Almost a year and 120lbs lost into this fun adventure.



  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    jatdh1753 wrote: »
    Wow, such an amazing transformation! I especially love your advice about staying motivated when the finish line isn't in sight, or when you feel like you're not seeing results. This is what has stopped me from finishing my journey in the past; I'd always give up because I didn't have the mental fortitude to keep going when I wasn't seeing immediate results. Such great advice, and your success is a huge inspiration!

    Thank you! :) Yeah I mean not everything I did/doing is probably right but it was right for me and may work for someone. Least part of it etc. I'm an instant gratfication person too lol I want to see results and I'm very organized so to me it drove me nuts I'd do everything to a T what this said to do and I wouldn't see a weight loss so I'd be upset. So hang in there and know that things are changing they're just not always what you assume they are or can't see them yourself <3

    raman2011 wrote: »
    Very inspirational. Thank you for sharing, I was feeling a bit down cuz I can't seem to lose weight. It is just so hard to break this relationship with bad food choices, and no excersice. After reading your story, I feel like I can do it.

    Thank you!~ You definitely can enjoy some bad food in there to not miss it just gotta play a hardcore game of Sudoku to get it to all to work the way you want- to have the best of both worlds. I mean I'd love to eat all 100% healthy foods, knowing it would be great for my body and life. BUT I know I can't immediately give up everything I do enjoy. So slowly I been just mixing in better foods, new things, in combo with some guilty pleasure stuff :) And exercise to me was just icing on the cake, to help average any inconsistencies out. You don't neeeeed exercise to lose, it all comes from eating habits (Calories in and out etc) And the deficit is already there in the MFP so you don't have to beat yourself up if you can't make it to work out a day. Exercising is how I fixed if I overate, or didn't count/measure right etc. And of course I began to love working out and how I feel afterwords, so I like doing it as much as I can fit into my crazy college schedule hah
  • qwertymmii
    qwertymmii Posts: 34 Member
    I am new here and I am really inspired by your story. I am going to incorporate some of your strategies into my routine. I did not want to measure anything before now because I knew it would only depress me on how big I have become. I could always hide it under my clothes. Now I want to go home and get my measurements so I can see the difference monthly like you. Thank you so much and congrats!
  • millermkarate
    millermkarate Posts: 46 Member
    Congratulations on your hard work and perseverance! And thank you for sharing your inspirational story!!! You look F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S!
  • veganbettie
    veganbettie Posts: 701 Member
    you are my favorite loser wow!
  • hollen_carol
    hollen_carol Posts: 121 Member
    How inspiring!!!! Love your story. You look so very awesome and I'm sure you feel so much better and lighter and free! Thank you for sharing you story :smiley:
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    qwertymmii wrote: »
    I am new here and I am really inspired by your story. I am going to incorporate some of your strategies into my routine. I did not want to measure anything before now because I knew it would only depress me on how big I have become. I could always hide it under my clothes. Now I want to go home and get my measurements so I can see the difference monthly like you. Thank you so much and congrats!

    Yeah I didn't want to take pics or measure- because I was so annoyed/depressed about how it was. And it really didn't change much for awhile in pics and I wasn't sure i was even measuring myself in the same places each time lol. But I kept at it and eventually kept seeing slight changes. The clothing fitting was the best way for me to tell. Slowly I would go from 24/26 size in pants to 18...then 16's were fitting but tight....then 14s were comfortable...didn't try pants for a long while and then recently I noticed I could wear size 8 and 10 easily. Its quite random how you lose in places at certain times. While my legs and arms are quite small now the middle has most of the weight now left... for others I read its different.. I guess its just your body make up and all that. (Wish it all in my *kitten* haha)

    Thank you for all your kind words! I'm so overwhelmed with all the kindness, positivity, and enthusiasm how my story was able to help you in some way. :) That to me is what I really wanted to be able to do, is give back to this amazing community that helped me change my life. <3 Its very true I'm a bubbly nice person so its relieving to be able to show that openly and not feel ashamed.
  • blueyellowhorse
    blueyellowhorse Posts: 708 Member
    edited April 2015
    lyrics09 wrote: »
    You look awesome!! I bet you are having a blast buying new cute clothes!

    lol yes getting smaller definitely costs me more money than I had planned. I love heels. I had some but never wore them when I was heavy. I didn't really feel comfortable or want to draw attention to myself. I hated being tall and etc. Now lol I think I have and entire wall of heels in my closet and I even wear them to the grocery store- Yeah I'm that *kitten* girl. I love being tall now and I love dressing up. I used to hate to try stuff on now I feel like I'm at some magic show, trying on like a size 8-10 and thinking it won't fit and POOF it does. Or smalls being actually perfectly fitting. A silly goal I'll admit was back when I started I wanted to fit into a pair of lululemon yoga pants just to finally say Hey I did this and can look like one of those cute people who work out. It was so weird not only fitting into them but I wasn't even stuck in the biggest size. - PS Calvin Klein yoga pants and underarmor pants are still way cooler to me hah.

