Ack! Food in the house you need to resist.... Support needed!

tmcj1971 Posts: 9 Member
edited April 2015 in Motivation and Support
Been at it 10 days now... Doing really well so far. I am being pretty strict right now to ensure I "reset my brain."

So... Hubby made homemade pizza for him and the boys. I had a lovely piece of fish but... I know even a nibble of the pizza could be yet another spiral away from the journey I've just embarked on. Anyone else find that (at least at first) reward meals or treat days are just a BaD idea!?


  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I don't know. Personally I was really careful when I first started. I went on vacation pretty soon into weight loss and ate a bit of what I wanted, but I think being extremely mindful at first allowed me to be more successful.
  • tmcj1971
    tmcj1971 Posts: 9 Member
    It always worries me that a little thing can snowball into an avalanche. So many people advise not to be too strict but I believe it is a good plan for now anyway.
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    tmcj1971 wrote: »
    It always worries me that a little thing can snowball into an avalanche. So many people advise not to be too strict but I believe it is a good plan for now anyway.

    I think there is a difference between being strict and being extremely restrictive. I enjoyed losing weight so easily the first few months, I didn't feel too restricted...even though I didn't eat a sandwich until after about 3 months. And even then it was a little mini sandwich :)
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    As Joey Tribinia would attest, ' Pizza good!'.....
    Honestly, just in moderation, just not like in his thanksgiving day turkey marathon..... :p

    I wouldn't get too caught up in having different meals when you have a family. Pizza and salad? Nothing wrong with that...and if home made even better.....not processed......
    But if a trigger food - then ok, stay away............well away..........!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    To begin with.,,,,,and then be very careful.....very careful......
  • tmcj1971
    tmcj1971 Posts: 9 Member
    I guess for me right now, I need to feel in control of the food not the other way around.
  • jheath2015
    jheath2015 Posts: 4 Member
    tmcj1971 wrote: »
    Been at it 10 days now... Doing really well so far. I am being pretty strict right now to ensure I "reset my brain."

    So... Hubby made homemade pizza for him and the boys. I had a lovely piece of fish but... I know even a nibble of the pizza could be yet another spiral away from the journey I've just embarked on. Anyone else find that (at least at first) reward meals or treat days are just a BaD idea!?

    First let me say good job. And i can say, that i started the journey on monday, and monday ended up being my cheat day. I ate a salad and 3 pieces of pizza. Drank a few mnt dews, and didnt really mind. But since monday i have had nothing but grilled chicken breast, or grilled turkey burgers, green veggies, rice and protien shakes, about 15-20 8oz cups of water, and i havent craved any of the other stuff. So much so i can go to the grocery store and walk right past it and not think twice, would it be ok just once a week... everyone has their own set of rules. The rules i set for my self, eat right, gym 6 times a week, with 2 days being nothing but an hour of heavy cardio. And have noticed a major gain in energy, already loosing weight, and i couldnt be happier.

    So if you have the space for a slice of pizza, take it. But the big thing is to have the self control and determination that thats it, or none at all. This is the way i look at my cheat days. Which i have one a week, mondays. I find eatting more never helped me, but eatting right has kept me full all day...

    Dont know if this helps. But best of luck.

  • ForeverSunshine09
    ForeverSunshine09 Posts: 966 Member
    I love our homemade pizza. I can eat half of one for right around 600 cals. I understand everyone's issues with food is different. I personally never had issues with food just never bothered to adjust the amount when things changed like health status and activity level. Whatever works for you. More power to you!
  • dufus12
    dufus12 Posts: 393 Member
    Amd you have to remember it is a 'lifestyle' change. not a diet' ; so family meals important. And bet they mean, work it in, if I were you.....I am not giving up pizza. Might change the toppings a little but not giving up pizza, unless I really have to.......nothing worse than feeling deprived, Trust me!
  • jenlowlow
    jenlowlow Posts: 14 Member
    It's awesome that you have the self discipline to stay away from the food based rewards at first! I am actually the opposite; I find that if I don't work a treat into my daily calories when I am craving it that I end up snapping and going on a binge either later in the day or later in the week