The Healthy Way: Thigh gap



  • Ninkyou
    Ninkyou Posts: 6,666 Member

  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    edited April 2015
    I have a thigh gap.

    But Im also bow legged with wide spread hips. Which might have a little something (everything) to do with it.

    Cant even imagine actually wanting that though...when I was younger, and thinner, I hated it. Guys, complete strangers even, have said some disturbingly crass comments about how I I couldnt bring my legs together (use your imagination), and I would purposely stand hunched over with my legs slightly bent so that my knees and thighs would touch.
  • PamH_8807
    PamH_8807 Posts: 25 Member
    I'll never understand why anyone wants a thigh gap. I know we all have things that we don't like about our bodies, but we were all made different, and I wish more women could love and accept themselves instead of wishing they looked like stick figures and setting unrealistic goals that won't happen for their body type.
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    My modeling career is just taking of (sic) I will be auditing (sic) to be a Victoria (sic) secret (sic) model next year.
    My manager has mentioned he wants me to shred (sic) a few pounds ands and tone my legs.
    It would be better if you stayed in high school, maybe even take a health class or do some research
    on your own to learn about nutrition, eating disorders, healthy weight, healthy calorie intake, etc.

    BTW, does your manager have any education in health, nutrition, personal training, etc.?
    Or is he just a business guy who thinks he can tell girls they should endanger their health for money?

    ahrisoula wrote:
    I'm 5" 11" and the weight requirements for that are 83-100.
    At 5'11" and 100 lb, your BMI would be 13.9 which is *_dangerously_* underweight.
    (133 would be the bottom of a healthy weight range, with a BMI of 18.5.)
    I'd be surprised if you'd have enough body fat to maintain normal function, let alone hips & breasts...
    which are useful if one is to be modelling lingere. ("High fashion", not so much; they want living coat
    hangers, not people with curves.)
    Sorry for the confusion I made a mistake in my sign up im not dangerously under weight
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    My modeling career is just taking of (sic) I will be auditing (sic) to be a Victoria (sic) secret (sic) model next year.
    My manager has mentioned he wants me to shred (sic) a few pounds ands and tone my legs.
    It would be better if you stayed in high school, maybe even take a health class or do some research
    on your own to learn about nutrition, eating disorders, healthy weight, healthy calorie intake, etc.

    BTW, does your manager have any education in health, nutrition, personal training, etc.?
    Or is he just a business guy who thinks he can tell girls they should endanger their health for money?

    ahrisoula wrote:
    I'm 5" 11" and the weight requirements for that are 83-100.
    At 5'11" and 100 lb, your BMI would be 13.9 which is *_dangerously_* underweight.
    (133 would be the bottom of a healthy weight range, with a BMI of 18.5.)
    I'd be surprised if you'd have enough body fat to maintain normal function, let alone hips & breasts...
    which are useful if one is to be modelling lingere. ("High fashion", not so much; they want living coat
    hangers, not people with curves.)
    Sorry for the confusion I made a mistake in my sign up im not dangerously under weight

    And I was I would allredy have a thigh gap and not be asking how to get one healthily
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you to all the people who posted I realy appreciate your comments
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    I now know thigh gaps are mainly bassed on genetics and not every female can achive them
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    However as this is modelling I have been put at ease buy the thought of photo shopping
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    However if I am ti fly over to America for the castings I need to make sure I at least get into the top ten.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    So, you are 19, you are modelling and working for an agency, you have been told that next year you might be working for VS and then you were instructed to google and ask on online forums how to create a thigh gap by then? Ok, makes perfect sense.
  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    PRMinx wrote: »
    ninerbuff wrote: »
    My modeling career is just taking of I will be auditing to be a Victoria secret model next year. My manager has mentioned he wants me to shred a few pounds and tone my legs. When I was like 10-12 I engaged in sprinting which has built up muscular legs. I need to get rid of them or... I lose my contract
    You're not going to lose muscle from the legs without compromising your health, or opting to use a wheelchair so you don't use your legs at all.
    And honestly, a 2 year stint in sprinting at just barely puberty will unlikely result in muscular legs. Lots of females discount genetics as the reason why their legs are bigger and you can't change your genetics.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition



    Plus, I lift heavy things and squat a lot and consider myself to have pretty muscular legs. And I have thigh gap (when laying down with my knees up). It's all in the hips because, trust me, I'm not a waif on the bottom.

