
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I agree that it helps knowing that others will see what you eat! I was at the gym last night and a commercial for KFC came on and all I thought was, dear god, that would probably max out my calorie/fat limits for a week!

    LOL!!! I so know the feeling. I have an advantage being in Germany, not as many fast food choices, lol!!! But, my husband got a pizza and bread sticks for dinner last night :( I so wanted a piece of that pizza!

    Haha!!! KFC is a killer!! I avoid as much as I can!!! But so tempting!!!
    Pizza is another big weakness for me!! I Love pizza!! But none now, not for a month at least!!!! :laugh:

    I find the hardest things with getting to my goal is eating around other people, I have to cook two meals a lot of the time, one for me and one for my son!! He loves real good food and it always smells better than mine!!! :sad:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Count me in! Mel has been a great supporter to me and I desperately want to lose some off my middle. I have been doing bootcamp 5x a week for the past 8 weeks and have not seen a whole lot of change in my body. This week ( started on Sunday) I decided to give clean eating my main focus. I have been looking at Tosca Reno's 28 day plan from her 'Stripped' book and I'm trying to stay as close to this as possible. It's tough, but I really want to stick with it!

    thanks for the group Mel!

    Hi Rhonda :flowerforyou:

    Great to have you here!!! I'm sure you will see some results soon , you have worked so hard, its so frustrating when we try so hard and see little results, I hope the new food plan works well for you.
    I'm sure it will help xxxx
  • ChelleCruz
    ChelleCruz Posts: 3
    I am in the same boat! I am not overweight but would like to be in ideal shape and feel comfortable in my clothes this summer. To do that I know I need to lose 10lbs, and I keep losing those few and gaining them back. I would love to be a part of this group, and hopefully I can learn some new meal ideas from some of you!
  • svarble
    svarble Posts: 15
    So is any one on a specific type of diet? What are your eating habits? I'd like to get input!!!

    Well... I usually eat pretty healthy stuff, I cook most meals from scratch and always read the labels of everything before I buy.
    I don't eat any bad sweeteners or artificial rubbish, I also avoid all items with MSG in.

    I have recently started on a new self written food plan, eating items which encourage fat burning.
    The list is not very long and it excludes pretty much all processed foods, it only allows a few good carbs which I have selected for their weight loss properties.
    I will be following this food plan from Friday onwards to see how it works, I can share this with people if it is successful but it needs testing out fully first to see how it works.
    I have been using it for a month but not very religiously, I need to knuckle down and stick to it properly to see how well it works, but in the last month I have pretty much maintained my weight perfectly even with a good few treats and bad choices, a few dinners out and naughty ideas.
    Usually this would have me gaining loads of weight but I think the fat burning foods have helped me keep the weight off during the good days. I shall keep you all posted on how I do with this and share the information with you if it's working!!!

    So what are your habits like?
    Do you have goals that you need to reach with food?

    My biggest weakness is biscuits!!! If I could give these up without replacing them for something else bad then I'd have been at my goal ages ago!!
    This will be a goal for me over the next few months - NO BISCUITS OR COOKIES!!!

    I have an absolute horrible sweet tooth. I have started back with phase 1 of southbeach. I have done this before and it really does help with my sweet tooth once i am about 2 weeks into it. Bad thing is that I like to have at least 1 day a week to go out and enjoy a dinner out.
    I got totally out of my routine when my husband came home from his deployment. Our eating was horrible!!! He will eat what I cook in the evenings, so that isn't too much of a problem. But he has had to take care of the meals since I am on crutches :angry:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I am in the same boat! I am not overweight but would like to be in ideal shape and feel comfortable in my clothes this summer. To do that I know I need to lose 10lbs, and I keep losing those few and gaining them back. I would love to be a part of this group, and hopefully I can learn some new meal ideas from some of you!

    Hi!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Great to have you with us :flowerforyou:
    I am sure I will be able to share some good food tips with you, and help with your diary if you need.

    10lbs is not too much but it does get tricky when we are already in the healthy bracket, this is pretty tough.
    Totally where I am!!! :blushing:
    Let me know how I can help :tongue:
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    I am in maintance but I am still working on sculpting my body. I am working on healthy ways to eat more protein. My goal is 150g plus of protein a day and less than 150gs of healthy carbs. I am avaible to help anyone who needs help. :-)

    Hi Ed!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Thank you so much for joining our group!!! :flowerforyou:

    Ed is an absolute MFP LEGEND!!!! He reached his weight loss goal months ago and has passed it, then stayed within maintenance for ages now, he never fails to amaze me with his commitment to his kids and all those around him.
    He is so encouraging and supportive we are lucky to have him here to help us!!!

    Ed knows how to get the most from his food and how to build healthy meals that great for men and women, these work great for fat burning and also keeping us full for longer!!
    He will be able to advise us all really well on eating tips and exercise too!!!

