


  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    Perhaps offering some constructive help instead of constantly getting at OP would be more productive.

    You say he's gained nearly a stone in a month - any particular reason why? Is he under a lot of stress at the minute? A stone is a lot to gain in one month. Maybe you two need to talk and see if there's something bothering him? It's one thing if he's always struggled with his weight but such a sudden and rapid gain would tell me that something more serious is going on.
    See, this is exaclty what I'm saying OP, you're getting on at him.

    I did not say she was getting on at him. That is your opinion, not mine.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    I've always wanted to try making soups ! Would they stay warm in a flask ?

    There are a ton of them in the Recipe section on MFP.

    Here's one of mine :bigsmile:
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Perhaps offering some constructive help instead of constantly getting at OP would be more productive.

    You say he's gained nearly a stone in a month - any particular reason why? Is he under a lot of stress at the minute? A stone is a lot to gain in one month. Maybe you two need to talk and see if there's something bothering him? It's one thing if he's always struggled with his weight but such a sudden and rapid gain would tell me that something more serious is going on.
    See, this is exaclty what I'm saying OP, you're getting on at him.

    I did not say she was getting on at him. That is your opinion, not mine.
    It's what you said "instead of constantly getting at OP would be more productive."

    eta - Ah yes I misread, my apologies there.

    See, I do know how to apologise when I feel the need.
  • katberz
    katberz Posts: 123
    It's what you said "instead of constantly getting at OP would be more productive."

    Yes, I meant that other people having a go at OP is not helpful.
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    Perhaps offering some constructive help instead of constantly getting at OP would be more productive.

    You say he's gained nearly a stone in a month - any particular reason why? Is he under a lot of stress at the minute? A stone is a lot to gain in one month. Maybe you two need to talk and see if there's something bothering him? It's one thing if he's always struggled with his weight but such a sudden and rapid gain would tell me that something more serious is going on.

    We moved in together in January, and he started his job in March. I also suffer form anorexia,bulimia and ME so he has to put up with that at home now. But he said it upsets him that i'm ill but doesn't frustrate, and he loves his job and our house so it's a bit of a tough one! He said he's always been bigger and i've known him for 5 years now and he's always been big build.

    Thank you for the container idea, that's why i asked wasn't sure if a chunky soup would stay warm in just a flask!
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    I've always wanted to try making soups ! Would they stay warm in a flask ?

    There are a ton of them in the Recipe section on MFP.

    Here's one of mine :bigsmile:

    Awesome recipe, copied and saved ! Thank you
  • LushLoni
    LushLoni Posts: 161 Member
    I'm a snacker and a sweet tooth myself so things I find help with bringing down the calorie content of my day are below, when you first start a diet it is really really really tough to give up that sweet stuff so it's good to have a lesser evil available that will just give you that kick that feels great but doesn't do the same damage...

    I buy 400g loaves of bread (each slive is avg 60 cals compared to 96)
    I buy dutch crisp breads to have with beans instead of beans on toast or with soup (they are 35cals per piece)
    I keep mini milks in the freezer because they are so yummy and about 30 calories but they do the same job a cornetto would do for me.
    I keep a bag of small chocolate candy (like malteasers or aero bubbles) so I can measure out 6 if I really need a hit and that's about 100 calories I think, I will check
    I eat maize crisps instead of fried potato chips which can be a difference of 100 calories
    I have bananas and fat free yogurts
    If I'm famished and I'm worried my lunch/dinner won't fill me up I eat an apple twenty minutes before, I find this helps load my stomach and makes me calmer and not like a hungry animal by the time I get to my meal.
    You may want to check out Slimming World for him at this point in time because then he will get to eat as much as he likes without having to count it

    Alos, find exercising totally changes the things that you want to put in your body.

    Good luck to both of you xx
  • daddeeo
    daddeeo Posts: 33
    Are you his keeper? Can't the man post for himself if wishes? You sound controlling.

    Oh my! That was really uncalled for. Isn't this site also for support? Wasn't she asking for support? Just asking a question that is all. Somebody woke up on the wrong side of the bed it sounds like.

    But, you can only lead by example. You can not change somebody without them wanting it. Healthy snacks and healthy cooking is the way to go, especially since you guys are living together. If you can, make up containers of food with the portion size known for him to grab to bring to work.
  • daddeeo
    daddeeo Posts: 33
    After reading this, I was attacking someone's opinion, and that was not nice. Sorry phinners. That was not nice of me to say you got up on the wrong side of the bed. Your opinion is as important as anyone else's. I apologize for that comment.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    After reading this, I was attacking someone's opinion, and that was not nice. Sorry phinners. That was not nice of me to say you got up on the wrong side of the bed. I understand after looking at it what you were trying to say. Unfortunately it is very difficult at times to really tell. So, I am sorry.
    Hey hi, sorry I didnt even see it, I was reading something else. Appreciate the apology and it's all cool, no need to apologise really. You're entitled to your posts as much as I am :)

    Though I moved all the furniture around in the bedroom on Sunday so now I have only one side I can get up everyday might be a bad day lol
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    LushLoni- Awesome advice thank you! I know he loves mini milks so they're definitely going on the shopping list!
    And the apple before lunch/dinner idea i think he'll like.

    Good idea with the container idea, i've tried doing it before but he starts work at 6am after coming home at 10pm so i'm not up to make lunch so sandwiches etc go soggy over night, but i'll try something else. Pastas, soups ?
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    Let's hug it out.
  • mielikkibz
    mielikkibz Posts: 552 Member
    Can he pack a few snacks to take to work to nibble on during the day?

    I went away this weekend, and I KNOW I usually overeat and eat bad stuff when I go away and am as busy as I was. . .so I sat down Thursday and weighed a bunch of snacks(Nabisco honey wheat crackers, almonds, granola balls with almonds, etc).I knew how much was in each baggie as it was one serving of each. They're small enough I could stick them in a pocket if need be.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Let's hug it out.
    Would this be a pervy hug? I'm in :D
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member
    Let's hug it out.
    Would this be a pervy hug? I'm in :D

    Hump day hugs always are... :bigsmile:
  • julia23
    julia23 Posts: 87
    Awesome, thank you!
    MOMvsFOOD Posts: 654 Member
    It truly is HIS BODY and HIS CHOICE, he has to live in His skin and you have to life in yours. Lead by example and have healthy options availble to him....but being a worry wart or a nag wont help anyone....Good Luck
    Exactly, no one wants a nag!

    youre judgemental and im glad i dont have you as a friend. but thats just my opinion and all.

  • littttlelaurra
    littttlelaurra Posts: 229 Member
    Are you his keeper? Can't the man post for himself if wishes? You sound controlling.

    wow just rude you sound like a winner lol
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Are you his keeper? Can't the man post for himself if wishes? You sound controlling.

    wow just rude you sound like a winner lol
    Well yeah seems so considering I 've had a few messages agreeing with me, and even new friends requests.

  • ilsie99
    ilsie99 Posts: 259
    Yup, I'm with phinners on this. I would be _so_pissed_ if my SO did this. Even that first post had way too much information in it that's nobody's business unless I want yalls help and ask for it myself.