I still look fat



  • Mapalicious
    Mapalicious Posts: 412 Member

    You know I had much the same situation - and then I discovered toning! I started doing just basic ab/back/chest/arm exercise videos from youtube on a mat at home. I toned up my stomach (it's no where near abs, but it's tighter, without the pooch), and my arms, and all around my torso and back. My weight stayed the exact same while I did this (I was cutting a tiny bit) but I fit in smaller clothing, and looked much better!

    Maybe you want to give that a try? Toning your core can go SO far!

    But either way - you've done absolutely amazingly so far, you look excellent, and I imagine you feel healthier? Kudos to you!
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    Thank you so much. Tomorrow starts a new week, and the beginning of my toning.I'll check out youtube videos after work tomorrow :)
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    Thank you so much. Tomorrow starts a new week, and the beginning of my toning.I'll check out youtube videos after work tomorrow :)

    Great! Just a little tip...not a huge deal, but there's really no such thing as "toning". Muscle HAS tone, but you cannot the change the tone of your muscle. You can lose fat to reveal muscle, while lifting and doing resistance training to maintain the muscle you do have :) Let us know if you have any questions!
  • pinnkkk
    pinnkkk Posts: 10
    Thank you. You've taught me alot. I really just know my basic weight loss stuff. Staying within my calories, and excercise. I've never been this far with weight loss. I will let you know if I have any questions. Y'all have helped me so much :) Thank your everyone for your support.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    Thank you :) I have not tried lifting. That maybe something I should consider. Great advice.

    Lifting is definitely something you should consider!! I've been lifting for 3 years, and it's the best choice in a long time!

    About 10-12 years ago I was about 150lbs. I wore a snug size 12. I gained almost 80lbs. At my heaviest I wore size 18 pants, at least an 18/20 in shirts (depending on brand, it could be bigger ), and a 42DD bra. I'm currently a loose 12/snug 10 in pants, a large shirt in ladies, and a 38DD bra...at 190lbs. That's right. I was a snug 12 at 150lbs, but a very loose 12 at 190lbs. The difference? I lift heavy.

    Plus, being a shorty at 5'2", people don't expect you to be strong. For some reason petite = delicate flower. So when I'm throwing a 50# bag of chicken feed over my shoulder, or getting ready to squat or deadlift more than I weigh, people are in awe.
  • eva_svi
    eva_svi Posts: 24 Member
    Congrats on your weightloss - you look amazing! Now it's more about loving yourself and maybe adding a bit more muscle to shape your body the way you want? Personally, I feel way better about myself if I add some strength training to the mix. It doesn't have to be in the gym, try looking up bodyrock tv or zuzka light channels on youtube ( for free) or download some bodyweight training apps (i use gain fitness and fitstar)
  • spicy618
    spicy618 Posts: 2,114 Member
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    I've lost 34lbs. I'm 6lbs away from my goal weight . I now weigh 131. When I started I weighed 165. I still see myself fat. I thought I'd be proud of myself for what I've done on my own. I'm still not happy an comfortable with myself.

    That was my starting weight and you are at my goal. I wish I could be where you are. :) I would concentrate on strength training and tighten it all up. You are so close, don't get down on yourself now.
  • scottacular
    scottacular Posts: 597 Member
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    I've lost 34lbs. I'm 6lbs away from my goal weight . I now weigh 131. When I started I weighed 165. I still see myself fat. I thought I'd be proud of myself for what I've done on my own. I'm still not happy an comfortable with myself.

    Sounds like you might have body dysmorphia (google it), I weigh just over 10 stone and have similar emotional difficulties when viewing myself. You look great by the way, good job.
  • huango
    huango Posts: 1,007 Member
    edited April 2015
    pinnkkk wrote: »
    Thank you :) I'm very short 4'11. My goal is 125 that's 40lbs. I should weight 94 to 124or something like that. Lol! It's easy to dress up at home, but to go in public is hard.

    I hear you completely.
    I'm also 4'11" and my end goal weight keeps moving because I have trouble liking what I see in the mirror.

    I started at 128.5 (on 1/1/15), and I lost over 14#, and am 114.4.
    I'm aiming to lose another 5-15#, but over the next 6months-year.

    Everyone has different goals.
    Mine are:
    1. build more muscles by heavy lifting, so that I look leaner and less "sausage-ie"
    2. by having more muscles, I get to eat more.
    - so instead of just eating ~1200calories a day when I get to goal weight and switch to maintenance, I hope to eat 1600-1800cals/day (yes, for my short height, that's a lot of food!)
    3. to look good in a swimsuit.
    - I look good in clothes right now, but it's a different matter once you peel off the clothes.

    You've done a great job so far.
    Think about what your real end goals are. It doesn't have to be a number on the scale.

  • maasha81
    maasha81 Posts: 733 Member
    When I reached my goal weight I was still disappointed. I realize the brain takes a while to 'catch up' to my new body. I eventually started to lift weights for a leaner look and quite happy with the progress. I lift 4 times a week and do cardio or HIIT 2 to 3 times a week.