    And with the shoe addiction I love colorful running shoes even more now. I have like every color variation of asics triathlon shoe I think now. haha

    Heck yeah girl, keep wearing those heels to the grocery store and everywhere else too! ;) You seriously look so good though! Beautiful face and killer legs! I love being tall too, but I don't know about wearing heels now. :/ I want to get a better body before I go out in heels. Anyways, go you!!! Keep being fabulous! Love your eyes too btw!
  • jmorrisof2
    jmorrisof2 Posts: 108 Member
    I love your story. Very motivating. I love that you didn't do anything drastic and just lived your life. I could really relate to your story.
  • leximarie3
    leximarie3 Posts: 34 Member
    edited April 2015
    Amazing transformation! You look fabulous! Keep doing what you're doing, it's definitely working ;) P.S. Your smile looks beautiful as well :D
  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,218 Member
    Simply amazing...
  • LacednLace
    LacednLace Posts: 480 Member
    Wish I could save this post forever. We're roughly the same heigh and my highest was 273lbs which is when I was a size 24/26 and 2x in shirts (I will never understand how that works....same height...same size...much different weight but oh well) and our goal end point is roughly the same (I hope to be 120-140lbs when im done). Im not as far as you are yet....but you've definitely become a role model for me. Congrats girl. You look awesome and you're doing amazing.

    Ps. Yes, as many others have stated, you are gorgeous as well. Both appearance and personality wise. Never forget that.
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    lyrics09 wrote: »
    You look awesome!! I bet you are having a blast buying new cute clothes!

    lol yes getting smaller definitely costs me more money than I had planned. I love heels. I had some but never wore them when I was heavy. I didn't really feel comfortable or want to draw attention to myself. I hated being tall and etc. Now lol I think I have and entire wall of heels in my closet and I even wear them to the grocery store- Yeah I'm that *kitten* girl. I love being tall now and I love dressing up. I used to hate to try stuff on now I feel like I'm at some magic show, trying on like a size 8-10 and thinking it won't fit and POOF it does. Or smalls being actually perfectly fitting. A silly goal I'll admit was back when I started I wanted to fit into a pair of lululemon yoga pants just to finally say Hey I did this and can look like one of those cute people who work out. It was so weird not only fitting into them but I wasn't even stuck in the biggest size. - PS Calvin Klein yoga pants and underarmor pants are still way cooler to me hah.

    And with the shoe addiction I love colorful running shoes even more now. I have like every color variation of asics triathlon shoe I think now. haha

    Heck yeah girl, keep wearing those heels to the grocery store and everywhere else too! ;) You seriously look so good though! Beautiful face and killer legs! I love being tall too, but I don't know about wearing heels now. :/ I want to get a better body before I go out in heels. Anyways, go you!!! Keep being fabulous! Love your eyes too btw!

    Yeah I always loved heels even while bigger but never wore them. They hurt my knees too much and I didn't want people to notice me. I always felt embarrassed etc. Now I'm like YOLO I'll rock these heels to random errands deal with it. haha. Was nice when a older woman who was a total stranger came up to me and said how amazing my legs were.
    jmorrisof2 wrote: »
    I love your story. Very motivating. I love that you didn't do anything drastic and just lived your life. I could really relate to your story.

    :) Yeah I didn't want to do something that I couldn't technically do the rest of my life. So many of my friends used those nutrisystem, atkins, ali pills, etc and the moment they got bored it was over, or once they lost the weight they wanted it was yo-yo back to where they started. I didn't want to do this *kitten* more than 1 time hah. With anything, if I can have the most amount of fun while doing it then I tend to do a good job and enjoy it.
    leximarie3 wrote: »
    Amazing transformation! You look fabulous! Keep doing what you're doing, it's definitely working ;) P.S. Your smile looks beautiful as well :D
    LAMCDylan wrote: »
    Simply amazing...

