Looking for friends with 20-30lbs to lose



  • krocstar
    krocstar Posts: 2 Member
    My goal is to lose 20 lbs. I started getting serious mid February 2015. I have lost 10 lbs. thus far.
  • Sgtcupcake35
    Sgtcupcake35 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm looking to lose about 30 pounds too! This isn't my first rodeo but since hitting my 30's it is WAY harder to lose than it was in my 20's.
  • Jen_S307
    Jen_S307 Posts: 4 Member
    edited April 2015

    I'm trying to get refocused on eating healthy & living an active life.

    I still have approximately 25-30 pounds left to lose.
  • mayaparis
    mayaparis Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'3'', 150 lbs and looking to lose 30lbs to feel great and be healthy. Looking for buddies as well to keep motivated :smiley:
  • CrimsonDiva7
    CrimsonDiva7 Posts: 171 Member
    Looking to lose 20-30 pounds this round on MFP. Feel free to add me.
  • LindseyDD
    LindseyDD Posts: 160 Member
    I am down 100+ and have about 30 more to go. Feel free to add me!
  • megomerrett
    megomerrett Posts: 442 Member
    I was about to scroll by thinking "20-30lb" sounds a lot when my mental arithmetic caught up with me and I thought "that's me!"

    I wasn't logging back then but I was 11stone 2lb in the February half term. I'm now 10 stone 6lb (fingers crossed for weigh in day tomorrow) but in an ideal world I'd like to hit 9 stone. I'm 5'1" so that's not super tiny. So that's 20lb left to go and 10lb already gone.

    Add me if you like. I'm 32, got 2 sometimes 3 kids (one step child who lives with her mum and us). Sense of humour essential too.
  • eldertd
    eldertd Posts: 2 Member
    Hi! I'm 5'4" and 145. I have gained 20 pounds over the past 2 years. My goal is to lose 20 pounds in 20 weeks. I would love to have some extra motivation on this journey. Feel free to add me. Thanks!
  • amandabullock120
    amandabullock120 Posts: 110 Member
    I have 25ish pounds to lose. Im 5'2 and will 35 this July. I'm a mother of 3 boys and in school, so my schedule can be crazy. I'm in my second week of p90x3:) feel free to add me :smiley:
  • jtolman619
    jtolman619 Posts: 128 Member
    Hi! I'm a 30 year old mom of two little girls. I have about 30lbs to lose. Feel free to add me!
  • OnnYxx
    OnnYxx Posts: 1
    edited April 2015
    Hi All!!! I am so excited to see this topic. I got on the bandwagon back in Feb to get healthy and get fit! I am a 44 year old mom of 3 (28, 26 & 13) I spent 23 years in the military and retired in 2013. I was never a workout nut so as soon as I retired I boycotted exercise. MISTAKE! so now at 5'4"/ 201.6 lbs. I could stand to loose 60lbs but if I loose 20 - 30 I would be thrilled. I have had great success in the last 6 weeks with my current nutrition program and have lost 10 lbs and 20+ inches since Feb 24th WITHOUT exercise and that is just the side affects. I am sleeping better than I have in years and have tons of energy! I feel great! If anyone is interested in the program I am using send me a message. I am happy to share! Keep in touch!

  • ambiedawnz
    ambiedawnz Posts: 108 Member
    Thank you ALL for the posts! I am currently on mobile, so it's a pain to add or send requests, I am working on adding you all so keep your eyes out for a friend request soon!!
    & thank you again!!!! I had a dissapointi g weigh in today so I could use all the encouragement and motivation I can get to keep going and not feel let down
  • bezayeba
    bezayeba Posts: 6 Member
    New to the app..I am 29y, CW152lbs I want to get to 135lbs by June which is my 30th bday:) I need all the motivation I can get add me :)
  • manaalk
    manaalk Posts: 2 Member
    Me tooo..!!
  • jIngraffia7874
    jIngraffia7874 Posts: 21 Member
    SW:167 CW:162 GW:130
  • ivan584
    ivan584 Posts: 3 Member
    Hello I'm looking to lose 30 pounds. Feel free to add me!
  • ChubbyBunny5678
    ChubbyBunny5678 Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! friend me!
  • janekow
    janekow Posts: 16 Member
    Feel free to add me too :) looking to loose at least 20lbs
  • melissafofissa
    melissafofissa Posts: 20 Member
    That's me! Trying to keep a realistic number of 25 to loose. After that I'll break through the ceiling (I hope) with another 15.
  • melissafofissa
    melissafofissa Posts: 20 Member
    That's me! Trying to keep a realistic number of 25 to loose. After that I'll break through the ceiling (I hope) with another 15.
    O, and anyone can add me