Diet Drinks

Hi All :) I'm new to dieting and I was wondering what y'all like to drink? I love arizona green tea and of course sweet tea, but apparently those are not good for ya. Any input is appreciated :)


  • jenncornelsen
    jenncornelsen Posts: 969 Member
    Water. That and coffee. This is a tough transition for some though so maybe try calorie free soda?
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    Yea I'm gonna trying flavored sparkling water. I quit soda which wasn't too hard. But I'm missing my sweet tea. Not a big coffee drinker. Thanks for the advice :)
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    You can look up recipes for healthier sweet teas. Don't drink Gatorade or other sports drinks because they are designed for athletes, people who train hard every day and burn hundreds to thousands of calories a day. Just do your research, low calorie foods and drinks aren't always that good either. People will often miss out on nutrients they need, because they go for low calorie stuff. A lot of low calorie items will lack protein, fiber or other nutrients needed. So just read the nutrition facts before you eat or drink something, that way you know if it's okay or not. I drink a lot of tea's (real tea, not the fake bottled kind) especially green tea. I also drink a lot of water, sometimes a black coffee and I also like the Bai5 drinks, they are low calorie and high in antioxidants. Best of luck on your health and fitness journey :)
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    Awesome thanks for the advice :)
  • IvanOcampo
    IvanOcampo Posts: 226 Member
    As I'm bulking I normally drink whatever I feel like - but when cutting, I drink lots of 0 calorie drinks .. diet coke, sprite, diet dr. pepper ..
    and, of course, i mix my pre-workout with sugar-free monster energy drinks!! :D
  • arditarose
    arditarose Posts: 15,573 Member
    I drink water, coffee with cream and sugar, black coffee, hot tea, seltzer, wine, and whiskey.
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks guys! No bulking for me I'm already bulky lol its looking like water and low cal drinks
  • hanymamdouh
    hanymamdouh Posts: 123 Member
    Try to stay away of any artificially sweetened beverages or drinks link Pepsi Diet and Cola Zero, they contain aspartame as sweetener which is very harmful, I got a lot of problems regarding to my thyroid gland because of using aspartame.
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    Noted! Thanks
  • daw0518
    daw0518 Posts: 459 Member
    I mostly drink coffee in the morning & water/tea the rest of the day, but I also like diet soda once in awhile.
  • KellyHarkins666
    KellyHarkins666 Posts: 2 Member
    water, maybe a diet coke or coke zero, and coffee. half a gatorade (one serving) if i've burned like 500+ cals
  • norie92
    norie92 Posts: 115 Member
    Water - Good
    Milk - Good, I make room for it (About 1-2 cups a day)
    0 Calorie Drinks - Not too bad, generally avoid (Coke Zero, etc)
    Soda - Bad, always avoid

    Pretty much how I live lately
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    All taken into consideration thanks group!
  • cogsci
    cogsci Posts: 29 Member
    You can have your beloved sweet tea. No problem, if you sweeten it with stevia! ;-)
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    Didn't know that... sweet!
  • jwolford90
    jwolford90 Posts: 43 Member
    A lot of people are very hardcore on the topic of diet pop/soda, but honestly... if it prevents you from drinking an actual soda, go for it. It still has 0 calories, regardless. One of the biggest arguments is against aspartame. I recently learned in my college nutrition class (with many studies backing it up) that aspartame didn't seem harmful against your body. However, if you can stick with pure water or water / flavoring, that would be great too. When I first started losing weight back in 2010 (and eventually lost 90 pounds before gaining it all back), I had a difficult time cutting soda, so I drank diet when I was craving it. Eventually you learn to cut back, but those diet sodas helped me lose the beginning weight. You learn to transition to tea and water with lemon or flavoring. One thing that has helped me is the flavoring, such as mio. I go for the liquid kind because I hate anything grainy feeling. Besides, water is so helpful and wonderful to the body :) Remember, your ultimate goal is to better yourself. It doesn't mean you can't have a diet soda from time to time. Hell, when I lost 90 pounds I was drinking maybe 1 or 2 a day. As I said, you eventually transition out of that towards water. Do what helps you lose weight comfortably.
  • jwolford90
    jwolford90 Posts: 43 Member
    Also, truvia/stevia are great 0 calorie sugars that you can add to coffee or tea. All in moderation of course :) They truly helped me stay off of actual sugar and soda.
  • jwolford90
    jwolford90 Posts: 43 Member
    ps - almond milk is a wonderful substitute for milk. I get the vanilla with reduced sugar. I think it's 60 calories a cup.
  • paperhearts32
    paperhearts32 Posts: 10 Member
    All valuable information thank you! I already stopped drinking soda. I've been drinking alot of green tea which I though boosted metabolism, but my dietician said to cut back on it. I'm afraid if I cut back and drink more flavored water I'll crave soda again.... I drink equal amounts of green tea and water everyday. Once I finish the g tea I fill up the bottle with water and finish that before I drink another tea. I'll try the stevia, I heard good things about it. Never tried almond milk I'll look into it. Thanks again :)
  • DianePK
    DianePK Posts: 122 Member
    Just in case you were still worries about artificially sweetening your tea with aspartame, here's some actual scientific info that shows this it is safe unless you have PKU (which is rare). Its time people realised that it is actually sugar that causes the bulk of diet related health problems.
    Enjoy your diet sodas and sweet tea. The world would be pretty tasteless if all we drank was plain water (I love my pink grapefruit one - I have in in place of wine in the evenings and I am in perfect health and losing weight steadily with a healthy balanced diet).

    Good luck and follow the science and not the scaremongering on the internet.

    Sorry if my stance offends anyone, but I am all for looking into these things, but not into baseless claims.