Getting frustrated....



  • lwielgosz
    lwielgosz Posts: 12 Member
    I really don't think they the only way to lose weight is to weigh every food that you eat. I don't have a good scale and I really don't have the time to weigh everything I consume. If something is x amount of calories per serving and 1 serving is 5 pieces. Why would you need to weigh it?
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    edited April 2015
    because the serving sizes are NOT accurate

    And like the tbs of peanut butter is not always 170 calories but can be 210
    So 2 tbs of peanut butter ( which is nothing at all to put on your bread) can be 50 calories more than you think
    Do this with a couple of foods a day and you have a 300 or maybe even more calories underestimation.

    But well your life, your journey
    The advice is here
    obviously you didn't watch the videos which explain why you should weigh ALL your solid food.

    Your not losing and not weighing your food..... so see the connection

    People here told you exactly what is wrong with your way and why you dont lose.

    Up to you what to do.

    I MAKE time to weigh ALL my food. Its seconds when i cook. And totally used to it.
  • tibby531
    tibby531 Posts: 717 Member
    as you get closer to your goal, you'll want to be more specific with your logging. until then, just drink water, keep doing your workouts, and your body will adjust. :)

    I gained three pounds a week for two weeks when I started actually exercising. it just happens.
  • slucki01
    slucki01 Posts: 284 Member
    1. Weigh all your food
    2. Eat at least 1200 calories ( when you have a higher calorie allowance eat more :) )
    3. When you exercise eat on top of your 1200 about 25 to 50% of your exercise calories back
    4. Be honest to your self and log everything
    5. Be patience
    6. Be moderate and disciplined
    7. enough rest
    8. 2 to 3 liter water/fluid a day.

    And the weight will come off.... fast or slow that depends. That is for everybody different.

    I lost 80 pounds in 166 days this way.

    Totally agree. This was my approach and I've lost 36 lbs
  • futuremanda
    futuremanda Posts: 816 Member
    lwielgosz wrote: »
    I really don't think they the only way to lose weight is to weigh every food that you eat. I don't have a good scale and I really don't have the time to weigh everything I consume. If something is x amount of calories per serving and 1 serving is 5 pieces. Why would you need to weigh it?

    A good scale is like, $15-$30.

    And I find it faster than measuring. I mean. You literally just set down your food. Not time consuming! Making a peanut butter sandwich? Put two slices of bread on the scale. Put your pb, put it back on the scale. Voila! No measuring, no guesswork. You know exactly what you ate (as close as you're ever going to know, anyway).

    You won't set your food down a few times during prep if it would mean the difference between succeeding and not succeeding, or getting the pace you're aiming for or not?

    Over the weekend, I had two slices of rye bread from a loaf. The package said 2 slices, 140 calories (50g). My 2 slices weighed 76g... that's more like 3 slices. 213 calories. An extra 73 calories that would've been unknown, right there. Enough of those errors, and you're eating enough more than you think to really screw up your losses.

    Lots of people can lose, at least in the beginning, without weighing. But if you aren't losing, it's really the best place to start. That, and making sure you're picking good database entries, that you ALWAYS log, that you aren't forgetting anything (licks of a spoon, mints, bit of butter used in cooking, etc).
  • cresyluna
    cresyluna Posts: 48 Member
    It is true you don't HAVE to weigh all of your food, but when you're frustrated that you're not losing (although really, giving yourself more time maybe the answer too!) it can certainly provide an answer - I remember awhile ago I thought "I eat pretty healthy, not like a ton or anything" then I was astounded when I actually weighed my food for a day at how off I was on things like shredded cheese or morning cereal or whatever. And I don't really weight everything, once I got a better idea of what actually constituted some proper servings of common foods I didn't bother - thus my weight loss is at a snail's pace (19lb in a little over 6 months). Which I'm cool with. If you're not, try weighing your food for a day or two and see if you're really getting what you think in terms of calories per day.
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    lwielgosz wrote: »
    I get on my treadmill for about 45-60min 5 days a week walking for 2-3miles each time.
    lwielgosz wrote: »
    I really don't think they the only way to lose weight is to weigh every food that you eat. I don't have a good scale and I really don't have the time to weigh everything I consume.

    If you have time to walk 45-60 minutes a day, why don't you believe you have a few seconds to weigh your food?

    For $20 you can own a nice food scale. Like @futuremanda said, you just plunk your food on the scale. It's easy and in seconds you know exactly what you're consuming.

  • cavia
    cavia Posts: 457 Member
    lwielgosz wrote: »
    I really don't think they the only way to lose weight is to weigh every food that you eat. I don't have a good scale and I really don't have the time to weigh everything I consume. If something is x amount of calories per serving and 1 serving is 5 pieces. Why would you need to weigh it?

