lbs and will be 189lbs by the end of june for a BJJ tournament I havent been this light since i was 14 years old.
  • doobabe
    doobabe Posts: 436 Member
    When I stepped on th WII Fit and it told me "ONE AT A TIME PLEASE"

  • BrandNewMia
    BrandNewMia Posts: 461
    I ran up 1 flight of stairs and - literally - had to sit down and catch my breath. I realized I was sweating, panting, heart racing, and all red in the face. I was 30 years old, and I thought running up ONE flight of stairs might kill me. This was summer 2010.

    I started running/walking and eating right (not counting calories, just smaller portions and healthier foods) and lost 12lbs in 2 weeks. Naturally, as I used to do things, 2 weeks was my limit and I quit. The weight came back pretty quickly.

    Then in January 2011, a friend introduced me to MFP. I joined with no intention of actually DOING anything, and started looking through the Success Stories part of the forum. It was 2pm in the afternoon - I was so motivated by what I saw that I logged everything I had eaten so far that day and began changing how I viewed movement and nutrition. I never looked back - and I never WILL look back :drinker:
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    When my young son made a man boobs comment. . .
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I was about 6 mos away from turning 30 and was having a VERY hard time with the concept, lol. I vowed to start living.
  • djhavoc
    djhavoc Posts: 43
    My moment for this year was weighing too close to 200lbs (I was 194lbs in Jan 2011) and I knew I had gained weight with relocating with my job working 10+hrs a day + weekends I abandoned eating right most of the time and was too tired to workout I said to myself that I just didn't want to be anywhere near 200lbs and KNOW that it was mostly fat and not muscle and that was what did it for me. Currently I am fluctuating between 183-185lbs my mini goal is 180lbs by Memorial Day weekend.
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    When I felt awkward taking off my clothes in front of my GF when were were going to fool around. She instantly knew as well as I did that my self esteem was shot.
  • alex215
    alex215 Posts: 518 Member
    Mine was when I went to Santa Cruz for a family day at the boardwalk about a year after I had my son, I love rollercoasters and rides and havent been on one since before I had my son so I was super excited to get on this crazy spin ride with my little sis, so anyways when I went to buckle myself in the strap wouldnt fit over me, they had some seats that were made with bigger starps on them and it was so imbarrising having the guy that runs the ride have to tell this other guy if me and him can switch seats, everyone was just waiting on me at this time and just starring, uugggh the most embarrising thing ever to be soo young and huge I was like 21 at the time, then i started thinking how I wouldnt even be able to fit in the kid rides with my son like all the other moms can if I dont change something, right away I started weight watchers and exercising and Im so happy I can fit in the kid rides with my 4 year old now, we have a blast on the rides:)

    this is the worst! It has happened to me at six flags magic mountain. I got on the ride and the bar thing that goes over your shoulders and chest wouldn't latch down no matter how much i tried to suck in. the guy came over and tried to push it down and still nothing. i was then told i was to big for the ride and could not ride it. I than had to get up and walk off in front of everyone while they just watched it had to be one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.
  • Sweetcheeks278
    Back in March 2011 my husband took a picture of me and my son while we were playing kickball. When we looked back over them I couldn't believe what I saw. Was I really that fat!?!? Yes, yes I was. That day I started MFP and I'm halfway to my goal now. :bigsmile:
  • Jizes318
    Jizes318 Posts: 409 Member
    I am reading every single one and amazed by your stories. Some of you I have seen before on here and to the others HELLO and thanks for sharing! I feel better knowing there are so many of us out here fighting to kick a** and change our lives! I have only been on since Jan but its great to know there are others I can come to when I need advice or encouragement or have a story. Its real life!
  • hroush
    hroush Posts: 2,073 Member
    Mine was actually after I had lost 70 lbs and then stopped working out for a while. I had started putting weight back on (up to 30 lbs at one point) and I decided that I didn't want to be 280 lbs again. It was a spin class that caused me to lose the weight the first time, so I taught a spin class so that I could go at a time that suited me. I have since lost all the weight I have gained and then some (quite sure I've lost 20 lbs of muscle due to laziness :noway: ). I am now teaching a weight lifting class along with my own strength training in the hopes of losing the last of the gut and gain that muscle back.
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    When I was 17 and weighed 335lbs and couldn't fit in the rides at the amusement parks. I was told to leave the ride area because I just wasn't going to fit. I lost 135lbs after that. Then gained the majority of it back. Then lost, then gained, then lost to around 280 and got pregnant. Full term preggers I was 304. After I had him I knew I needed to be a healthier mommy to keep up with him. So I got up and started doing the damn thing. I also have a very hot husband and I want him to be able to show his wife off. Hahah. Plus being tormented all through school helped.
  • thetigerzeye
    thetigerzeye Posts: 81 Member
    Mine was when I started my new job as a security officer. I got my uniform (which looks similar to the of an actual police officer) and was thinking this will e hot (for later in the bedroom of course) and though my significant other thinks so I saw all of my fat overflowing and I had to make a change. I am determined to be hot in them and nothing is going to stop me!
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    I would say avoiding pics at x-mas and trying to get my face only shots or hide behind my kids....that was 3.5 yrs ago
    I've gone up and down 5 pounds (am now up 5 pounds and being very strict) but have kept the majority of the weight off