    Thank you for your constant support Ed :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Aww thanks doll. You made me blush.
  • ChelleCruz
    ChelleCruz Posts: 3
    My questions to Soldier Dad is what do you eat/drink for protein? That has been my most recent goal is to up my protein intake now that I am trying to tone.
  • I definitely need some motivation. I try to look at old pictures of myself before I had my daughter in December and I just get depressed instead of motivated. I only have about 12 lbs to get where I want and 6 lbs until I am back at my Pre Pregnancy weight. Sadly my husband is not motivation because "I look fine". He is a Marine and goes to the gym twice a day while I stuck at home doing what I can on my own! Frustrating!
  • jklapatch
    jklapatch Posts: 29
    I'd like to get in on this as well. My biggest thing is someone keeping me accountable. There are plenty of days that I get off track and I think it's just gotten to the point where it's no big deal to me since I've largely been off track for the last decade...

    I think you have come to the right place :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Great to have you here!!!

    So what are your goals? Where do you want to get to?

    I'd really like to get down a few pants size- I have an enormous closet of clothes and I can wear maybe 10% of them... I'm down to my final pair of jeans that fit :( I blame it on the return of leggings :) Damn those comfy elastic devils! I refuse to buy new pants to accommodate my new flub!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    So is any one on a specific type of diet? What are your eating habits? I'd like to get input!!!

    Well... I usually eat pretty healthy stuff, I cook most meals from scratch and always read the labels of everything before I buy.
    I don't eat any bad sweeteners or artificial rubbish, I also avoid all items with MSG in.

    I have recently started on a new self written food plan, eating items which encourage fat burning.
    The list is not very long and it excludes pretty much all processed foods, it only allows a few good carbs which I have selected for their weight loss properties.
    I will be following this food plan from Friday onwards to see how it works, I can share this with people if it is successful but it needs testing out fully first to see how it works.
    I have been using it for a month but not very religiously, I need to knuckle down and stick to it properly to see how well it works, but in the last month I have pretty much maintained my weight perfectly even with a good few treats and bad choices, a few dinners out and naughty ideas.
    Usually this would have me gaining loads of weight but I think the fat burning foods have helped me keep the weight off during the good days. I shall keep you all posted on how I do with this and share the information with you if it's working!!!

    So what are your habits like?
    Do you have goals that you need to reach with food?

    My biggest weakness is biscuits!!! If I could give these up without replacing them for something else bad then I'd have been at my goal ages ago!!
    This will be a goal for me over the next few months - NO BISCUITS OR COOKIES!!!

    I have an absolute horrible sweet tooth. I have started back with phase 1 of southbeach. I have done this before and it really does help with my sweet tooth once i am about 2 weeks into it. Bad thing is that I like to have at least 1 day a week to go out and enjoy a dinner out.
    I got totally out of my routine when my husband came home from his deployment. Our eating was horrible!!! He will eat what I cook in the evenings, so that isn't too much of a problem. But he has had to take care of the meals since I am on crutches :angry:

    Sweet tooth!! I think that should have been my middle name!!
    You right, any higher protein diet and cutting right back on sugar really helps with cravings for sweet stuff but it takes a while to kick in, I experienced this with the fat burning list too, I felt after a few day much more able to resist my usual downfalls and after a week or two I pretty much lost my desire for them, Amazing really!!

    Such a shame about your foot, I hope you'll be all better soon :flowerforyou:
    I bet your itching to be mobile and able to run again?!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I definitely need some motivation. I try to look at old pictures of myself before I had my daughter in December and I just get depressed instead of motivated. I only have about 12 lbs to get where I want and 6 lbs until I am back at my Pre Pregnancy weight. Sadly my husband is not motivation because "I look fine". He is a Marine and goes to the gym twice a day while I stuck at home doing what I can on my own! Frustrating!

    Awww I understand :wink:
    I'm a mum too and I think we really see a big change in our bodies, I was super slim and toned before having my son and getting back to it has been a long and hard struggle. I never would have imagined that I'd still be trying to get there 6 years later!!! :grumble:

    I find it a bit upsetting when people try to discourage me because they think I'm fine!!
    It's a lot about how I feel, I don't see why I should live in a body where I'm not totally happy when I can improve it and make it better, I like to be proud of myself. I feel like we only get one body and we should look after it.
    I hope you will find all the support you need here.

    It's tough getting back into shape after a baby, things feel like they will never be the same but I'm sure that most parts of pregnancy are reversible if we try hard enough, my tummy is nearly as flat as it was!!!

    I'm sure you will see some great results here, we can help each other and swap notes!!! :flowerforyou:
  • Matt_S_1978
    Matt_S_1978 Posts: 150 Member
    Well I certainly wasn't first in here eh Mel. I fell asleep on ma bed !!

