Sixers Holiday Challenge-Week 4



  • pdxmomof2
    Awww! Thanks Kristin, I think we all need an uplift sometimes! You have definately given me one today!

    Kristin- Strong! Will always persevere!
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    WELL, dear Kristin, YOU are an amazing motivator, consistent leader, open, honest, encouraging and inspiring!! :flowerforyou:

    Sorry for being a lurker - Ava's Christmas dance show tonight, lots going on... no time to computer!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    Awww! Thanks Kristin, I think we all need an uplift sometimes! You have definately given me one today!

    Kristin- Strong! Will always persevere!

    totally agree with you on her.......:flowerforyou: :drinker:

    thank you kistin.....:flowerforyou:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Thanks Kristen. You are a great example to follow.

    Boy tonight was awful!!! Went to my daughters school tonight to watch my youngest perform Christmas songs and was very disappointed. We sat towards the back so that we could take pics and not be anyone's way. Well, I guess we were the only one's that did that. I could not watch my daughter perform at all because I could not see because everyone was standing in the middle of the aisle filming their children with NO consideration for the other parents who also wanted to watch their kids. :mad: Just like most parents, this was her first time on stage and I'm really pissed that I missed it because of inconsiderate adults who are apparently setting bad examples to their kids. Sorry, I just had to vent. You don't know how mad I am. I even went up front to take pics of her and people were walking in front of me!!! :explode: What the hell happened to condideration for other people? Well, thanks for listening. Hope no one else has to go through that.

    I wish everyone luck in tomorrow's weigh in. I probably gained.

    Good night.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Shanell, that's brutal!! Poor you. So inconsiderate and deeply frustrating! My daughter had a dance show tonight and it would have killed me to miss out :frown:

    Well, this Christmas temptation thing is way more than I bargained for!!! YIKES!! But the good news is that I've had so much practice slipping up and getting back on track that it actually doesn't stress me out ... at all really! Of course staying ON track feels better than falling OFF track but I'm pretty awesome at this when I want to be and I'm not letting 2 rough days turn into three! I recently read someone saying that the "trick" to clean eating is preparation. That couldn't be more true! Without fail, when I am inadequately prepared, I make choices I have to undo. Tomorrow is a high-protein, high veggie day which will help.

    Good night damsels! I hope I get a chance to post more soon, although the closer we get to Christmas the less likely that is I think!! :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Well, I only gained a 1/2 a pound. Not bad. I'm at 209.5 with a total loss of 1.5 lbs. Boy I need to work on this eating thing. My goal is to weigh under 200 by New Years. I still believe it is atainable a little. Hope everyone has a good day. Later, Shanell
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    morin' all..
    i just got back from the gym.....i have a new addiction....the elliptiacal. i was never able to be on one more than 5 mins and that was pushing it. today did 35 and loved it, wanted to do an hour, but, when my foot went numb i knew i had to take a break. so went on the treadmill for about 10 mins and than did my weights.....i will go back tomorrow and do it again i am loving it....
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    :flowerforyou: :heart: Thanks ladies!:heart::flowerforyou: I think a little uplift is good every once and a while!

    Well...I am SO excited to report my weigh in...155.5! I haven't seen these numbers in SOOOOO long! I don't know if I should change my ticker or not...what do you ladies think? I just want to make sure it's going to stick!

    Shanell...sorry to hear about your night last night! How horrible! :flowerforyou:

    Rhiannon...ah yes...the temptations and craziness...tis the season!:wink:

    Cathy...YAY! The elliptical is GREAT! Nicely done!

    Well I have to run to work...a little late this morning! I'll post more later on! Have a good morning!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi again! Wanted to share these pointers! This is from the Hungry Girl Site!

    We are SMACK-DAB in the middle of the holiday season. Here are some survival tips to keep you going...

    1. Stay active! Don't sit on the couch like a slug all day, sucking down candy canes and chocolate Santas. Take a walk. If there's snow, take some kids (young relatives, friends' kids, your own kids) out sledding. Find ways to burn additional calories to make up for the extra chewing you're probably doing.

