


  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I had the same conflict Maxit and MrKnight just had lol. I thought it was a heck of a lot, but looked it up and seems legit for my weight. How on earth could a 400 pound person ever get enough protein??

    And yea want to retain muscle... hope to come as close to just fat that I lose as possible. Hoping not to lose muscle mass. My body fat is down and muscle mass up a little since I weighed in a month ago. I'm built more like a linebacker lol in my mind though I'm female. I worry about being too muscular once I lose too. This is all tough!

    You only need to eat about a gram per pound of LEAN mass. Not your entire body weight. So a 400lb person wouldn't eat 400g of protein. And you can retain muscle by eating the gram per pound of lean mass and lifting.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    You could get up there without supplements if you ate a shitload of chicken/fish every single day B)
  • hncary
    hncary Posts: 176 Member
    edited April 2015
    Are you doing a lifting routine currently?
  • nancyjay__
    nancyjay__ Posts: 310 Member
    The numbers don't sound ridiculous to me. I aimed for about 150g (at 5"3 125lbs) of protein but I was body buylilding at the time :| lol. But I couldn't reach my macros without a protein shake or two a day.

    Other than that 6 meals a day each with about 30grams of protein in each meal. In foods that are really low in cals like tilapia chicken breast tuna egg whites (because egg yolks have too many cals and will throw off your cal intake). But jerky and yogurt will not do it. You will have to meal prep or there are meal prep companies too. Plainly made meals with little to no seasoning.

    Hope this helps
  • Jozzmenia
    Jozzmenia Posts: 252 Member
    I really have to work on eggs. Can't do eggs or shrimp got food poisoning from both and it turns my stomach to look at them. :s

    I'm not bodybuilding. Trying to do more but right now trainer once a week, trx type stuff, and one other day on my own, plus 4 cardio days. Usually at the gym if I'm short on time i choose cardio since I'm clearly overweight. :(

  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    I really have to work on eggs. Can't do eggs or shrimp got food poisoning from both and it turns my stomach to look at them. :s

    I'm not bodybuilding. Trying to do more but right now trainer once a week, trx type stuff, and one other day on my own, plus 4 cardio days. Usually at the gym if I'm short on time i choose cardio since I'm clearly overweight. :(

    Nothing wrong with cardio :) you can certainly get a good calorie burn that way. I'm not bashing lifting at all though. I just don't currently have a facility to do it in. When I move in August, I plan to start some :)
  • lnt3083
    lnt3083 Posts: 2 Member
    Way too much protein. You're not bodybuilding are you? You're trying to lose weight and retain the muscle you already have right? I'm 5'10 and was 205. I'm 172 now and I get 80-105 grams of protein. You must strength train also to help retain muscle. Its said a gram of protein per pound of body weight. Again..I believe that's for bulking and bodybuilding.
  • shannonmaines
    shannonmaines Posts: 14 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    Any tips on how to get in ALOT of protein with not so much fat or sodium? I met with a nutritionist to figure out what was bad about my diet. At my weight she recommended 200 grams of protein per day. I thought I was doing well to get 100. So I've been trying and haven't reached it yet. I find it hard to eat that much food, let alone high protein low fat. I've found that a lot of protein shakes (like pre-bottled in the gas station type shakes, muscle milk, etc.) have a lot of sodium for some reason. So anyway, I decided to look at it as 30-40 grams of protein per meal/snack, every 2-3 hours, but am having trouble finding things, other than 2 pieces of meat, that get me to that point. Anyone else on a higher protein diet or have tips?


    I personally like Quest bars and nonfat plain Greek yogurt with a little bit of honey to sweeten it up a bit.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Fat and sodium make protein portable. So you are going to try and get this freak load of protein while on the go, with limited access to refrigeration? That's tough. The processed sources like Quest bars are going to be higher in sodium and fat. I was going to say egg whites, even though you would miss out on the vitamins in the yolk, because also all the fat is in the yolk.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    Sounds like too much protein to me. If you are 255, and I assume that you are at least 35% BF, that would put you at around 165 grams per day.
  • wolfsbayne
    wolfsbayne Posts: 3,116 Member
    I've recently upped my protein to 180 grams a day. I lift heavy 4 days a week. I'm in the process of tweaking my macros and am on 1660 cals a day. You're welcome to look at my diary to get an idea of what I eat. I prelog the day before.
  • maxit
    maxit Posts: 880 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    lnt3083 wrote: »
    Way too much protein. You're not bodybuilding are you? You're trying to lose weight and retain the muscle you already have right? I'm 5'10 and was 205. I'm 172 now and I get 80-105 grams of protein. You must strength train also to help retain muscle. Its said a gram of protein per pound of body weight. Again..I believe that's for bulking and bodybuilding.