    It takes seconds per meal to weigh your food. You're letting seconds stand between you and predictable weightloss?
  • DonnaHilston
    DonnaHilston Posts: 21 Member
    Wow! I haven't been weighing my food so I definitely need to get a scale. So now the question is where the heck do you buy one?
  • jonpat21
    jonpat21 Posts: 19 Member
    lwielgosz wrote: »
    I joined a weight loss challenge event last week and I have been watching my calories and logging every food and actually entering calories on the higher side just to be safe. I work out at least 5 days a week for at least 45min. I got on the scare today and I GAINED 4 pounds!!! What is going on? I cannot for the life of me figure this out ...

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    Wow! I haven't been weighing my food so I definitely need to get a scale. So now the question is where the heck do you buy one?

    target or your local grocery store. Pretty much anywhere :smile:

  • jonpat21
    jonpat21 Posts: 19 Member
    While you have been working out you probably have been dropping fat and gaining muscle. Muscles weigh more than fat. Have you been checking your measurements? I started working out with insanity and started at 245, I'm now at 248 but have lost a considerable amount of inches. Break out the measuring tape! You might get shocked!
  • rosehips60
    rosehips60 Posts: 1,030 Member
    Just about any dept store, look in the kitchen gadgets area, and I got mine on-line for under $20
  • BWBTrish
    BWBTrish Posts: 2,817 Member
    jonpat21 wrote: »
    While you have been working out you probably have been dropping fat and gaining muscle. Muscles weigh more than fat. Have you been checking your measurements? I started working out with insanity and started at 245, I'm now at 248 but have lost a considerable amount of inches. Break out the measuring tape! You might get shocked!

    Well i think not she is just eating more than she thinks.
    Muscle dont weigh more than fat. a pound is a pound Only the volume is different. And of course you tone up and lose inches yes.

    My guess is she lost weight first because she still had a (bigger) deficit. But the more you lose the harder it gets. The more accurate you most be in your logging. The smaller your deficit the slower your weight loss.

    Because she is gaining she probably has no deficit at all but is eating in a surplus.

    she is not weighing her food at all! So she has no idea how much calories she eats. Servings sizes can be hundreds of difference.

  • greaseswabber
    greaseswabber Posts: 238 Member
    jonpat21 wrote: »
    While you have been working out you probably have been dropping fat and gaining muscle.

    Her workouts consist of walking for 45 minutes, 5 times a week. For two weeks. She isn't building muscle.

    1: have patience. Weight loss doesn't happen right away for everyone.

    1A: buy a scale and weigh your food. While not everyone has to weigh food to be successful, many of us find that, when compared to the scale, we are awful estimators of portions. It really doesn't take that much time.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    lwielgosz wrote: »
    I really don't think they the only way to lose weight is to weigh every food that you eat. I don't have a good scale and I really don't have the time to weigh everything I consume. If something is x amount of calories per serving and 1 serving is 5 pieces. Why would you need to weigh it?

    Honestly you are not losing. Just about everyone here that us successful calorie counts and part of that is weighing so they know how much they are eaing and can create a deficit. You arent at a deficit bcayse you arent losing despite the extra exercise. Why not ask your competitors if they are weighing?

    You cna get away with not weighing, but its less accurate. If you arent losing then its normally becayse you are eating more than you think.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    edited April 2015
    jonpat21 wrote: »
    While you have been working out you probably have been dropping fat and gaining muscle. Muscles weigh more than fat. Have you been checking your measurements? I started working out with insanity and started at 245, I'm now at 248 but have lost a considerable amount of inches. Break out the measuring tape! You might get shocked!

    Its a no.

    Shes only walking.
  • Kalici
    Kalici Posts: 685 Member
    Wow! I haven't been weighing my food so I definitely need to get a scale. So now the question is where the heck do you buy one?

    target or your local grocery store. Pretty much anywhere :smile:

    Don't make the same mistake I did and buy an analog one first. They're seriously a pain in the rear and not all that accurate. Buy a digital one and save yourself a massive headache.

  • PAV8888
    PAV8888 Posts: 13,941 Member
    edited April 2015
    jonpat21 wrote: »
    While you have been working out you probably have been dropping fat and gaining muscle.
    Her workouts consist of walking for 45 minutes, 5 times a week. For two weeks. She isn't building muscle.
    While I am a major advocate of walking as exercise and that you should eat back walking calories that exceed your MFP activity setting, 45 minutes times 5 times a week raises a flag for me if it involves any eat back.

    Most people, especially starting out, will average around 100 steps per minute on a "fast purposeful" walk. @ 45 minutes, this comes to 4500 steps.

    Depending on how sedentary the rest of the OP's day is, 4500 steps may not be enough to lift the OP above the MFP sedentary level.

    In other words: not eating back exercise calories may be appropriate in this case (for once).
  • rachelwindon
    rachelwindon Posts: 11 Member
    I am doing "Lite'n'Easy" food cause I am just crap at portion and weighing my food! This seems to be working for me ... down 7kg since I started it :-)