    2. The big meal(s)... don't overdo it. This is definitely a time of celebration, so you should enjoy yourself. There IS, however, a big difference between "enjoying" and "gorging". Make sure you balance out portions of your favorites with other lighter options. And what do we always say? Eat lots of lean protein and plenty of veggies!

    3. Food gift advice. People LOVE to give edible holiday gifts, whether it's a tin of cookies or a homemade fruitcake. This is nice, but don't feel like you need to eat it ALL. If you're an out-of-town guest, plead "no room in the luggage" and give it away to a pal. If you're at home, have a little party and set out all the goodies people gave you.

    4. Holiday shopping. Mall-crawling can be SO exhausting -- all the people and the lights and the sales and the shoving. Eventually, you're going to get worn out and need to eat. Don't dive into a pile of food court fried rice or some greasy burger. Most malls have a Subway or some kind of sandwich shop. Stick with lean proteins and greens. And go easy on the dressing. Click here (and scroll) for more mall tips.

    5. Drink lots of water! If you don't, you'll likely get cranky, mistake thirst for hunger, and make bad decisions. By drinking a lot of water, you'll be fully hydrated AND you won't feel like you need to eat everything you see.

    6. Leftovers?! They're a joy and a burden, especially if the big meal was at your place. Try to hand off the heavier foods to your guests before they leave. (HG Tip! Stock up on those cheapie disposable containers!) And freeze whatever you have too much of instead of trying to swallow it all before it goes bad.

    7. Watch the calories you drink, party animal. Celebrating is fun, but try and keep your beverages on the lighter side. Eggnog may be a time-honored tradition, but it's also traditionally LOADED with fat and calories. Keep it simple with cocktails made from seltzer or diet soda and a shot of vodka or rum -- skip juice-based drinks and heavy liquors. Check out our Holiday Cocktail Round-Up for a few good drink ideas.

    8. Sneak in swaps wherever you can by bringing a guilt-free option or two for the holiday feast. Make sure your contribution is delicious (otherwise you'll be wildly unpopular) but low enough in fat and calories that you can indulge in it. We suggest a heaping bowl of our Miracle Mashies, our tasty Merry Marinated Veggies, or the perennial classic, Rockin' Lean Bean Casserole. Mmmmm!

    Have an AWESOME and FANTASTIC holiday season!
  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    Hi ladies!!!

    Just a quick check in. I just got up and need to get some breakfast. 152 today, yay!!!! so down 1.2 from Tuesday which might be in part to being sick. I'm feeling a little better but I'm beginning to think this infection is something more. I think it might actually be in my tooth which has happened to me before so we'll see.

    I was supposed to drive home for Christmas today but due to a massive snow and ice storm (Nebraska literally got "Thunder Snow" wish I had been there to see that!) I am going to wait until tomorrow. :frown:

    But that's okay, now i can relax today and clean my apartment before I leave. Have a wonderful day ladies!!! I will post more later. Not sure on a food plan as I haven't gotten groceries since I'm not going to be here so I might be eating out besides oatmeal for breakfast. yikes!!! later!!

  • katyk08
    katyk08 Posts: 302
    Hey all-

    Down 0.4lbs from Tuesday, so Im at 177.2 - hopefully this will stick and then some for next Tuesday!! Only 3.2lbs left to go for this challenge!

    Its getting harder to lose more weight each week..but I am also noticing that 5 and 10lb losses are getting ALOT more noticeable in my body now versus when I was 200+lbs!!! :happy:

    Just did Jillian Micheal's Cardio Kickbox DVD, pretty good- burned 272 cals in 25 min. Im planning to go jogging with a friend this evening then go watch a movie.

    Kristen- Thanks so much for the uplight- you are amazing!! A true leader with compassion, motivation and dedication- my role model :smile: Thanks for the holiday tips as well, they are great! Excellent weigh in today!!

