Ketogenic Diet Plan

LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
So glad I found this forum. I've been off and on paleo for 4 years. I noticed I plateued with weight loss for the past two years and recently discovered the ketogenic diet plan. I just started it last week. Hoping to see some weight loss in a month, but not really sure what to expect. I have already noticed that my sugar cravings have completely subsided, which is great because that has always been my achilles heal so to speak. The only thing that I'm skeptical on re: the Ketogenic diet plan is the amount of dairy intake. Having been on a paleo diet, my dairy intake was less than 5% if even that on some days. With Ketogenic, I've been doing the heavy cream in the coffee along with coconut oil and butter, as well as cooking with heavy cream to prepare with my proteins. I've also added hard cheeses to my diet, like cheddar and swiss. I'm thinking I should cut that out. Has anyone done Keto without all the dairy? If so, what types of fat subsitutes. Maybe I should up the cocounut oil and butter instead? Any advice for this newbie would be greatly appreciated.


  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    There are people who do keto with lactose issues, so they restrict or completely omit the dairy. You can get by with things like almond milk or coconut milk, just read the labels very carefully, because it will vary from brand to brand what kind of extra fillers (usually carb carrying) will be added to them. (for example, Starbucks version of coconut milk might as well be Pepsi).

    I'm confused, though, that you mention upping butter to cut back on dairy? All butter is, is heavy cream that's been shaken.
  • LandL3
    LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you! Good point on butter. Have you had successful weight loss on a Ketogenic diet?
  • NurseJilly76
    NurseJilly76 Posts: 13 Member
    I'm down 30lbs in 2 1/2 months, living keto. I do love my dairy (cheese, butter, whipping cream, cream cheese) though. Visit the low carb forum - everyone there is SO supportive, helpful and knowledgeable. No rude, judgemental, cranky folk there, and accepting of all types of low carb: paleo, keto, etc. I think they're so pleasant, because we're not high on sugar, are satiated all of the time, and get to eat bacon every day!
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    LandL3 wrote: »
    Thank you! Good point on butter. Have you had successful weight loss on a Ketogenic diet?

    I've been keto for 15 years for medical reasons. I've maintained for 13, gained some when I wasn't paying attention to measurements, and am now down 45 again.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    JPW1990 wrote: »

    I'm confused, though, that you mention upping butter to cut back on dairy? All butter is, is heavy cream that's been shaken.

    Minus the buttermilk ;-)
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    Wow. How do people find the time and willpower for that level of detail.

    By just using MFP and counting calories, you can eat whatever you like and lose weight, and have a rough but good and reliable estimate on how much you'll lose if you hit your calorie goal every day.
  • DeannaSofia886
    DeannaSofia886 Posts: 77 Member
    Here is a great resource for low carbers
  • LandL3
    LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
    Wow. How do people find the time and willpower for that level of detail.

    By just using MFP and counting calories, you can eat whatever you like and lose weight, and have a rough but good and reliable estimate on how much you'll lose if you hit your calorie goal every day.

  • LandL3
    LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you for the reply. I have tried doing that for many years. My problem is that I have very intense sugar and salt cravings. Along with no will power. After my third child I noticed I had a hard time controlling my cravings. I was able to lose all the baby weight (50 pounds) but there were so many times where I just had to eat half a dozen donuts in one sitting, or an entire bag of salt and vinegar potato chips. I guess you could call in binge eating and for the longest time I thought maybe I was just an emotional eater. But since I started Ketogenic my sugar cravings have really subsided. I haven't wanted ice cream or cake in a week. I am hoping this new way of eating and keeping my carbs down is the way to go.
  • LandL3
    LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
    I'm down 30lbs in 2 1/2 months, living keto. I do love my dairy (cheese, butter, whipping cream, cream cheese) though. Visit the low carb forum - everyone there is SO supportive, helpful and knowledgeable. No rude, judgemental, cranky folk there, and accepting of all types of low carb: paleo, keto, etc. I think they're so pleasant, because we're not high on sugar, are satiated all of the time, and get to eat bacon every day!

  • LandL3
    LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
    Thank you NurseJilly! I will definitely check out that other forum. Kind of new to Fitness Pal too, so just trying to utilize the great community and everyone's valuable knowledge and experiences.
  • LandL3
    LandL3 Posts: 7 Member
    But more importantly, I forgot to say congrats on your weight loss. 30 pounds in less than 3 months is amazing!
    I'm down 30lbs in 2 1/2 months, living keto. I do love my dairy (cheese, butter, whipping cream, cream cheese) though. Visit the low carb forum - everyone there is SO supportive, helpful and knowledgeable. No rude, judgemental, cranky folk there, and accepting of all types of low carb: paleo, keto, etc. I think they're so pleasant, because we're not high on sugar, are satiated all of the time, and get to eat bacon every day!