    Speaking of hip and butt size....I wonder how this impacts my IQ. :wink:

    Well, if you can correctly use the word 'audition' and properly spell 'based', 'achieve', 'costume', and 'supermodel', then it appears that it works out in your favor! :wink:
  • Cranquistador
    Cranquistador Posts: 39,744 Member
    ahrisoulas wrote: »
    My modeling career is just taking of I will be auditing to be a Victoria secret model next year. My manager has mentioned he wants me to shred a few pounds ands and tone my legs. When I was like 10-12 I engaged in sprinting which has built up muscular legs. I need to get rid of them or... I lose my contract

    I'm 5" 11" and the weight requirements for that are 83-100. Or you have to be a sample size of 000-2. You wont to lose your contract buy not haveing a thigh gap. Its against the law now to try to promote pro ED FADS. If you fit sample sizes, and hight requirements you'll be fine. Aswell your BMI is over 19. But they are lying yo you. My advice dont to VS, go costum or ready to wear, or suppermodling. If they are telling you to do that then thats a problem.
    I don't know if that would support staying alive.
  • sparkledazle
    sparkledazle Posts: 12 Member
    aggelikik wrote: »
    So, you are 19, you are modelling and working for an agency, you have been told that next year you might be working for VS and then you were instructed to google and ask on online forums how to create a thigh gap by then? Ok, makes perfect sense.
    Thanks for comenting btw they told me to shred a few pounds on my thighs and I came here to ask the user for advice because my mom was on this site and recommended it to me. (it helped her lose 5 pounds)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    This all seems legit.

  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Intentionally atrophying lean mass (muscle, connective tissue and bone) in someone such as yourself is unwise and will likely compromise your health, mobility and quality of life in the future.

    Do you know why elderly persons fall and sometimes break their hips? It's because they lost a significant amount of lean mass from muscle -as well as bone density - and have difficulties standing and maintaining balance without assistance. That'll be you if you listen to your agent.

    So what's more important: a short-term contract or quality of life associated with your health? There are plenty of other modeling jobs out there that won't ask to compromise your health.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
  • todd_christina
    todd_christina Posts: 2 Member
    I am 5'7", 130 pounds and I have a thigh gap. I had never even heard of a "thigh gap" until recently (girls never talked about thigh gaps when I was growing up). The ironic thing is, I've never liked the gap and thought it made me look bow legged. I think it's an odd obsession, really. Strange how the definition of beauty changes.
  • beastmode2718
    beastmode2718 Posts: 108 Member
    MKEgal wrote: »
    My modeling career is just taking of (sic) I will be auditing (sic) to be a Victoria (sic) secret (sic) model next year.
    My manager has mentioned he wants me to shred (sic) a few pounds ands and tone my legs.
    It would be better if you stayed in high school, maybe even take a health class or do some research
    on your own to learn about nutrition, eating disorders, healthy weight, healthy calorie intake, etc.

    BTW, does your manager have any education in health, nutrition, personal training, etc.?
    Or is he just a business guy who thinks he can tell girls they should endanger their health for money?

    ahrisoula wrote:
    I'm 5" 11" and the weight requirements for that are 83-100.
    At 5'11" and 100 lb, your BMI would be 13.9 which is *_dangerously_* underweight.
    (133 would be the bottom of a healthy weight range, with a BMI of 18.5.)
    I'd be surprised if you'd have enough body fat to maintain normal function, let alone hips & breasts...
    which are useful if one is to be modelling lingere. ("High fashion", not so much; they want living coat
    hangers, not people with curves.)

  • beastmode2718
    beastmode2718 Posts: 108 Member
    They actually aren't that thin, Adrianna Lima is 135 at 5' 10" still pretty thin but not 100. Keep in mind she has a personal trainer