Hotties getting Hotter! Daily motivation thread! April 2015

Well I wasn't able to commit to the original weight loss thread for April so I wanted to start something mid month. When I weight myself last time it was not what I wanted to see and then I went to a wedding last weekend but now I am ready to fight the good fight for the rest of the month. Below are my goals, Join me in getting hotter than we already are! I need to keep this confidence and not let the struggle get me down!

GW-5/1/15-194 or less!
EGW(end goal weight) 170!

Non-Scale goals this month- Get my 10,000 steps a day and make sure to be active at least 3-4 times a week(a class, a jog, or biking)

So far I made it to a Barre class this morning and it kicked my butt! I have a really busy week but I know I am going to be hitting the pavement Sunday at least so hopefully I can fit something in 2 times times to hit my goal this week!

Lets do this people!!


  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    No takers yet??
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    Hey :) im always up for a challenge ! ill add you :) what step tracker do you have?
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I use the fitbit. So far I am questioning that goal since I am so busy it is proving challenging to get that goal in every day. I have the flex and part of me wants the surge so I can have the HR monitor. Which one do you use.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I guess if I am the only one posting on here I might as well keep at it! Well I feel like I am struggling with weekends the most, especially if we have an event. We had a wedding that we went to over the weekend and ended up going out of town. I did make better choices, ordering vegetables or salad instead of fries but ended up indulging in adult beverages. I also didn't track all weekend. This week is proving challenging because the hubby is sick and I am so busy with work and school that we don't have much groceries, let alone time to make dinner. I am determined to lose at least a little weight before school is out in 5 weeks, then I will hit it hard because I will have more time. I seem to also struggle with eating enough food throughout the day when I am watching my diet and I end up either having a headache towards the end of the day or feeling extremely tired. I will figure it out and I know that when you first start it is always a little harder. Well I am feeling better already since I have had a good few days back from the weekend. Ready to kick some booty the rest of the week.
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I am bummed noone is jumping on this I might have to go find an active group! Oh well!
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    edited April 2015
    I'll join ya.

    Edit: posting from phone....had a lot typed out but it apparently didn't save. Need to stop posting from phone since I always seem to run into problems like this.


    Weight as of 4/10/2015: 145.5
    Goal for 5/1/2015: 143.5
    UGW : 130 (will re-evaluate when I get there)

    Other Goals
    • Total 76,000 steps for the week of 4/13-4/19 (300 more steps than last week)
    • Prepare to run the 5k my local YMCA is having on May 9th (they do monthly runs). It is going to be my first 5k and lucky me, no registration fee for this one since I'm a mom. I want to do the Mud Run in August which will be expensive but looks like so much fun.
    • I'd like to move up to a 55lb OHP. This one might take me until June or July though. It took me from the beginning of Feb till just the other day to move from 45 to 50lbs.


    Where I'm at so far:

    Weight as of 4/15/2015: 144.8
    Total steps for the week so far: 27,194

    4/10/2015 - Went to the gym, but forgot my sports bra. Ended up walking the track instead of the planned Zombies,Run!5k. Later that day, I did Mossa Fight on Xbox Fitness.
    4/11/2015 - REST
    4/12/2015 - Stronglifts 5x5 Workout B
    4/13/2015 - Repeat of Zombies,Run!5k Week 4 Workout 2
    4/14/2015 - Stronglifts 5x5 Workout A
    4/15/2015 - Repeat of Zombies,Run!5k Week 5 Workout 1
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    woohoo more people!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    How do you like the zombies Run 5k? I was thinking it might be good for my hubby.
  • delij83
    delij83 Posts: 4 Member
    I'd love to join you guys :)
    Just tell me what I need to post to get started x
  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    lostalykat wrote: »
    How do you like the zombies Run 5k? I was thinking it might be good for my hubby.
    I love it. It has a great story line. The 5k version of the app takes place between mission 1 & 2 of the normal Zombies,Run app. The regular app turns running into a game. You go on runs and will pick up supplies while you run. These supplies help you build up your base (Abel Township).

  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    Good morning!

    I didnt start my step goal at 10k, i looked at what id do in a normal day and aimed for 4k a day and then moved it up to 6k a day and now im getting myself together im hit around 9-10k a day so my goal is 10k a day !

    Ive started waking early to get in some exercise and im on day 4 and have done 45 min workout each morning, ive been tired so going to bed really early and today im feeling great

    im aiming to go no more than 50cal over my calorie limit and i dont eat my calories back

    im feeling pretty determined lol
  • endofnext
    endofnext Posts: 8 Member
    I'm in :) I tried to start running recently and did it... once. But I've asked for advice and downloaded the C25K app and some really good spotify playlists for motivation. With the weather getting colder in Sydney I really need to do more but last night all I could bear was dancing in my room.

