Mid Life(and older)Motherhood:looking for Older Moms

:smile: Wanting to reach out and find older moms like myself.I had my daughter at 39,and basically have
Been heavy ever since!!I am now 51 years old,and rather than watch helplessly as the scale goes up and up:
If you are in the same category as myself,would like to meet new friends to share recipes,thoughts,and ideas!
I live in a small city in Canada,with my husband and daughter.
Please write and introduce yourself!


  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    hi there, I'm 35 and my fourth baby is 3 months old! I also have a one year old! I actually lose weight while pregnant and am concentrating on gaining back my strength and stamina. Being pregnant for two years has really done a number on me! While I'm not trying to lose, I do stick to a healthy diet, my husband is on a heart healthy diet, I'm into meal planning and of course I'm of the "no excuses" policy on workouts.
  • kimmatron
    kimmatron Posts: 1 Member
    hello! i am now 41 and had my first child at 39 as well and i was at a good weight (for me) before i got pregnant (178 lbs) but since then, i am at 216 and (as you said) it's just going up and up. like a dummy i thought my weight would go back to normal after i had him because i'm not a big eater, but i'm also very sedentary. i also thought running after my son would make me lose weight, but no luck yet. anyhow, i am barely on day 3 of really wanting to get serious about losing weight, so it'd be great to meet other older moms as well as i'm very new here :-)
  • mamagirl49
    mamagirl49 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm 51 and lost the same 20 pounds for the umteenth time about a year ago. For me maintaining has been a success. Now I'm ready to rid myself of another 70. I'll be your friend!
  • dcglobalgirl
    dcglobalgirl Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 47 (on Monday) and have an 8 year old and a 2 year old! I've always been heavy and am not looking forward to the weight gain of menopause. I lost 30 lbs before I left Colombia last summer and have since gained back 15 lbs. Trying to get back down and keep going. Friend me if you like. :)
  • I am 45! I would like to have more woman and mid life and older friends, that understand this weight loss thing is not easy! I keep hearing, "its your age"....WTH! My age, no, it's my genetics and the crap I have been eating these last 45 years!!! AND I want more friends....
  • laceygreenwood
    laceygreenwood Posts: 4 Member
    Ooops,just getting back again into my fitness pal.I didn't realize I had so much support,might have motivated me to stick with it.Just learned of all the replies today,sorry.
    So...can no longer afford not to take my weight seriously.I am a soon to be 52 year old mother to an eleven year old girl.I have GAINED weight,and can no longer excuse my"grazing".
    My short term goal is to lose a little weight in 3 weeks for an overnight trip.
    I am married,live in a small city in Canada.
    My interests include knitting,learning more about supporting the thyroid(may or may not have hasimotis disease-one thyroid test is positive,the other says my thyroid is normal-I'm confused;don't know what believe.
    Anyway,would love to hear from older moms.
  • Feistychick68
    Feistychick68 Posts: 301 Member
    Hello I'm a 46 year old 220 pound lady who joined a couple days ago. I live in rural Ontario and am a mom to a son about to turn 16 tomorrow. I am great at keeping others positive but usually don't follow my own advice. I obviously need to lose weight and I posted my weight on purpose not to hide from what I am but to embrace where I am at and move forward. Anyone is welcome to send me a request accept the dudes asking me for pics... I mean really...
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    I'm 47 and had my son when I was 37. I'm at the back end of my weight loss journey now, I've 30lbs off and 10 to go. It took me a year. Happy to support any older mums.
  • TonyaVanan1976
    TonyaVanan1976 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 39 with 3 kids and I totally understand the baby weight we never lose. I use to be 135 to 150 lbs tops up till I had my first child at 28 and then after that it has just went downhill. If you wanna add me feel free to and anybody else that wants to. Love meeting you people and getting and giving motivational support
  • laceygreenwood
    laceygreenwood Posts: 4 Member
    Hi,great to meet everyone!This is only my second day,but I feel better already since finally getting started.We all seem to be at different places regarding weight loss,some just getting started,others have already succeeded in that goal.
    What I'm really hoping for from this group is for us to inspire one another towards both fitness and personal goals.
    For me,it's important to find the positive in every situation,though I know it's a challenge.
    I'm almost 52,and what I am finding is it's now or never.
    My personal goals are to make every little moment count,and take the time to enjoy the beauty all around me.It is finally spring here,and to me it's a time of renewal of my personal goals.
    I have a simple breakfast recipe to share:
    Crack open one egg for each individual muffin tin.Mix with whatever vegetables and spices are on hand.Add ground flaxseed(heart Healthy,also lowers cholesterol).
    Top with a little cheese.Grease muffin tin(s).Bake at 375 for around 20 minutes until it looks set.Voila!Breakfast egg muffins. Thanks for sharing,everyone.Talk to you all soon.xx
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    Delicious. One to try at the weekend.
  • healthyrachel1979
    healthyrachel1979 Posts: 414 Member
    I'm 35 and had my second just 6 months ago. I didn't gain a ton of weight but I was already overweight. I'm a stay at home mom right now and can't stop cramming crap in my face.
  • alida1walsh
    alida1walsh Posts: 72 Member
    I'm 49 (50 this year) and had my twins (boy and girl) at 39 and then my third (girl) at 41. I was 55 kilos pre-pregnancy and went up to 68 kilos after my third.

