Not logging fruits & veggies?



  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    It just a question, i dont think fruits or veggies will make you gain weight or make you fat!
    I was asking that because my friend on weight watchers and they don't count fruits and veggies( im not talking here about high calories veggies like avocados and potatoes) .

    The calorie value of Weight Watchers points start really low. So the added calories of fruits & veggies don't bring you over goal. If you set your goal low enough're at the same place.

    WW does this to encourage consumption of fruits & veggies, and in most cases it's not something people binge on.
  • AmazonMayan
    AmazonMayan Posts: 1,168 Member
    I don't count fruits and veggies. As long as they are raw and I don't add anything to them. I use to do weight watchers, because of money reasons I decided to switch to mfp. I just lowered my calorie intake by 200 to help balance it out. But I don't think if your diet is 75% raw fruits and veggies you would gain weight. Look at vegan diets they have to eat mass quantities of fruit, vegetabls, and nuts. Just saying

    I know several overweight vegans...a few of them weren't overweight until after they went vegan. As in, gaining over 100lbs in 2 years...Sadly a couple of them still think they are healthier than everyone else.

    It still comes down to calories no matter how you decide to eat.

    On topic...I log it all, good and bad. Some days I can eat several hundred calories worth of vegetables and fruit depending on what goodies I've found at the store. I don't want my counts to be off.

  • My rule has always been if it doesn't have a label don't track it.
  • Roxiegirl2008
    Roxiegirl2008 Posts: 756 Member
    I log mine. I think the old WW program (when I did it years ago) you didn't have to count the veggies but you did need to count the fruit. I just like to see what I am eating and making sure I am staying within count.
  • nickatine
    nickatine Posts: 451 Member
    ok not logging a cup of lettuce is one thing, but if your eating bananas and avacados, apples, w/e you should be logging them or your lying to yourself.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    It just a question, i dont think fruits or veggies will make you gain weight or make you fat!
    I was asking that because my friend on weight watchers and they don't count fruits and veggies( im not talking here about high calories veggies like avocados and potatoes) .

    considering my veggies put my put my over my calories regularly- yes I log them.

    When you eat upwards of 400 calories of veggies- it's a problem if you aren't accounting for them- esp if you put butter on them (i usually use 1/4-1/2 tablespoon- *kitten* adds up)
  • EvilShenanigansTX
    EvilShenanigansTX Posts: 143 Member
    wizzybeth wrote: »
    lemurcat12 wrote: »
    arditarose wrote: »
    It just a question, i dont think fruits or veggies will make you gain weight or make you fat!
    I was asking that because my friend on weight watchers and they don't count fruits and veggies( im not talking here about high calories veggies like avocados and potatoes) .

    No food in particular makes you fat. Eating over maintenance causes you to gain weight. If you're eating at maintenance, and then you add a few hundred calories in fruit every day-you will gain weight.

    I don't know what's up with weight watchers.

    I think WW gives you fewer calories (through the bizarre points system) and then free fruits and veggies with the thought that you will fill up on those and it will encourage you to eat more. I hate the idea that people eat more if free and not if you log--I think it encourages a distinction between "bad" and "good" foods and the idea that logging foods is bad and eating (or logging) less is more. I like to think of my log as a picture of what I eat where I encourage myself to eat (and log) foods, not merely a record of calories (so adding food is a generally positive thing, as it contributes to my health or enjoyment).

    In addition to just wanting to be accurate, it's another reason why logging everything is important.

    Also, it's quite possible to get lots of calories from apples or even brussels sprouts, as others have said. I too estimate greens from time to time.

    I didn't see your post when I added mine. :)

    The OLD WW FlexPoints system was better, IMHO - it assigned a points value based on calories per serving (more complicated than that, it also took into account fiber and fat). Most fruits, except for bananas and avocado, if I recall correctly, were 1 point PER SERVING. Bananas were 2 points. Strawberries had a larger serving size but were still 1 point.