    I'm under 5' tall, and about 48kg. I've kept my weight down to this consistently through diet for the past couple of years but now I want to go further and have shifted focus to fitness. I want to verge closer to 47kg and maintain it consistently. And I'd really like to be able to drink beer again without stressing about the weight gain.
  • bitbit376
    bitbit376 Posts: 8 Member
    I'd like to join! I need some motivation! CW is 148 and goal is 125! I'm only 5'1- I need to do more exercise but it's tough with 2 kids and a hubby with rotating schedule. I'm sticking to a 1400 cal/day easily though!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    @delij83 You can post what your Current weight is and what your goal is for May and then beyond. I also really like adding non weight goals because this is more than just about weight loss.

    @endofnext Woohoo! Good job. Getting out there in the beginning is the hardest part. When I first started running and even know when I run I like to do intervals. I use the Runkeeper app and set it to intervals of Run for 3 minutes then Slow for 1 minute (aka Walk Run) This keeps me interested. When I got stronger I went to 6:1, Then 9:1 then 1 Mile: 1 minute walk etc. Drinking has been challenging for me I tend to overdo it on the weekends which has been a big downfall of mine. Try to not stress it, if you want a beer have a beer just log it and move on. Over the weekend I alternated between Vodka Soda w/ lime and beer so I got less cals I hope it helped.

    @bitbit376 Welcome! Maybe you can do some exercise with the kids? I don't have kids but I know my girlfriend will turn on music and turn it into a dance party and the kids love it!

    @shadow2soul Glad to hear about the App. good job on training for your first 5K! I was a runner for a few years and then my foot started acting up with Plantar Fasciitis and it has been challenging to get back to it. I do crossfit 2-4 times a week depending on my schedule and then I try to walk or take whatever classes I can when I have the chance. I am still sore from my Barre class yesterday LOL.

    @usernameenvy Sounds like a good way to start with your steps I will see how it goes for now, (currently PMSing so my energy is low) Just be careful if you are burning a lot of cals and not eating them. If you don't eat enough your body will hold onto fat and you will harm your metabolism. Eating less is not always the best way to go about it.

    Thanks for everyone who has joined me! I had a group similar to this when I started and it was really good for me to have a group to talk to when I needed it(every day pretty much!) We all have struggles but I think having minigoals and staying accountable and keeping your head in the game will really help us all!

    PS I am craving chocolate today and I think I will have to cave and buy a bar. Thinking I will at least get one that has nuts(aka protein :smile: ) and only eat half the bar before class and see how that goes.
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member

    @usernameenvy Sounds like a good way to start with your steps I will see how it goes for now, (currently PMSing so my energy is low) Just be careful if you are burning a lot of cals and not eating them. If you don't eat enough your body will hold onto fat and you will harm your metabolism. Eating less is not always the best way to go about it.

    Thanks for that, this why i went with the moderate weight loss option, im consuming 1500 instead of the low 1200 and i dont stress if i go over a bit so longs as its consuming protein and/or good fats!
    Chocolate/sweet cravings are my downfall! i made a batch of home made, gluten free/dairy free/refined sugar free chocolate for times im craving and i work it into my daily calories :)

  • endofnext
    endofnext Posts: 8 Member
    @usernameenvy working in an office is the worst for chocolate addiction. Since Easter we've had a constant flow of chocolate and sweet breads
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    Yeah its been the same here, always excuses for morning teas and cakes and chocolates, its so hard !!!!
  • lostalykat
    lostalykat Posts: 683 Member
    I got a mini chocolate bar so it was only 200 cals and I think it made me think a little better in class. Just ate a rice cake with a little almond butter on it. I am so tired since I have been tracking cals and eating better, it doesn't help that I am volunteering, in school and working at the same time. I am so ready for summer break so I can stop the stress! Oh well still stayed in my cals today so sucess!

    One more day closer to the weekend! Anyone else thinking of weekend strategies? I am already thinking about it.
  • usernameenvy
    usernameenvy Posts: 140 Member
    The weekend is always on my mind !!!
    I need to try not to sit around and munch out and fit in some exercise
  • jaclyntranchannel
    jaclyntranchannel Posts: 11 Member
    I'll join. :) anyone can buddy up with me!
    I find it's easier to stay honest if we all add together as friends. I'm absolutely terrible at finding threads I'm part of.