why are YOU losing weight?!



  • xesixb
    xesixb Posts: 165 Member
    Health, aesthetics and love my body.
  • astgte
    astgte Posts: 81 Member
    I no longer care about impressing anyone, just did it for health reasons and I didn't like what I saw in the mirror

    Same here. I'm only middle aged but the path I was on...I don't believe I would've enjoyed my golden years.
    So, I guess part of it is vanity as I want to be one of those old codgers that everyone is amazed at how I'm still in great shape for my age.

    Another two like minded to me, id be completely lying to say I dont want to look beter to others, but more of it was to look better to me and for the health benefits, ive a few more years in me I hope and dont want to spend them in a mobility scooter as my knees were gone
  • NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner
    NobodyPutsAmyInTheCorner Posts: 1,018 Member
    I'm losing weight so I can ease the back pain and the feeling uncomfortable in clothes. For my health and for my son so he doesn't have a fat mum.
  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    I no longer care about impressing anyone, just did it for health reasons and I didn't like what I saw in the mirror

    I am pretty similar being 30 and married, so I don't need to attract a man or anything and I don't want friends who just like me because I impress them. For me I just want to be able to do everything I want to do without being hot, out of breath or finding it difficult to walk so far. I am tired of being embarrassed of being so huge. I hate thinking of myself as what I used to look like and then seeing a picture and realizing I am hideous and huge. I look horrible in pictures. I am tired of that. I want to be healthy and look healthy. I want to be happy with myself as well.
  • gennyl1977
    So I stop hiding from the camera and want to be in the photos with my kids and be proud to wear shorts and a vest top.
    Health benefits would be great too.
  • dgirllamius
    dgirllamius Posts: 171 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm tired of being overweight. I'm tired of having clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit. I'm tired of going clothes shopping and having to buy clothes that look huge - I want to buy clothes for a size 10, not a size 16 (and most of the time the shops don't even have my size which makes it even more annoying - but there's plenty of size 8s and 10s). I want to be fit and healthy, set a good example to my daughter and hopefully, being thinner will bring me more confidence in myself.
  • duddysdad
    duddysdad Posts: 403 Member
    I want to get off of some medication. I want to be able to shop in trendy stores. I want to know what it's like to not be self-cautious about everything I wear. I want to set a good example for my loved ones and let them know that you can lose weight if you really try. I want to lose because I've never been skinny and I want to.
  • jessicadb2
    jessicadb2 Posts: 57 Member
    I'm tired of being overweight. I'm tired of having clothes in my wardrobe that don't fit. I'm tired of going clothes shopping and having to buy clothes that look huge - I want to buy clothes for a size 10, not a size 16 (and most of the time the shops don't even have my size which makes it even more annoying - but there's plenty of size 8s and 10s). I want to be fit and healthy, set a good example to my daughter and hopefully, being thinner will bring me more confidence in myself.

    I know how you feel. I always wanted to be a "perfect" size 10. The last time I was that size was in 7th grade, and I think then it was only for a very short time!
  • 8diamonds
    8diamonds Posts: 45 Member
    Oh I have so many reasons, I'd love to wear skinny jeans and look amazing (it's the inner thigh area just spoils the look of them). For once in my life have a toned and not flabby stomach. To lessen my PCOS symptoms. Definately for more energy, I feel so lethargic when I'm not working out. To have photos taken, I used to be in the front but I haven't had photo taken for ages. To feel comfortable and confident in my own skin and to enjoy summer!!
  • yesimpson
    yesimpson Posts: 1,372 Member
    edited April 2015
    What kickstarted me into losing weight was having more cellulite than my mother, and my grandfather being able to run faster than me. Both totally unacceptable to 18 year old me.

    I watch my weight and exercise regularly now both for the fun of being fit and because I really appreciate feeling comfortable in my own skin.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    It's hard to keep up with a toddler when you're obese! I didn't want to be that boring tired mom.
  • ChristineRoze
    ChristineRoze Posts: 212 Member
    like 90% vanity and 10% to have more energy haha!
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    I'm losing weight to be more healthy and to look a-m-a-zing in a bikini

    I was talking to a close friend of mine and she's losing weight because she feels like she can't "keep" a man with the body she has.. wrong reason?

    what's yours?