    Amy- Thats about the only good side about being sick lol. I hope you get better soon, and when you head home be VERY careful :) Good job this semester as well!!

    Cathy- I love love love the elliptical! Its fairly low impact as well, so its great for everyone!!! Great job on the increase in endurance!! :drinker:

    Shanell- The .5 gain could be as simple as water retention or slower movement of bowels..I wouldnt worry too much about it, youre doing great!!

    Pedal- Hey lady!! How are you!?!? Hope you are doing well :bigsmile:

    Deb- An A in A&P!! That is fabulous!!! Congrats!!!!!!!!!

    So, I am leaving in a week (early early on the 27th) to go to Rodanthe NC.. I am SOSOSOSOSO excited!! Its going to be great!! There will be plenty of relatives (about 6) that wont mind watching Hales while I go jog on the beach and get some exercise!! I tihnk I will still have internet access, so I can still check in....Im trying to decide if I will pack my scale or not lol.. I may drive myself nuts if I dont..What do you ladies think???

    Well hope everyone has a great day!! Ill check in later!!

    Created by - Online Calorie Counter
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi all,

    I weighed in today at 200.6 so I am hanging around the same as Tue. Not bad considering I have not been keeping to good choices as well as I should. I want to get to my goal of 197. I am putting that number in my head and going to think of it when I make my food choices over the upcoming week.

    We are getting hammered with snow, so I was just out shoveling. I burned 153 calories in 20 minutes, I expected it to be higher. We have about 12" and a very long driveway, so there is still a lot more to shovel.

    Katy, Keep up the good work on the losses. You have done great and with less to lose it will probably come off a little slower now; that is to be expected.:flowerforyou:
    Kristen, love you to. Thanks for all the kind words and the holiday help. They are very good strategies, but easier said than done. This is when it gets really hard for me, but I'm doing better than most other years when it comes to gaining.:happy:
    Pedal, Hi and its nice to know your lurking out there even when your not posting as often. I'm sure we will all come through the holidays better than we have in our past. I can't wait to really go at it in January. :flowerforyou:
    Hope everyone I missed is doing well and has a great holiday:drinker:

    Have a great day!
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls!

    Deb...good idea with thinking of the goal before making food choices! This could definetely help! I may try this myself!

    Katy...nice loss! It does get harder to lose as you have less and less, but you will find you're always do!

    AmyLou...I'm glad you're feeling better!

    Rhiannon...Hello friend! Try and find some time to yourself even though you're so busy! Don't worry about the lack of're not the only one!:wink:

    Well...I just had lunch in the cafeteria here. We were supposed to have a party which was cancelled last minute and I didn't have anything with me, so ended up going to the cafeteria. I don't think I did too bad...but since this is my day off from exercise, I will most likely be over in calories for the day. But it's okay.

    Here's the plan so far:

    One A Day - Womens Multi Vitamin, 1 tablet 0
    Old Orchard - Healthy Balance Pomegranate Cranberry, 8 FL OZ 29
    Quaker - Weight Control Oatmeal Cinnamon, 1 packet 160
    Splenda - Brown Sugar Blend, 1 tsp 16
    Dole - Mandarin Oranges In Light Syrup, 1 Container (113g) 80
    Total breakfast 285

    AM snacks
    Coffee - ground, 2 cup 0
    Nestle Coffee Mate - Coffee Creamer (Sugar Free Vanilla Caramel), 2 tbsp 30
    Kashi Tlc - Soft Baked Ripe Strawberry Cereal Bar, 1 bar (35 mg) 110
    Total AM snacks 140

    Ceres Cafe - Portabello Foccacia Sandwich, 1 sandwich 450
    Carrots - Raw, 1 cup, strips or slices 50
    Diet Coke - Soft Drink, 6 fl. oz. 0
    Total lunch 500

    Afternoon snacks
    Depends...I brought an apple and a Kashi granola bar.

    Not sure but I thawed some chicken so something with chicken...maybe a chicken and rice bake...yum!

    PM snacks
    Again...not sure!