    I started running about a year ago but didn't lose any weight and was just trying to keep fit.

    Then a few months ago my doctor told me that I needed to do something about my weight, especially the waistline, so I used lent to cut out chocolates, sweets and wine. I lost 3 kilos and then started tracking my calories here on MFP. Have gone back to eating chocolate etc. I just fit them in to my daily allowance (most of the time). I've now only got 1 kilo to go to reach my goal weight of 56 kilos though I'm presently maintaining ATM until uni's over. I'm in Sydney, Australia.

    That's a great looking muffin! Good for school lunches too.
  • Frostygirl2790
    Frostygirl2790 Posts: 65 Member
    Hello, second time for me with MFP. I'm 49 soon to be 50 and just need to take off this weight permanently. For health reasons mostly and to be a healthier me. Years ago lost over 100 pounds with most of us older ones will remember Richard Simmons. The weight has slowly but surely come back, but not all of it. Love to have friends to help motivate and of course in return motivate back. I log everyday and just started walking as my first line of defense due to back issues which doctor says I need to loose quite a few pounds to help ease the pain. Feel free to add and help each other.
  • rosiegirl333
    rosiegirl333 Posts: 13 Member
    Hello all! I'm 42 and had my one and only kiddo when I was 36. While I lost the baby weight in about two years, I was left with a severe case of abdominal diastasis. Basically, my big baby left my ab muscles with a 12 cm split. I've recently had surgery to correct the split, now I'm working on getting my core strength back. I'm fairly new to MFP and would love new friends to keep the motivation going! I've lost about 4 lbs just watching what I eat. I'm now starting to add cardio and weight lifting to my routine. Feel free to add me :)
  • violetKs
    violetKs Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 58 and had my only child when I was 40. I never had a weight problem until about two years later. I lost all of my pregnancy weight right away but when I started staying home with him I'd eat everything that he wouldn't eat plus some. My weight just kept going up until I was 50 pounds overweight. It's stayed the same for several years but I just found out I have diabetes and I'm desperate to lose weight. I could use some friends
  • alida1walsh
    alida1walsh Posts: 72 Member
    violetKs wrote: »
    I'm 58 and had my only child when I was 40. I never had a weight problem until about two years later. I lost all of my pregnancy weight right away but when I started staying home with him I'd eat everything that he wouldn't eat plus some. My weight just kept going up until I was 50 pounds overweight. It's stayed the same for several years but I just found out I have diabetes and I'm desperate to lose weight. I could use some friends

    So true about eating your kids' leftovers. I was taught not to waste food so I got into the habit of eating my kids' leftovers too.

    I also found that I've slowed down a lot and walk at a quarter of the pace I used to. Kids like to climb walls and stop to smell the flowers. While this has given me a great new perspective on life I don't get the same workout from just moving around.
  • SueColdwell
    SueColdwell Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone! I'm new here (day 4). I'm 44 this year and have a 19 month old beautiful daughter called Bonnie. I need to lose at least 40lbs and have given myself a target date of this Christmas.

    I live on the south coast of England, about a ten minute walk to the beach and a ten minute drive to the South Downs national park, so I want to be fit enough to be able to go for long family walks and to run around on the beach with Bonnie. We walk as much as possible, and I work 2x12 hour shifts a week as a care assistant on a local maternity ward (I love my job!), so I'm on my feet ALL day.

    I'm already conscious that I'm an older mum, but I don't want to be old and fat at the school gates, so that's my motivation!

    I'm still breastfeeding, so am allowed an extra 300 calories a day at the moment. I don't know how long I'll carry on for - it's up to Bonnie really. I'm not going to force the issue because breastfeeding is amazing for teething, fevers, reconnecting after I've been at work all day/night. It's tiring as she still doesn't sleep through the night, and that does make me want to graze through the day, but I've switched biscuits, cheese & crackers for fruit. Bonnie loves fruit and veg too, so we're both eating lovely healthy food together.

    While it's not easy to lose weight, it definitely helps to have friends who are going through the same ups & downs. Even though it's unlikely we'll ever meet (we're all over the world - how cool is that?!!) I'm sure we can support each other and lose it together! Is there anywhere we can track our combined weight losses each week - I think that'd be really motivating to see how much we lose as a group.

    Okay, gotta go. I've got the house to myself today so need to get the shopping, cleaning, ironing done before I can sit down and relax for an hour or so before picking Bonnie up from nursery...
  • 1mumrevolution
    1mumrevolution Posts: 269 Member
    Hi Sue, Bonnie is a lovely name! I've been MFPing a year now. It really is a great system for weight loss.
    I'm not very far away, Ireland, but it's fab that we are from all over the world, losing weight and getting fit
  • LWK71
    LWK71 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi all! I'm a 43 year old woman with 13 and 11 year old boys. I didn't have a problem with weight until after they were born. Now I have 80 pounds to lose. I've lost 80 pounds before, but quickly through very restrictive dieting and extreme exercise. I couldn't keep it up forever and put the weight back on. This time I'm hoping to do it more slowly through sustainable changes. Oh, and I'm from Canada too!