why are we doing this?



  • kdz526
    kdz526 Posts: 210 Member
    Cause I am pushing 40. I remember after my first was born when I was 29, I joined the gym and got a session to lay out a work out program, and then...slacked off. I had thought to myself that I should lose weight before I turn 30. Now almost 10 years have passed and I did part of the journey 2 years ago, and then slacked. I wish to finish before I turn 40 in a smidge over a year. I am done having kids, they are all old enough that i can now concentrate a bit more on myself and I think I shall make it happen. I was always the fat friend, now I am more the chubby friend and would like to just be the normal friend (if that makes sense).
  • Zombella
    Zombella Posts: 490 Member
    I've been trying to lose weight for most of my life, but never truly doing my best. It, at first, was because I wanted to be happy with my body and look good wearing whatever I wanted to. Now, it is mainly for health reasons, but also so I can have my family be healthy, and a little bit so that I can look good too.
  • scookbey
    scookbey Posts: 84 Member
    edited April 2015
    I want to look better, get out of the obese BMI, look and feel good and maintain the attention of my loverboy :)..also, I wouldn't mind being that girl that runs on the beach and looks good doing it!

    Oh! && I want to fit into my old jeans!!!
  • DeannaCoersCarter
    DeannaCoersCarter Posts: 62 Member
    I really want to know who healthy Deanna is. I've never known her.
  • serasmommy
    serasmommy Posts: 61 Member
    One day I stopped by the school for whatever reason, I just cannot remember. Later on my daughter told me that she was teased because her mom is fat.
  • MonicaSmith98
    MonicaSmith98 Posts: 66 Member
    edited April 2015
    I want to feel better and have more energy. I am tired of trying to find clothes I can wear that I don't look pregnant in. People at work were asking if I was pregnant. I was just tired of being fat.
  • Babykeys32
    Babykeys32 Posts: 36 Member
    Wow....I love all your replies. It's so motivational to me to read them all and it reminds me why I'm here and all the many many positive reasons why we are putting in the effort. Thanks everyone...keep em coming!! Xxx
  • sahead710
    sahead710 Posts: 74 Member
    Well, I've gained and lost the same 20 lbs for years, but this time around is different. For me it started when I changed jobs, I went from a job where I worked on my feet and was absolutely miserable (probably partially because I was overweight and unhealthy) to a whole new job sitting at a desk with substantially less stress. I found that the first week I was so uncomfortable sitting down, my stomach hung over my too tight pants, and, not used to sitting all day, in two weeks I gained 8 more lbs on top of my substantial girth, I never felt good I wasn't sleeping well I had all kinds of aches and pains and my favorite thing to do was just sit on the couch and snack which obviously didn't help anything. I ended up buying bigger pants to be comfortable and started walking in the hopes of maybe keeping more lbs from piling on. after a few months I moved in with my dad, together we watched several health and fitness documentaries which really changed my outlook and motivated us both. he has been my frequent gym and walking partner for 6 months, I have not lost much weight but I have gained a lot of muscle and i am much more comfortable in my skin (although there is a long way still to go) not so much muffin top over my jeans now, they're getting too big! :)
  • nicola8989
    nicola8989 Posts: 381 Member
    1. I hate being fat - I just hate it
    2. I want to prove everyone who called me fat wrong - esp. my ex and mum
    3. I want to start a family in the next few years and I want to be healthy for them
    4. But my biggest reason for starting this time around is that my OH said he is worried about my health and wants us to live a long happy life together. That was a massive kick for me
  • ljones27uk
    ljones27uk Posts: 177 Member
    I was fed up of being tired all the time, and ultimately felt that getting progressively more and more overweight was not helping. Ive got two young children and I wanted to set a good example to them, plus give myself the best chance of being around for as long as possible to meet the grandchildren (and great grandchildren), assuming they have them of course. Now Ive dropped 40lbs and gotten into much better shape, its by far and away the best decision I ever made.. I just wish I had done it sooner...
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    I've always been an avid walker and enjoyed having a certain level of fitness, even when overweight. I don't drive so would be walking miles each day and loved it... then I slipped on ice and injured my back, and found out that I was in the early stages of pregnancy to boot. Other health issues arose during pregnancy too and by the time I had my baby I needed two sticks to walk and was often housebound. I spent her first year of life mostly unable to leave our flat. Gradually thanks to physiotherapy I began to move around more, and go outside, but by then I was really unfit and got tired easily.
    It wasn't until she was 3 1/2 years old that I felt that I could really start to push to get back to the level of fitness I had before, joined a gym and eventually started lifting. That was a year ago now and I haven't looked back. I feel amazing, and very rarely have any issues with my back or tendonitis now due to increased strength and flexibility. I never want to feel trapped by my own body again, and love knowing that I'm healthy and strong enough to play with my daughter. I love that she's growing up seeing me enjoying exercise and often wants to join in.
  • dearmrsowl
    dearmrsowl Posts: 151 Member
    I was tired of standing in front of the mirror with tears in my eyes because I didn't like what I saw. I was (am) unhappy in general with a lot of anxiety and depression. I realized that taking care of myself helps with all of this and so even when I have days when I just can't leave the house I can at least work out at home, cook a healthy meal and feel like I accomplished something.
  • rebbajay
    rebbajay Posts: 10 Member
    I've tried so many times before. Turning 40 this summer has been the best motivation!
  • 2BaNewMe2
    2BaNewMe2 Posts: 102 Member
    I am doing this to get healthy, have more energy (to keep up with hubby), and stop "having" to shop at specialty stores for my clothes because regular retail stores don't carry ones that will fit.