    Most veggies, except for peas, carrots, and corn, I think - were less than 50 calories per serving so they were given a 0 points value. They did make it clear that it is per serving. Peas, corn, and carrots, (I think carrots...I forget, it's been so long) were 1 point per serving.

    This new system makes no sense to me and seems more complex than the old one. I bet they came up with it because the Flex system was easy to research and figure it out without having to join WW and pay their fees. Changing the system made it new and hard to search the web for rogue information leaks and making people join to learn how to use it. LOL that's my suspicion anyway.

    I LOVED FlexPoints. I lost a lot of weight. Then it went to Winning Points or something and things fell apart for me. MFP is so much better. I just need to be more consistent about logging, and that is on me.
  • lolaandbehold
    lolaandbehold Posts: 9 Member
    It just a question, i dont think fruits or veggies will make you gain weight or make you fat!
    I was asking that because my friend on weight watchers and they don't count fruits and veggies( im not talking here about high calories veggies like avocados and potatoes) .

    I was thinking the same thing because I previously did weight watchers and you could have as much fruit and veg as you wanted.
  • missliss4763
    missliss4763 Posts: 26 Member
    It just a question, i dont think fruits or veggies will make you gain weight or make you fat!
    I was asking that because my friend on weight watchers and they don't count fruits and veggies( im not talking here about high calories veggies like avocados and potatoes) .

  • missliss4763
    missliss4763 Posts: 26 Member
    I was wondering this if I make a salad with lettuce, cucumbers, tomatoes, and shredded carrots, then added croutons and dressing...could I just count the croutons and seems like the veggies are going to be burned quickly throughout the day in my opinion. I guess it's really up to you...that's why it's called MYfitnesspal, track your food and calories the way you like =) let me know if you try it and how it works. I have a lot of weight to lose so I just count them.
  • qwikstreet
    qwikstreet Posts: 94 Member
    When it comes to salads, I tend to generalize it in my log. However, if I add a hard boiled egg, avacado, cheese, or other bonus toppings; then I will itemize the bonuses. My calorie count is also not an exact science. If I get close to my limit then I know I need to do a few more situps before bed or go for a longer after dinner walk.
  • BruceHedtke
    BruceHedtke Posts: 358 Member
    Its just so annoying when you have to do a salad to weight and count everyyyything...

    Even if you don't keep track of everything you eat, your body does. It counts every single calorie. You can not log it and fool you diary but you can't fool your body.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It just a question, i dont think fruits or veggies will make you gain weight or make you fat!
    I was asking that because my friend on weight watchers and they don't count fruits and veggies( im not talking here about high calories veggies like avocados and potatoes) .

    I was thinking the same thing because I previously did weight watchers and you could have as much fruit and veg as you wanted.

    You can have as much as you want here too. Just log them and don't go over your total calories. If you are counting calories, it's foolish not to count the calories in fruits and veggies and WW does, in a way, since it reduces overall points to account for the fruits and veggies you are supposed to eat (and I think there's a cap on the uncounted amounts).
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    I eat 200-500 calories of veggies every day, sometimes more. It would be hard to calculate how many non-vegetable/fruit calories I should eat each day. So if i'm on 1,600 calories and 200 calories come from fruit/veg, then I should have 1,400 calories from other things left over. But if I have had a 500 calorie veg/fruit day, then I only have 1,100 calories left over for other foods. What if I thought I had a 200 calorie veg/fruit day but it was really a 500 calorie veg/fruit day? I would be overeating and I would not lose weight.

  • FairlyOddChelle
    FairlyOddChelle Posts: 40 Member
    I almost always log them. The only time that I'm realizing I don't is when I have a sandwich or hamburger and don't count the lettuce, pickles, tomatoes that I put it them. I think when I do remember to search and add those things it's like, 20 or so calories. I think I eat a lot of fruits and veggies, so not logging them wouldn't work for me. I could live off of fruits + Tajin.