    <3 thanks!!! Its really amazing to feel happy enough with myself to smile and share my happiness with the people around me. I can't ever imagine being any other way, I always was such a silly, dork, positive person but didn't want to be around anyone while I hated myself. Now I'm that crazy friend who drags everyone to the science centre to have light saber fights with stormtroopers and take selfies with the ghostbuster car haha Feels good to not be embarrassed being outgoing.
    LacednLace wrote: »
    Wish I could save this post forever. We're roughly the same heigh and my highest was 273lbs which is when I was a size 24/26 and 2x in shirts (I will never understand how that works....same height...same size...much different weight but oh well) and our goal end point is roughly the same (I hope to be 120-140lbs when im done). Im not as far as you are yet....but you've definitely become a role model for me. Congrats girl. You look awesome and you're doing amazing.

    Ps. Yes, as many others have stated, you are gorgeous as well. Both appearance and personality wise. Never forget that.

    Awe thank you! And yeah its super strange how weight distribution works. I mean even with my OWN self back in high school I was about 190 my senior year and I wore 14-16 size jeans and now I'm 188 ish and I wear a size 8-10 in places like H&M and CK. And back then I wore large shirts and now Mediums are roomy and I can wear most smalls easily. *shrug* My legs were relatively ok too even at 304, because the weight was all distributed all hips and upward. I'd love to be 120 but I feel like currently 140 will look great on me if I can be an athletic toned build etc. But I'll call an audible once I'm there and decide. Anything is better than before hah

    Thanks! :)
  • LLCinLV
    LLCinLV Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I am on the beginning of my journey. I am sure I will reread this story to keep me going. I will write mine some day.
  • Iknewyouweretrouble
    Iknewyouweretrouble Posts: 561 Member
    I'm creeping on you and you're fabulous!! you're such an inspiration to keep going even if you don't see results. totally love your black magic concept too- makes complete sense. girl crushn!
  • omelet2000
    omelet2000 Posts: 110 Member
    You look amazing! Wonderful job!
  • Orson1981
    Orson1981 Posts: 6 Member
    This is absolutely fantastic, you look amazing! and congratulations on stick through it. That old deadline you set doesn't matter at all, as I think you are well aware, the fact that you've stuck with this for a year does matter. Good luck in reaching your goal(s), whatever they may end up being, I'm rooting for you!
  • lyrics09
    lyrics09 Posts: 217 Member
    Thank you for sharing. I am on the beginning of my journey. I am sure I will reread this story to keep me going. I will write mine some day.

    :) I'm so glad I'm able to help in some way! Hang in there it does have a happy ending I promise- and I'm a sucker for fairy tales hah
    I'm creeping on you and you're fabulous!! you're such an inspiration to keep going even if you don't see results. totally love your black magic concept too- makes complete sense. girl crushn!

    haha thanks!!! Dude its total black magic vudoo *kitten* sometimes. Makes zero sense. down 1 pound...2 days later up 7....take 4 days to get back to original weight....wait no back up 1 I notice the results but occasionally I feel like it wasn't that different, I guess because you're so used to yourself all the time in the mirror its hard to see. Just like I didn't think I gained _that_much weight then it hit me that I had gotten used to someone that wasn't really me. I'm positive and enthusiastic enough that I'm sure it will all 'click' eventually.

    omelet2000 wrote: »
    You look amazing! Wonderful job!

    <3 thanks!!! :)
    Orson1981 wrote: »
    This is absolutely fantastic, you look amazing! and congratulations on stick through it. That old deadline you set doesn't matter at all, as I think you are well aware, the fact that you've stuck with this for a year does matter. Good luck in reaching your goal(s), whatever they may end up being, I'm rooting for you!

    Thank you so much! :) Yeah I mean I'd like to get the dealine but I mean at this point I'm just having so much fun that I really don't mind that it has slowed down since getting past 110lbs mark. Its about a pound ish a week and that's fine with me. I'll get there eventually. I'm noticing the bigger changes with the muscle toning and inches I'm losing. Plus all the energy to run long distances, adventuring around on nature trails etc. I'm definitely rooting for all you guys and gals that have shared so many lovely messages and comments with me about my story. I can't believe that it even was that big of a deal but I'm glad I shared it. :)<3
  • ttodd16
    ttodd16 Posts: 33 Member
    Thank you so very much for your post. I get so discouraged when a night of sushi can blow up the scale for DAYS. (even if I am very good at my choices) I'm trying to "just get back up" every time I have a higher cal day and keep on being consistent. You HAVE motivated me. Thank you!
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