    I wouldnt say it is the wrong reason, but it sounds like she could benefit from a boost in self esteem (weight loss can help, but so can other things).

    For me, I want to be healthier. At my heighest weight (260) I could barely walk 10 minutes without severe back pain. It really hit me when I was at a job orientation and my back was burning during the tour of the base. I decided after the first day that I had to get healthier and move more it I wanted to succeed at work (can be a physically demanding job). I had gained over 50 lbs while off work for 10 months and it really had a significant impact on me when I returned to work. I work in a 911 system that has mostly stairs (sometimes 5-7 flights). It is embarrassing to reach a patient's door significantly out of breath.

    Since then I have lost 60lbs (have about another 60-75 to go) and my health has improved dramatically. I no longer take my asthma medication and my MD is really happy with my recent blood work (cholesterol came down). I can also climb the flights of stairs in people's apt buildings much better- I get there faster and take less time to recover my breathing if I need to. The improvement in my health has only motivated me to continue and try to beat previous goals.

    Oh and like every other female- I want to fit into smaller, more fashionable clothing :). I honestly believe any female who says they don't want that as a goal is not being 100% honest lol.
  • zyxst
    zyxst Posts: 9,136 Member
    Losing weight is supposed to magically remove my health problems. 153# gone and still waiting for it to happen.
  • Laurend224
    Laurend224 Posts: 1,748 Member
    So I'm not a fat *kitten*. To be able to go on more involved hikes without wanting to die, so my feet don't hurt when I get out of bed (they no longer do) and because eventually, I want arms like Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Merkavar wrote: »
    Born with heart issues and a stupid brain and finally got around to not be overweight, to give my heart a break.

    Vsd plus some other things I can never remember, something to do with the clamping down on the main pipe from the heart, for those in the know.

    Also not being the fatest person in my extended family is a plus. And just general fitness, I can do push ups now. Next step chin ups.

    Better late than never! Some people never come to realize that their weight can impact how severe their medical conditions are.
  • Sarasmaintaining
    Sarasmaintaining Posts: 1,027 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'm losing weight to be more healthy and to look a-m-a-zing in a bikini

    I was talking to a close friend of mine and she's losing weight because she feels like she can't "keep" a man with the body she has.. wrong reason?

    what's yours?

    I was almost 60lbs overweight and frankly, I didn't care. Rest of my relatives are/were overweight and obese, and I thought that was just my fate in life. I'd also had three kids, and there was a bit of a mental entitlement, because I had 'earned' the right to be at that point (I used to joke about my 'mom jeans' with friends-very much a norm mentality of moms in my area/circles). This mentality is actually pretty popular in culture I think-I've read numerous articles on yahoo etc where women justify being overweight/out of shape because they're moms and they'll 'never get their bodies back'. But they're still going to rock out the bikini at the beach (it always seems to be an article involving swimsuits lol). There's almost a sense of pride? Maybe defiance would be a better word though.

    Anywhooo-I was overweight and had no interest in losing it. Until I had some unexpected blood work done and found out I was a pre-diabetic. Yeah, that's another common trait in my family along with the overweightness-T2 killed one of my grandfathers, and is destroying several other of my family members lives, as well as putting their families through a lot of grief. Suddenly I wasn't so cavalier about my weight anymore. That's when I had my 'moment' and realized I had a very small window to try and make some changes, that could have a big impact not only on me, but also my family.

    Fast forward a few years and I've lost almost 60lbs and my glucose number has been in the normal range since 2013. Life is pretty good right now :)
  • bluworld
    bluworld Posts: 135 Member
    The first half of my weight loss was for my health. This second half is to show my kids that mom once was bad *kitten*.
  • schillewis
    schillewis Posts: 144 Member
    To become strong, fit and healthy. I started working out two months ago and I already feel great. I still have a weight to lose, but that will come with time. I notice such a difference in my strength and cardio endurance - in just a couple of months - I'm ecstatic.