Yes, you should be deadlifting!



  • homeyjosey
    homeyjosey Posts: 138 Member
    edited April 2015
    I love deadlifting and lifting so much weight. I've always said, deadlifting is for the body and ego ;)

    Not sure if its been said but Chalk, Chalk, Chalk
  • neaneacc
    neaneacc Posts: 224 Member
    290 sounds amazing! Gotta love girl power!
  • FitForL1fe
    FitForL1fe Posts: 1,872 Member
    edited April 2015
    Deadlifting is the greatest goddamn lift on the planet. <3
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    I prefer squats to deadlifts, but that's just because I can lift far heavier, lol. Still working on dialing in my form on deads since I switched to sumo-style.

    BW 125, pulling 290 for a pair?!? That ratio would require me to pull 429 twice, and my 1RM is only 405!! *bows* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
  • Willbenchforcupcakes
    Willbenchforcupcakes Posts: 4,955 Member
    I'm going to post this here because I'm inordinately pleased with myself. My max is 315 in competition. This week in training I pulled 290 for a double. My previous best was 285 for a couple of doubles. The past couple of weeks I've been cutting a bit of weight and dealing with life stress so the rep PR was a nice lift for me. BW is down to 125.

    Sorry no yoga pants. Just scabby, paint covered sweats.


    Thanks. btw, I don't recall seeing your name on the list at nationals? If so, I hope you're there next year as it's going to be out west.

    Missed getting my qualifying total at westerns thanks to my back. Would have been spanked big time had I done power surge, and wadnt able to do cold lake to get it either. Most definitely be there next year.
  • keithcw_the_first
    keithcw_the_first Posts: 382 Member
    New PR: 340 x 1, 335x5
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    You are all SO impressive. Deadlifts are my favourite. I like deadlifts more than ice cream.

    I’m only at 145 for 5 reps now. I could go higher, but I’ve been moving up really slowly to ensure I don’t screw up my form. My squats are catching up, at 3 sets of 5 reps with 115, so I need to step up my game.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    sofaking6 wrote: »
    glevinso wrote: »
    spartan_d wrote: »
    This is why it bugs me when uninformed people (or worse, gyms) say that you shouldn't deadlift. It's a great way to prevent injuries, and it's one of the most effective and highly functional exercises out there.

    To be fair it is very easy to do incorrectly, which is a quick path to injury.

    Is 'incorrectly' really just rounding your back, or are there other ways to hurt yourself with dl?

    Anytime the weight is brought off center, it possible to injure yourself (especially with heavy weight). Rounding your back, not holding your abdominals strong, not keeping a good frame with your shoulders will all lead to a less than vertical pull on the bar. However, it isn't a hard technique to learn and master.

    Thanks (to all who answered this) - how do you mean about the shoulder frame? Is that just not letting the weights pull your shoulders forward?

    Yes, just keeping your shoulders activated as you come up and your arms straight.

    It took me a few times to get this form right when I first started deadlifting. Now I find that it is much easier.
  • FitPhillygirl
    FitPhillygirl Posts: 7,124 Member
    yirara wrote: »
    Ladies, how much are ypu deadlifting with good style?
    Right now I'm only able to do 145lbs. with good form. It's more than my body weight but I'd like to move up soon, though.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    homeyjosey wrote: »
    I love deadlifting and lifting so much weight. I've always said, deadlifting is for the body and ego ;)

    Not sure if its been said but Chalk, Chalk, Chalk

    There's other ways to build grip strength which is included in deadlifts.
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    homeyjosey wrote: »
    I love deadlifting and lifting so much weight. I've always said, deadlifting is for the body and ego ;)

    Not sure if its been said but Chalk, Chalk, Chalk

    There's other ways to build grip strength which is included in deadlifts.

    Oh? Talk at me. Because I admit I use gloves - and yes, they do match my purse. I could go for grip strength.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    nossmf wrote: »
    I prefer squats to deadlifts, but that's just because I can lift far heavier, lol. Still working on dialing in my form on deads since I switched to sumo-style.

    BW 125, pulling 290 for a pair?!? That ratio would require me to pull 429 twice, and my 1RM is only 405!! *bows* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    homeyjosey wrote: »
    I love deadlifting and lifting so much weight. I've always said, deadlifting is for the body and ego ;)

    Not sure if its been said but Chalk, Chalk, Chalk

    There's other ways to build grip strength which is included in deadlifts.

    Oh? Talk at me. Because I admit I use gloves - and yes, they do match my purse. I could go for grip strength.

    Option one.
    Do double overhead grip. Palm face you during deadlifts. I also do them without thumb like suicide grip for bench press. Then you do alternate grip.

    Option two.
    plates pinches.
    You take two weight plates that are the same. Have the flat with nothing surface face outside as you press and hold both plates together with one hand.

    I used to not be able to pull more than 315 because of stall grip strength. I do option one. Now I did do 295x10. I have a dl PR of 415 a month ago.

  • Tortitudekitty
    Tortitudekitty Posts: 67 Member
    Gloves.......I learnt a salutary lesson with gloves. I thought they would improve my grip.


    I have quite small hands and the gym only has a male Oly bar. No problem, I just thought it would be a little more comfortable. I'm really not bothered with callousing, have enough of those related to my day job using screwdrivers and other hand tools on a daily basis! I'm proud of my callouses they are like my leeetle pets!

