


  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,241 Member
    I drink diet Pepsi regularly, also Coke Zero, Sprite Zero, Fanta Zero, Pibbs Zero, and my weight loss is going along nicely. The only way that would not be the case is if I was eating more thinking I had earned it because I drank a diet soda instead of a regular one.
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    I wouldn't suggest switching to diet. A friend of mine was struggling to lose weight despite her diet and her doctor told her to cut out the diet coke and she's lost 39lbs since! Try reducing the soda by gradually replacing it with water etc! :)

    Nope, something else had to change for this to happen.

  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    ooooooh, coca cola... never mind.

    I got excited too.....
  • wanabefit2016
    wanabefit2016 Posts: 187 Member
    Hornsby wrote: »
    Switch to diet.

    I drink diet Pepsi now and I've got used to the taste
  • fatjon73
    fatjon73 Posts: 379 Member
    OP for me.....I used to drink pop all day at work, the water fountains are not something I will drink from (worked with them in the past...will never use one now)......

    My fix is to take my own water with me now, this has stopped me drinking pop.....

    I pop a couple of 1.4 full bottles of water in the freezer on there side.....then fill up before work with water / juice so I have a ice cold drink all night, I freeze a full bottle for later in the night, again this gives me ice water all night at awork....keeping me away from the vending machines.....

    My drink of choice was Lucozade.....2 bottles a day...over 500 calories....since I stopped...its weird...but I do now have more energy......and the water really does make a huge difference to my day now....once you see the change its hard to go back then.....why would I....

    I do still enjoy pop at weekends.....but now I drink Zero coke or all good....
  • Ilikelamps
    Ilikelamps Posts: 482 Member
    So...... what youre saying is that......youre a coke addict? :/

  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Quitting coke will probably save you a few hundred thousand dollars a year.

    Not to mention your health. Dangerous stuff. Sometimes people lace it with glass for added effect.
  • missomgitsica
    missomgitsica Posts: 496 Member
    That's exactly what I did to start cutting down, I stopped drinking soda at work. It's actually gone really well! I've gotten down to drinking a can of Dr. Pepper everyday, which is a HUGE improvement for me! Good luck!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    edited April 2015
    I drank a 2 liter of diet pepsi every day for 25 years. I'm not saying it contributed to my weight gain over the years, because I have no proof. All I can say is I weaned myself off the stuff over a 2-3 month period two summers ago and I haven't missed it. I love the taste of water now, where before I craved pop bad. I enjoy a soda maybe once a month now but I have no desire to buy a boat load of 2 liters at the grocery when it's on sale. Once I got rid of the desire for sweet tasting drinks, the weight started to come off and I've kept it off ever since. Now working on the last 10 pounds ;)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    amy8400 wrote: »
    I'm not saying it contributed to my weight gain over the years, because I have no proof.

    Good, cause it didn't.

  • jkwolly
    jkwolly Posts: 3,049 Member
    Quitting coke will probably save you a few hundred thousand dollars a year.

    Not to mention your health. Dangerous stuff. Sometimes people lace it with glass for added effect.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    I suggest trying all different kinds of diet sodas to find the one you like and swap it in. Nothing will taste as good when you first do this. When I first did that I went through a ton of different ones till I found something that tasted okay. I just kept drinking that one (I ended up liking coke zero) and Coca cola started tasting horrible to me.
  • paolachavez07
    I had the same problem just don't do it all at once I used to drink Pepsi so much that I wouldn't drink anything else and it became a big issue for me got to a point where I landed in the hospital!! I would say start out slow depending on how much u had and ask a doctor because mine told me to drink one a day and drink water!! Hope it helps
  • Nett1365
    Nett1365 Posts: 5
    wish I could, don't like the taste of any I've tried

  • Nett1365
    Nett1365 Posts: 5
    That's exactly what I did to start cutting down, I stopped drinking soda at work. It's actually gone really well! I've gotten down to drinking a can of Dr. Pepper everyday, which is a HUGE improvement for me! Good luck!
    Thank you, I was home the last two days with a headache and I know its caffeine withdrawal. But I am determined to do this, I have been working out daily for 3 months now and notice a difference in how things fit, but now I want the real weight loss to go with it.

  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    So you don't like the taste of the diet sodas? Have you tried Mio? How about one of those infuser thingies?