    I haven't weighed in since before my South America trip. I think I've definitely put back on at least 6 or 7lbs and gaining every week. I need to seriously get back in to my form I was in back in Feb and March !!

    Bought my Garmin Forerunner 305 this week. I have 2 months until the British 10k so I will need all the support and motivation from you guys !!

    Good luck everyone in all their aims and goals !!!! I'll be there with you and hope you will be with me too !!


  • rushingk
    rushingk Posts: 2 Member
    I want to join! This is my same issue. I need to lose 10 pounds, but I can't seem to stick with it. I will lose a few then get sick of dieting and gain it right back. I need support and motivation!
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I'd like to get in on this as well. My biggest thing is someone keeping me accountable. There are plenty of days that I get off track and I think it's just gotten to the point where it's no big deal to me since I've largely been off track for the last decade...

    I think you have come to the right place :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Great to have you here!!!

    So what are your goals? Where do you want to get to?

    I'd really like to get down a few pants size- I have an enormous closet of clothes and I can wear maybe 10% of them... I'm down to my final pair of jeans that fit :( I blame it on the return of leggings :) Damn those comfy elastic devils! I refuse to buy new pants to accommodate my new flub!

    Haha!! I have the same!!
    A whole stack of amazing jeans, just one size too small!! I absolutely refuse to chuck them all out and give up!!!
    I have an entire wardrobe full of gorgeous clothes and funky tops that are just too snug to wear now.
    I think we should have a good look through our clothes, pick out some amazing things that we miss and put them in full view somewhere, I will hang my favourite 'skinny jeans' on the front of the wardrobe at night time, with one amazing top so when I see it in the morning I will feel that I would like to be able to wear them again soon.
    Clothes should be able to motivate us!!
    I love my clothes and really miss wearing some of them. But most of all I miss feeling that size :sad:
    I KNOW if I stick with it solidly for 2 months I will get back into most of these clothes.

    We CAN do it!!
  • SoldierDad
    SoldierDad Posts: 1,602
    My questions to Soldier Dad is what do you eat/drink for protein? That has been my most recent goal is to up my protein intake now that I am trying to tone.

    I eat a lot of protein and I get it mainly from chicken & fish. I will also sometimes do a peanut butter smoothie. But thats only if I am doing super heavy lifting. Chrck out my diary and you will get some ideas. Though today is a highter cal do for me it still holds.
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    Well I certainly wasn't first in here eh Mel. I fell asleep on ma bed !!

    I haven't weighed in since before my South America trip. I think I've definitely put back on at least 6 or 7lbs and gaining every week. I need to seriously get back in to my form I was in back in Feb and March !!

    Bought my Garmin Forerunner 305 this week. I have 2 months until the British 10k so I will need all the support and motivation from you guys !!

    Good luck everyone in all their aims and goals !!!! I'll be there with you and hope you will be with me too !!



    Hello Mat!!!

    Great to see you here!! Don't worry about the power nap, I'm just glad you arrived!!! :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    Sounds like you have a great plan!! I need to get back into running, I have been a bit lazy of late but I WILL get back to it next week. Let us know how your training goes and any running tips are always welcome!!

    Best of luck, we are here for you :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • melgibson
    melgibson Posts: 702 Member
    I want to join! This is my same issue. I need to lose 10 pounds, but I can't seem to stick with it. I will lose a few then get sick of dieting and gain it right back. I need support and motivation!

    Welcome aboard!!! :flowerforyou:

    I think we have all been there at some time or another, I'm sure you'll do well here with everyone's support.

    What are your goals for the next few months? Where would you like to get?
  • Crickks
    Crickks Posts: 94 we go... I started drinking my veges (smoothies)........hope it helps me...:drinker:
  • hdelamore
    hdelamore Posts: 206 Member
    Hi Everyone :)
    In september I am going to Dubai with my boyfriend for two weeks and I want to make sure im beach body ready!
    I need to lose between 7 and 10lbs to feel comfortable in my bikini.
    I can't realistically start my diet until the 1st June, as I'm on a disgusting revision diet which involves snacking and convenience food
    boo hiss! but once my exams are finished i can be focussed to lose this extra weight.
    Good luck everybody else with achieving your goals! xx
  • KendraLF
    KendraLF Posts: 9 Member
    Well, here goes, I've been using this site for 75 days now, and this is the first time I have posted on anything. Started logging everything with a friend, but we both seem to have lost our motivation. I tend to slack off too much when I'm not held accountable, so thought maybe it was time for a bigger support system. Until about 2 weeks ago I was down 8 lbs, but seem to have thrown away all my progress pretty quickly. I seem to lose and gain this same 8 pounds once or twice a year, would like to finally break through this cycle and lose 15-20, and finally achieve my goal weight. Trying very hard to figure out what makes me self sabatoge every time I really start seeing results. Any tips on that? I love working out and have recently started working on running again too! Hope to hear more from all of you! Feel free to send friend requests!
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