    The gloves make the diameter of the bar bigger and with the heavier lifts the bar would start rolling in my palm :o ...which was one of those "yikes" awful feelings. Alternate grip was an option and helped but I'm really trying to lay off that until it's really needed in the future.
    So, even if you are using a women's Oly bar for its reduced diameter, using gloves is going to bring up the diameter to the fella's one anyway, or thereabouts.

    So gloves are now off again
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    nossmf wrote: »
    I prefer squats to deadlifts, but that's just because I can lift far heavier, lol. Still working on dialing in my form on deads since I switched to sumo-style.

    BW 125, pulling 290 for a pair?!? That ratio would require me to pull 429 twice, and my 1RM is only 405!! *bows* I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    homeyjosey wrote: »
    I love deadlifting and lifting so much weight. I've always said, deadlifting is for the body and ego ;)

    Not sure if its been said but Chalk, Chalk, Chalk

    There's other ways to build grip strength which is included in deadlifts.

    Oh? Talk at me. Because I admit I use gloves - and yes, they do match my purse. I could go for grip strength.

    Option one.
    Do double overhead grip. Palm face you during deadlifts. I also do them without thumb like suicide grip for bench press. Then you do alternate grip.

    Option two.
    plates pinches.
    You take two weight plates that are the same. Have the flat with nothing surface face outside as you press and hold both plates together with one hand.

    I used to not be able to pull more than 315 because of stall grip strength. I do option one. Now I did do 295x10. I have a dl PR of 415 a month ago.

    You know, I’ve been doing the alternate grip only after I got the gloves - I can’t wait to try it without them. I will absolutely try plate pinches. Thanks so much!

    @Tortitudekitty I hear you, although my gloves fit okay-ish, I don’t think my grip is as strong as I’d like it to be. Definitely going sans gloves next time. I’d rather improve my grip strength anyway. No muscle left behind! :smile:
  • angellll12
    angellll12 Posts: 296 Member
    spartan_d wrote: »
    I just want to rant about this great exercise for a while. I never used to do a lot of deadlifting, since I chose to exercise my legs in other ways. After I started deadlifting on a regular basis though, most of my knee pain went away, and I found that I could run faster and jump higher. Not to mention that I think it helped accelerate my overall muscle growth.

    I wish that I had started doing this much, much sooner.

    I hate lifting. What's dead lifting tho?

  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,809 Member
    Basically, any time you bend down to pick up something from the floor, you're deadlifting. Sleeping child, basket of dirty clothes, couch you're helping a friend move to the other side of the room, all deadlifts. Here we're talking about the exercise which helps prep you for all those other moves, where a bar is loaded with weight and you have to pick it up from the floor until standing.
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited April 2015
    I was challenged to do a 100 dl's this weekend on the account of 100 day MFP streak... currently Sumo is my primary, will switch back to regular dl's after May.
    • 135x30
    • 225x14
    • 315x4x8= 32 reps (Somewhere around 70% of my 1RM I think - I only tested regular dl's last month.)
    • 325x6
    • 345x4
    • 355x4
    • 225x10
    • TOTAL: 100 reps.

  • Chaskavitch
    Chaskavitch Posts: 172 Member
    I got to 2 x 205# last week. I wish I could do math correctly on the fly, though, because I didn't realize that 210# would have been 1.5 x body weight and I would have felt like a totally awesome person :)

    yirara wrote: »
    I love deadlifts and I've reached 60kg now (my bodyweight) with a single rep. According to that gets me close to novice :D One thing though: I don't think my hands, or rather my fingers can hold much more. Um.. how do you go about this? I don't want to tie the bar to my wrists as I don't want to get injured as I'm usually completely alone in the gym. So I guess I need to get more hand strength somehow.

    I've been doing dead-hangs from the pull-up bar, or fingertip hangs if I can. You just grab the bar and hang there for as long as you can, until you literally fall off, and then get back up and do it again. I try to do it 3 or 4 times at the end of a workout. It helped a lot when I was rock climbing, so I'm hoping it'll work for deadlifts too.
  • dredremeg
    dredremeg Posts: 202 Member
    I did deadlifts yesterday, I am not sore but I can still feel the burn today.
  • ForecasterJason
    ForecasterJason Posts: 2,577 Member
    I know this is an old thread, but I wanted to expound on this.
    nossmf wrote: »
    Basically, any time you bend down to pick up something from the floor, you're deadlifting. Sleeping child, basket of dirty clothes, couch you're helping a friend move to the other side of the room, all deadlifts. Here we're talking about the exercise which helps prep you for all those other moves, where a bar is loaded with weight and you have to pick it up from the floor until standing.
    I know the deadlift exercise is supposed to be extremely functional in this regard, but I don't quite understand. I have tried deadlifting with two 20 lb dumbbells, but oddly enough it's a struggle for me to get past 15 reps.

    But in real life, however, I can certainly lift much more than 40 lbs. When lifting other objects, I'm in a squatted position. Depending on the object, it feels to me as though I can more easily ensure that I'm using my legs and not my back for lifting if I'm squatting as opposed to in the deadlift position. Also, in real life I'm using my biceps much more for picking up things off the floor than with the deadlift exercise itself, so I'm missing the true connection.