    I need to lose half of me, so I know this is going to be a long journey, but I can and will do this.
  • girlschmoopie
    girlschmoopie Posts: 140 Member
    I never allow myself to gain more than 10# (outside of pregnancy). I am back here because I wasn't careful about my eating when an injury sidelined my exercise and I gained 10#. It is my point of action. I don't mind a small fluctuation of weight depending on the time of year (holidays, birthdays, training for athletic events, etc.) but I feel like I can control my healthy weight better long term, if I take serious action (logging food, or getting more active if my schedule has caused me to skip working out) when I reach that 10# gain.
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    I want to be able to play with my Grandchildren, and to see them grow up. I have heart and kidney issues that need help. And like everyone else, I hate being fat. Period.
  • Michellelynn219
    Michellelynn219 Posts: 62 Member
    I am getting in shape mainly for health reasons. Also at age 47 with two small children I want to have energy for them and live a long & healthy life. I know that sounds cliche but I keep telling my husband that if he wants to be around to see grandchildren he better start thinking about his health too, it is a real concern to me. I want to live the best life I can.
  • shrinkingletters
    shrinkingletters Posts: 1,008 Member
    Losing weight is sort of an accessory to my actual goal, which is to feel as close as I can to when I was at the top of my game. About six years ago I was running 40-50mpw and strength training 3-4 times per week. I'm 5'4 and was about 132lbs but 20% bf and I felt KILLER.

    I lost my confidence after a few deaths in the family, a family member's drug addiction, sudden unemployment and an abusive relationship with a chef (of all things, right? a chef?).

    Anyway, I've only gained about 15lbs but my fitness was totally shot and my confidence was definitely out the window, and then I found a pair of tiny running shorts I wore to my last half-marathon while doing some spring cleaning. Seeing those and knowing I couldn't get myself into those without being extremely uncomfortable was the last straw.

    FWIW, I'm about a month in, and while I don't know if I've lost any considerable amount of weight (I haven't weighed myself in about three weeks), my clothes is fitting better and my energy is up.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,874 Member
    edited April 2015
    I didn't start out trying to lose weight...I started out just wanting to be healthier and using nutrition and exercise to reverse some health issues and bad blood work. Losing 40 Lbs was just an awesome bi-product of living a healthier lifestyle, but it wasn't really my overarching goal.

    Knowing I'm treating my body right and doing everything I can to ensure I'm around to watch my boys become men is all the motivation I need.
  • ginny92802
    ginny92802 Posts: 66 Member
    The initial reason was that I have some medical issues not related to weight that require me to go to a doctor every 6 months and I just got tired of hearing it every time. But now I'm in it for overall health, looking and feeling better, and just the sense of accomplishment.