    1g per lb isn't necessary. .6-. 87g per lb of bodyweight will suffice. And you don't need to be bodybuilding to have that goal. Also, on a bulk protein can be reduced. Carbs are king for a bulk.

    And, at 255#, ms jozzmenia is at .8g protein per lb bodyweight.

    My own ratio runs around .8 - I feel the best physically with a somewhat higher ratio of protein & it's much easier to stay at maintenance calories. Whatever rox your sox :)

  • Maxxydoodle
    Maxxydoodle Posts: 2 Member
    That is not too much protein... You only NEED a little bit of protein. I personally hit upwards of 350 grams of protein each day. I reduce my carb intake as well as fat intake not to "build muscle" but to help lean down during cutting season. within reason, your body treats all diets the same... a calorie is a calorie... As long as your ratio of fat, carbs, and protein doesn't allow any to fall below 20% of your total macros you will be fine and actually lose weight. I eat a ton of chicken, turkey... and by a ton, I mean that is about half my diet. Its only when you lose vitamins and minerals does your body really start to have issues. These you can get thru careful picking of vitamins, fruits, supplements, and veggies.

    ***Remember... Diet is ALL about you, its what works for you... and what makes you feel best. Everyone has different DNA and utilizes certain things differently.*** Experiment

    Things high in protein
    > Shrimp
    > Chicken
    > Protein Shakes
    > Eggs and egg whites <-- Cut up a red pepper and put that in
    > Salmon
    > Greek Yogurt
  • Maxxydoodle
    Maxxydoodle Posts: 2 Member
    I.E. eating mostly proteins will cause your body to shift from carbs as the main source of energy on to harder to digest proteins... causing you to lose massive amounts of weight.
  • tropic80girl
    tropic80girl Posts: 50 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    Don't all gyms sell those? Lol they sell all sorts of things, have a detox program, etc. but she didn't try to push any of their products even when I pressed her for tips on getting more protein, and I don't buy their products unless it's one meal, like if I want them to make me a protein smoothie after a workout.

    Thanks for the link!

    My gym doesn't sell anything... in fact, if I hit mileage goals I get little perks (water bottle, t-shirt). If they were pushing me products I would probably not go so I guess I'm lucky there.

    But - having been working on my own protein levels, I've been adding in a zone perfect bar to up my protein and get my sweet fix in. Already doing the meat, egg, etc. so I found the bar gets me over that hump while keeping my calories in line and has helped me with my afternoon work outs.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I.E. eating mostly proteins will cause your body to shift from carbs as the main source of energy on to harder to digest proteins... causing you to lose massive amounts of weight.
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    I.E. eating mostly proteins will cause your body to shift from carbs as the main source of energy on to harder to digest proteins... causing you to lose massive amounts of weight.

    broscience. actually I've never even heard broscience quite this crazy
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    lnt3083 wrote: »
    Way too much protein. You're not bodybuilding are you? You're trying to lose weight and retain the muscle you already have right? I'm 5'10 and was 205. I'm 172 now and I get 80-105 grams of protein. You must strength train also to help retain muscle. Its said a gram of protein per pound of body weight. Again..I believe that's for bulking and bodybuilding.

    1g per lb isn't necessary. .6-. 87g per lb of bodyweight will suffice.

    She's 255 and 6' -- 200 is a nice round number that happens to be about .78 grams per lb of bodyweight. Seems not crazy, especially if she's aiming for it and not freaking if she doesn't hit it and if she's eating the calories she said she's eating.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Jozzmenia wrote: »
    Any tips on how to get in ALOT of protein with not so much fat or sodium? I met with a nutritionist to figure out what was bad about my diet. At my weight she recommended 200 grams of protein per day. I thought I was doing well to get 100. So I've been trying and haven't reached it yet. I find it hard to eat that much food, let alone high protein low fat.

    How low fat? That's the hard part.

    I don't get nearly 200 grams (I'm 5'3, 125), but one source I find to be really useful is low fat dairy -- cottage cheese and plain greek yogurt, especially (I add fruit).

    You can bulk up eggs with egg whites, also.