Is a High Carb, Low Fat Diet Better Than High Fat, Low Carb?

I think there is way too much debate for someone like me to know which way is up or down anymore.

High fat, low carb diets like the famous Paleo diet claim to undo the metabolic damage you may have accumulated, fix fatigue, better your moods, all while burning your fat storages because you're eating as much as you want, as long as you stay below a net carb total of 15.

I tried it. I looked less bloated. Mom asked me to stop because she worried I wasn't getting enough nutrition, being a vegetarian on top of it all.

High carb, low fat diets say basically the exact same thing. There's a woman on Youtube who has over 300,000 subscribers, so maybe she's the real deal. She's a raw vegan. Most of her diet consists of fruit, specifically bananas. That makes sense, since her handle is freeleethebananagirl. She's fit. She says her diet will reset your metabolism, jumpstart your mood, and keep you lean. She says most day to day problems can be credited to the western diet and not getting enough carbs.

I'm trying it. I can't afford to eat 30 bananas a day so I eat more veggies than is recommended.

What's a girl supposed to do? I'm 19 years old. I have a goiter and I'm on the borderline for hypothyroidism. I have to take a steroid inhaler for my tracheal disease before doing any exercise harder than a walk. My birth control causes me to retain a lot of water. Both diets claim I can do away with these problems for good but I can't tell which one works and I'm terrified of trying it only to further damage my body.

Does anyone have any experience, success stories, or advice?


  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    edited April 2015
    I think there is way too much debate for someone like me to know which way is up or down anymore.

    High fat, low carb diets like the famous Paleo diet claim to undo the metabolic damage you may have accumulated, fix fatigue, better your moods, all while burning your fat storages because you're eating as much as you want, as long as you stay below a net carb total of 15.

    I tried it. I looked less bloated. Mom asked me to stop because she worried I wasn't getting enough nutrition, being a vegetarian on top of it all.

    High carb, low fat diets say basically the exact same thing. There's a woman on Youtube who has over 300,000 subscribers, so maybe she's the real deal. She's a raw vegan. Most of her diet consists of fruit, specifically bananas. That makes sense, since her handle is freeleethebananagirl. She's fit. She says her diet will reset your metabolism, jumpstart your mood, and keep you lean. She says most day to day problems can be credited to the western diet and not getting enough carbs.

    I'm trying it. I can't afford to eat 30 bananas a day so I eat more veggies than is recommended.

    What's a girl supposed to do? I'm 19 years old. I have a goiter and I'm on the borderline for hypothyroidism. I have to take a steroid inhaler for my tracheal disease before doing any exercise harder than a walk. My birth control causes me to retain a lot of water. Both diets claim I can do away with these problems for good but I can't tell which one works and I'm terrified of trying it only to further damage my body.

    Does anyone have any experience, success stories, or advice?

    Maybe talk to your doctor and not take advice from youtube videos that make outrageous claims
  • jddnw
    jddnw Posts: 319 Member
    Paleo vs raw vegan. Hmmm. They both sound totally inappropriate for you. Have you tried mainstream, balanced nutrition? With your medical issues you really might want to talk to your primary care doctor about getting a referral to a dietitian. In the mean time, maybe ask your mom for some advice on planning balanced meals. Assuming she's got a good head on her shoulders.
  • missiontofitness
    missiontofitness Posts: 4,074 Member
    Freelee is not a registered dietitician, doctor, or nutritionist. She is a Youtube personality promoting a diet that is unsustainable for many. And could be detrimental to the health of people who need to track sugar or carbohydrates for medical reasons. Additionally, her diet promotes eating thousands of calories per day, which can make weight loss difficult unless you are doing the exercise to create a calorie deficit. Basically, you need to be a long distance biker like her, and work out hours per day.
    I wouldn't take anything she says seriously as far as I could throw her.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I think there is way too much debate for someone like me to know which way is up or down anymore.

    High fat, low carb diets like the famous Paleo diet claim to undo the metabolic damage you may have accumulated, fix fatigue, better your moods, all while burning your fat storages because you're eating as much as you want, as long as you stay below a net carb total of 15.

    Sounds kind of unbelievable, doesn't it?

    Also, I know lots of people who sort of do paleo and am interested in it so have read lots of paleo stuff, and there's nothing about carbs under 15. You can do paleo and eat lots of carbs. Not saying you should, just suggesting that this is another sign that you should be skeptical.
    I tried it. I looked less bloated. Mom asked me to stop because she worried I wasn't getting enough nutrition, being a vegetarian on top of it all.

    Yeah, not the best fit with the whole anti dairy and beans and grains thing.
    High carb, low fat diets say basically the exact same thing. There's a woman on Youtube who has over 300,000 subscribers, so maybe she's the real deal. She's a raw vegan. Most of her diet consists of fruit, specifically bananas. That makes sense, since her handle is freeleethebananagirl. She's fit. She says her diet will reset your metabolism, jumpstart your mood, and keep you lean. She says most day to day problems can be credited to the western diet and not getting enough carbs.

    And what's her expertise? That she looks good? (I've never seen her, although because of MFP I've heard of her.) Seems sketchy to me.

    Maybe get nutrition information from more reputable sources? is an okay place to start. Or read one of Marion Nestle's books or something by Michael Pollan, maybe.
    What's a girl supposed to do? I'm 19 years old. I have a goiter and I'm on the borderline for hypothyroidism. I have to take a steroid inhaler for my tracheal disease before doing any exercise harder than a walk. My birth control causes me to retain a lot of water. Both diets claim I can do away with these problems for good but I can't tell which one works and I'm terrified of trying it only to further damage my body.

    Does anyone have any experience, success stories, or advice?

    I'd ask your doctor for a referral to a registered dietician. And not believe extreme claims that sound too good to be true.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    Why don't you eat at a calorie deficit? You don't need a fad plan to lose weight.
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    You're still young, and you're gonna hear loads of crap from people trying, excuse me, MAKING money by preying on people that want to lose weight and they take advantage of them. Dr. Oz comes to mind. Anyways, I'm 42 and the only thing that has worked for me is to eat at a calorie deficit, exercise, and try to eat mostly healthy, but save some room for a couple hundred calories of whatever you crave, if you do. For me, it's a snickers bar, or a pack of chips. This has always worked for me. Calories in, calories out. Good luck on your thyroid issue.
  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Paleo is not LCHF. Most of what you said applies to neither. Can't speak to banana girl, aside from knowing she's clueless. If you want real info on LCHF, go here:

    I'm sure someone else can direct you to a reputable collection of sources for the opposite. All that really matters is that you get enough protein, and then it's entirely up to you if you'd rather have more carbs or fat. The point is you can't take them both low at the same time, because you need fat to survive, and you need one or the other to fill your calorie minimum for the day.
  • maidentl
    maidentl Posts: 3,203 Member
    You're still young, and you're gonna hear loads of crap from people trying, excuse me, MAKING money by preying on people that want to lose weight and they take advantage of them. Dr. Oz comes to mind. Anyways, I'm 42 and the only thing that has worked for me is to eat at a calorie deficit, exercise, and try to eat mostly healthy, but save some room for a couple hundred calories of whatever you crave, if you do. For me, it's a snickers bar, or a pack of chips. This has always worked for me. Calories in, calories out. Good luck on your thyroid issue.

    I agree. I used to drive myself crazy with questions like the title of this thread. I didn't know what to do and I felt bad about everything I ate. Carbs might be bad. Fat might be bad. Meat might be bad. Let go of all of that and try the deficit, it works.

  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    maidentl wrote: »
    You're still young, and you're gonna hear loads of crap from people trying, excuse me, MAKING money by preying on people that want to lose weight and they take advantage of them. Dr. Oz comes to mind. Anyways, I'm 42 and the only thing that has worked for me is to eat at a calorie deficit, exercise, and try to eat mostly healthy, but save some room for a couple hundred calories of whatever you crave, if you do. For me, it's a snickers bar, or a pack of chips. This has always worked for me. Calories in, calories out. Good luck on your thyroid issue.

    I agree. I used to drive myself crazy with questions like the title of this thread. I didn't know what to do and I felt bad about everything I ate. Carbs might be bad. Fat might be bad. Meat might be bad. Let go of all of that and try the deficit, it works.

    I know. I almost had a nervous breakdown because of it. Felt like I wanted to strangle somebody. I finally realized it, and OP, if you're reading this, we've been down that road before and we want to help you and others. Good luck!
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    ^^^ all of this. A normal standard balanced diet while eating at a deficit is ALL you need for weight loss. Seriously, nothing else. My success story is losing 48 lbs while eating a bunch of different foods (and all the foods) at a caloric deficit.

    Also, eating 30 bananas a day comes to 3,150 calories, 810g carbs, 420g sugar (yes, almost a pound), 39g protein, and 93g fibre. This yells sugar-high and constipation to me. It is also outrageously ridiculous and I cannot believe someone is actually advocating this :open_mouth::scream: .
  • rocknlotsofrolls
    rocknlotsofrolls Posts: 418 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    ^^^ all of this. A normal standard balanced diet while eating at a deficit is ALL you need for weight loss. Seriously, nothing else. My success story is losing 48 lbs while eating a bunch of different foods (and all the foods) at a caloric deficit.

    Also, eating 30 bananas a day comes to 3,150 calories, 810g carbs, 420g sugar (yes, almost a pound), 39g protein, and 93g fibre. This yells sugar-high and constipation to me. It is also outrageously ridiculous and I cannot believe someone is actually advocating this :open_mouth::scream: .

    She must think we are monkees!
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    Emilia777 wrote: »
    ^^^ all of this. A normal standard balanced diet while eating at a deficit is ALL you need for weight loss. Seriously, nothing else. My success story is losing 48 lbs while eating a bunch of different foods (and all the foods) at a caloric deficit.

    Also, eating 30 bananas a day comes to 3,150 calories, 810g carbs, 420g sugar (yes, almost a pound), 39g protein, and 93g fibre. This yells sugar-high and constipation to me. It is also outrageously ridiculous and I cannot believe someone is actually advocating this :open_mouth::scream: .

    She must think we are monkees!

    Right?! I’m pretty sure even monkeys have more sense than that. Plus they get a lot of exercise, what with jumping from tree to tree and all :smiley: .
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Don't listen to Freelee.

    I wish people would stop pitting such macro extremes against each other like keto vs. Freelee's version of raw vegan (it's not the only raw vegan approach).

    What's wrong with moderate carb, moderate fat, moderate protein? A nice balanced diet of nourishing foods that you like?
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    So first off....
    High fat, low carb diets like the famous Paleo diet claim to undo the metabolic damage you may have accumulated, fix fatigue, better your moods, all while burning your fat storages because you're eating as much as you want, as long as you stay below a net carb total of 15.

    Paleo is not low carb. It can be, but there is no requirement.


    Oh dear.

    Oh dear oh dear oh dear. :smiley: There's actually a petition out there to shut her down (up?) forever....

    My advice is to first figure out your goals. What specifically are you trying to accomplish, in terms of weight, fitness, body composition, health.

    Everything else will key off of that.

  • PaulaWallaDingDong
    PaulaWallaDingDong Posts: 4,641 Member
    edited April 2015
    Stuff like this is why I could never get motivated to lose weight until this year. What diet should I be on? They all sound pretty unpleasant, and for every goofy news article touting a diet, there is one striking it down. How many tens of hours per day need to be spent at the gym? But I'll gain muscle, and therefore weight, according to everyone who thinks they know what they're talking about. So, scratch that idea, too.

    It turned out that the best diet for me was the "put down the fork" diet led by MyFitnessPal (which is not without its detractors, but hey, it works).

    Edit: Also, the stuff about talking to your doctor to address your health problems and how they relate to dieting.
  • cosmo_momo
    cosmo_momo Posts: 173 Member
    why don't you just tumblr_inline_nft7c0KyJ01rjic88.jpg while maintaining a calorie deficit :)
  • teaflowermfp
    teaflowermfp Posts: 5 Member
    SORRY GUYS! I meant to say "Keto" instead of "Paleo". And thank you to those of you who are giving me support. The one thing the keto advocaters and freelee both really, really stress is that eating at a calorie deficit is terrible and by following their diets you can eat as much as you want, and you should. It's a bit like fear mongering, they terrify you into thinking a typical western diet is the cause of all your problems. I guess I've been overthinking dieting
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    There is nothing legit about Banana Girl. There is a lot of legit behind HFLC, particularly if you have certain medical/metabolic issues. That said, you can't just eat whatever you energy deficit is still required to lose weight. Also, low carbing isn't necessary to lose's simply a means to an end.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    freelea is an idiot, do not listen to anything she says
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,239 Member
    Neither is preferable, you would likely be served better by making sure you eat at a moderate calorie deficit by carefully measuring and logging your food.