    Total: 925
    Your Daily Goal: 1,200
    Remaining: 275

    I hate the days I don't exercise...I usually eat so much more! But I will survive and going over a little today will be my one day over so it will be fine!

    Well...have a good afternoon ladies! I have a meeting so probably won't be back today. Take care!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    evening everyone......

    i hope everyone has a great weekend....remember if you don't eat a healthy meal, there is always the next meal to make good on. life goes on weather we eat well or not. so why not make the best of each meal and eat a good one.

    i want everyone to get some sort of exercise done this weekend. make that a mini goal. lets see who can eat 6 out of 6 meals healthy this weekend.

    i know this i a very busy week coming up. that means it's even more important to keep your eye on what goes in your mouth. dont' put yourself on the back burner, it won't make things any easier. you will just get upset with yourself and take it out on who ever and it will snowball. if you take care of yourself you will make yourself happy and everyone around you will be smiling along with you.

    that's my speech for the weekend. will need new summer clothes next summer. took down a pair of short today (it's in the high 70s to low 80s here) and by the end of the day i could take them off without unbuttoning them :tongue: . when i put them away for the winter they fit great. better start saving now.

    all by myself for a short time tonight. DH took son to get a new water pump for his car and said he might stop to get me my Christmas gift.:bigsmile: . boy i hope it's not the shirt he said he liked at kmart today. i kept telling him it was tooooo big.

    time to watch what i want on tv.

    check in tomorrow.

    night ladies
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Cathy,

    Thanks for the speech. I liked it. I am very jealous of your weather. It's really 8:44 pm here and the driveway is almost done. We are expecting more snow Saturday night. It is backbreaking work and wears me out. I substitute it for my exercise, but I'd rather be on the tredmill.

    Kristen, Too bad the party was cancelled, but glad to hear you made some good choices anyway.

    So ladies, has anyone else started thinking about the New Year yet and what kind of challenge we will be kicking it off with? I'm really looking forward to that fresh start. It makes me wonder why all the fuss over the holidays when I'm looking forward to the time after the holidays just as much.

    Have a great weekend everyone. I'll be checking in between gift wrapping and snow shoveling.:happy:
  • DebLaf
    DebLaf Posts: 248
    Hi Katy,

    Just noticed the new pics. You look great and have come a long way. You are awesome!!!:happy: :happy: :happy:
  • kistinbee
    kistinbee Posts: 3,688 Member
    Hi girls! I'm bumping this up for Becky!

    So far so good this weekend...but been baking and a little tasting!:grumble: But not too bad...really!

    I'll BBL!
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    omgosh...everyone busy....
    how is everyone doing? i have had 3 out of 6 meals ok so far. haven't done exercise yet. should have done it in the morning yesterday, but was too tired and than i had the girls. today i got to sleep in and now DH is having a meeting with coworkers here at 9:30. waiting for that. i will be in here playing on the computer while they discuss their new routes. maybe do some reprinting of routes.

    weather is getting cold now again. been waiting for that. enjoyed the last week with over 70s, but, just doesn't feel like Christmas. suppose to rain here Christmas and i got one GD2 a bike. she'll ride it in the rain.

    well, off to make sure there is coffee and such. bought breakfast goodies for everyone. i already ate so not to tempted.

  • rlh0614
    rlh0614 Posts: 73 Member
    Hello everyone! I just caught up on all the posts this week.. sorry for not being around extremely busy... Busy eating! I stayed the same this week.. which is a blessing so I'll take it. Hope everyone is ready for xmas!
    Thanks for bumping it up Kristen.
  • PedalHound
    PedalHound Posts: 1,625 Member
    Hi loves! We are here! Our area doesn't get snow every year because it's a rain forest climate but we're under a foot of it right now! The city is shut down :laugh: SO fun!!!!

    I've had a bad 4 days but I'm back on today. I've sort of resigned myself to the fact that this month isn't the best example of what I'm capable of, and it's at least as much good as "bad".

    Hugs to you all! :heart: