Speaking of What Not to Wear...your list



  • ButterflyKristen
    ButterflyKristen Posts: 109 Member
    Pajamas out in public

    Yes!!!!! And those Ugg slippers with the lug soles are SLIPPERS! Don't wear them in public, except MAYBE to take the trash out or grab your mail!
  • Merodie
    Merodie Posts: 21
    bump. LOVIN YOU GUYS!!!!!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    If you feel comfortable in it, wear it.

    If I don't like it, I can look away.

    Thank you! I wear sweatpants damn near all the time because I can not fit into my clothes, nor can I afford to buy new clothes. My clogs were amazingly comfortable when I had them. And I see nothing wrong with leggings as long as the material is thick enough you cant see underware!
  • Jenscan
    Jenscan Posts: 694 Member
    Those cheesy holiday sweaters like what Bill Cosby would wear in the 80s.

    And pretty much everything else previously mentioned.
  • lawdhelpme2
    lawdhelpme2 Posts: 149
    How about too small clothes (muffin top showing), or your pants low ride and we can see your crack.
  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    Let's see...I am no fashionista and this may sound weird but shorts
    I prefer capri pants..something happened after i turned 35-ish and just don't find them flattering
    I might get slack for this one, but sneakers...BIG white tennis shoes if u are NOT going to the gym, work-out etc
    I just prefer boots, sandals...anything
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    Mom jeans! I don't like sneakers with street clothes, only with workout attire!
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    Mom jeans! I don't like sneakers with street clothes, only with workout attire!

    Mom jeans-not so much
  • jbug100
    jbug100 Posts: 406 Member
    For men, a big turn off for me is pleated khakis with white sneakers/tennis shoes.

    For women, the biggest offense for me is an ill fitting bra. This is especially horrific if she is busty.


    So agree with the pleated khakis comment. Even without the sneaks, they aren't attractive. A Doc where I work wore this the other day...I was snickering as he delivered the diagnosis...I'm so professional:)
  • UpEarly
    UpEarly Posts: 2,555 Member
    i wear socks with sandals..... when i'm camping. but pretty much anything goes while camping

    I wear Crocs with socks when I go backpacking! They're so much lighter than any other kind of camp shoe... and with a backpack, every ounce of weight counts. And the socks, well they protect my tender legs from bug bites.

    I always said I would NEVER own Crocs, and kind of joked about people who wore them. But they're just so dang practical! And like you said... in the woods, anything goes. When you can't bathe for a week sometimes, fashion is really the last thing on your mind.

    Other than that... I can't cringe when I see chubby boys in skinny jeans or any guy in jorts (jean shorts).
  • InfamousQ
    InfamousQ Posts: 266 Member
    Pajamas to the gym

    big people including myself in spandex,

    Men wearing women clothes i.e. skinny jeans.

    Women wear pajamas out the house

    Clothes 2 sizes too small that goes for everybody
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    PAJAMA JEANS. Enough said.
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Heavier women in low rise / hip hugger jeans. It looks like a can of biscuits exploded! I'm not even about to attempt that one.
  • mirapaigew
    mirapaigew Posts: 107
    Heavier women in low rise / hip hugger jeans. It looks like a can of biscuits exploded! I'm not even about to attempt that one.

  • ridiculyss
    ridiculyss Posts: 108 Member
    "Whale Tails" ugh, so trashy. A classmate in highschool had her G-string snapped and broken. lol. That's whatcha ask for I suppose!

    When somebody gets a bit excessive with the Ed Hardy stuff. It looks kinda douchey.

    Long sleeves and tiny shorts. It looks oxymoronic. Don't be so bipolar. :tongue:

    I get that they're comfy, but it looks lazy/sloppy/uncool to wear Crocs out in public. lol. Same with PJs! unless you're sick, or got up at the buttcrack of dawn. Just don't go past noon in pjs in public. blah.

    Uggs don't actually go with everything. especially short shorts/skirts. :huh:

    Immensely thick makeup. You look better with none of it! ugh.

    Super thick eyeshadow. That just seems so juvenile to me. and over the top. especially if you do that everyday. lol. what costume party are you going to? It's not necessary!

    Attire that is just generally slutty. Like those super short cut "dresses".

    When you look like you're trying way too hard to be sexy. True sexiness comes naturally, ladies!! It's all in your confidence, not by dressing in an overtly provocative way. Leave something to the imagination!

    Granted, that's just my opinion. I'm lazy about makeup and never wear any if my complexion is decent. I don't see much of a point to it if it's just going to mess with my skin and is going to come off later anyways. and fashion wise I tend to go for the quick and comfy alternatives (jeans and shirt). I manage to do it in a classy-casual way, though. :)
  • ridiculyss
    ridiculyss Posts: 108 Member
    Heavier women in low rise / hip hugger jeans. It looks like a can of biscuits exploded! I'm not even about to attempt that one.


    that too.... o-o

    and saggy jeans in general. especially guys with boxers hanging out. what the hell, boys. (yes, BOYS. Not men.)

    People need to invest in belts more often. :P
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Crocs sandals and flip flops are actually quite cute, don't discount them just because of the big nose clogs. I even have a pair of high wedge croc sandals that I wore on my last cruise.

    I'm sure none of YOU do this but women who are so concerned with getting tops/blouses to cover their belly that they forget about their butt. Big old blouse thing pulled down in front, big butt strech pants in back. Check out the rear view.

    Cargo shorts with pockets so full that a man looks like he has extra hips at mid thigh. Cargo shorts at all actually, would love to burn all of DH's. Worst of all (common here in Florida) cargo shorts, white socks and brown work boots.
  • courtney_love2001
    courtney_love2001 Posts: 1,468 Member
    Heavier women in low rise / hip hugger jeans. It looks like a can of biscuits exploded! I'm not even about to attempt that one.

    Bahahhaahhaah I have never heard that but I am literally sitting here on my couch laughing out loud. Biscuits!
  • Heather75
    Heather75 Posts: 3,386 Member
    Fanny Packs

    If only you knew how that sounded in England

    I know. I know too much...
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